• Gaming
  • Dota2 Overwatch penalty?

Hello experienced gamers,

Anyone knows how can i find why i'm banned on dota2?

I haven't played online games in so many years. So Couple of days ago, I decided to download steam and check whatever games I can play. I found dota2 (never played dota before), and BAM few games later I'm banned for several hours, and I have no idea why! I didn't disconnect from any game and didn't even talk to anyone.

I tried googling but really didn't find anything helpful in my case. Last game I played was unranked turbo if that helps in any way.

How does that ban thing work? Can i see why i was banned?

Maybe your account has been hacked and someone was playing with it using scripts and stuff and got reported check recent games.
Doesn't seem like it was recently hacked, there's nothing in the history except the game i played in the morning. My steam account is over 15 years old.

Someone in the chat mentioned that someone probably reported me for dying a lot, WTF is that stupid rule, how is someone supposed to learn how to play the game. Anyway, doesn't matter much. I'll move on to something else.
Overwatch bans are 4 hours only. If you can queue then you are not banned anymore.
Yep yep, i can queue again, it's just weird I got banned, I didn't do anything and still don't know why it happened

anyway all is good. Thanks guys.