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  • Lebanese lira to USD exchange

i was just in Istanbul , the rates Tech guru is talking about are not correct .. i checked 8 different places .. also Turkey is controlling the dollar exiting the state .. they are not dumb
duke-of-bytes wrotei was just in Istanbul , the rates Tech guru is talking about are not correct .. i checked 8 different places .. also Turkey is controlling the dollar exiting the state .. they are not dumb
I hope you smelled the sarcasm in our replies to his imaginary story. Turkish exchange offices knew about the blackmarket rate before we even do.
Kareem wrote
I hope you smelled the sarcasm in our replies to his imaginary story. Turkish exchange offices knew about the blackmarket rate before we even do.
I admit I had fallen for that story for a little while especially after another confirmation (check below)
chosen2k wroteRate is 1495 in Turkey. People are shoving money down their pants and going there.
Guitaret wrote
Kareem wrote
I hope you smelled the sarcasm in our replies to his imaginary story. Turkish exchange offices knew about the blackmarket rate before we even do.
I admit I had fallen for that story for a little while especially after another confirmation (check below)
chosen2k wroteRate is 1495 in Turkey. People are shoving money down their pants and going there.
I guess that was the beginning of the sarcasm ^-^
BTW Bank Byblos debit card (USD) - last week you could withdraw up to the daily limit (1000 USD) in France. In Euros.
I have a debit card linked to an LBP account.
Until yesterday, I had no clue that I could have used the card for online purchases.
I was so excited that I cna purchase USD online with a LBP account linked debit card with the official exchange rate.
But I was disappointed when I found out that I can only spend 100$ MONTHLY in my case.
rolf wroteBTW Bank Byblos debit card (USD) - last week you could withdraw up to the daily limit (1000 USD) in France. In Euros.
And btw, Middle east airlines are taking LBP @ 1507.5 LL I just booked a flight.
It's high season! You must be desperate.
But anyway it's worth it, have a nice trip. Keep in mind that there is an open ended strike of public tranportation in France, so if you are going to Paris, you will feel right at home with the traffic jams and chaos.
rolf wroteIt's high season! You must be desperate.
But anyway it's worth it, have a nice trip. Keep in mind that there is an open ended strike of public tranportation in France, so if you are going to Paris, you will feel right at home with the traffic jams and chaos.
Thanks Rolf, nothing but good news in the last 2 months. Paris is always very crowded and I spend most of my time on the road at peak hours. I'm gonna read more about the strike online.
Kareem wrote Thanks Rolf, nothing but good news in the last 2 months. Paris is always very crowded and I spend most of my time on the road at peak hours. I'm gonna read more about the strike online.
Well either you have a high budget for Uber and Taxis, or you dress up warm, including gloves, beanie, parka, rent a bike and get ready to develop some serious thigh muscles.

Still a great experience, I hope you will have a good time.
Sold it @ 1970LL today.

FYI, Dollar in Dubai is selling for 3200LL right now
rolf wrote
Kareem wrote Thanks Rolf, nothing but good news in the last 2 months. Paris is always very crowded and I spend most of my time on the road at peak hours. I'm gonna read more about the strike online.
Well either you have a high budget for Uber and Taxis, or you dress up warm, including gloves, beanie, parka, rent a bike and get ready to develop some serious thigh muscles.

Still a great experience, I hope you will have a good time.
I'm using lime, the scooter app. Very affordable and fun yet convenient. I also take uber for long rides. I'm still fighting with the bank to increase the international limit. I got the approval but the process is lost somewhere.
I think that we earned our right for an official to come up in public and say it to our faces: The USD is not worth 1500LL anymore. I cannot tolerate the volatility in the prices anymore. I am afraid to pay for anything right now since I am not sure how much his/her USD is worth. Even a Syrian electrician yesterday did ask me to get paid for his work in USD so he can send it to his family abroad.
Not knowing the price to expect feels worse that an actual announcement that 1USD = 10,000LL.
That's normal, a friend of mine was in Spain last year. He paid 400.000 LBP for 100 euros at a local exchange. LBP is not a wanted currency abroad and the demand is practically non existant. That doesn't mean something gonna happen and the official rates are gonna jump 20 times forward.
Guitaret wrote
I think that we earned our right for an official to come up in public and say it to our faces: The USD is not worth 1500LL anymore. I cannot tolerate the volatility in the prices anymore. I am afraid to pay for anything right now since I am not sure how much his/her USD is worth. Even a Syrian electrician yesterday did ask me to get paid for his work in USD so he can send it to his family abroad.
Not knowing the price to expect feels worse that an actual announcement that 1USD = 10,000LL.
Iran living in such hanged state for years, as some other countries, it is matter of adapting.
All who does local things(service jobs) should accept LL or go away, doesnt matter where they send this money. There is lot of electricians who does job.
I'm foreigner, but i never open subject to be paid in USD, because it will be unfair and insult to my Lebanese comrades.
vengeance666 wroteThat's normal, a friend of mine was in Spain last year. He paid 400.000 LBP for 100 euros at a local exchange.
It is a miracle that he was able to exchange LBP at all. I lived in Europe for years and learned very quickly to forget about LBP.

In Turkey and other closer countries (Jordan? Syria?) the situation is probably better.
If you tell people in the US that 1 dollar can buy 1500 of your currency, they will laugh at you. It has happened to me before. I had friends in Bedford, Ma.
Admittedly, they don't understand that the purchasing capability of the LL is crap but that's another issue.

Now imagine if the LL is worth even less that 1500, like the current 2000LL or even 3000LL per dollar. No one will want a LL outside the country. You'll be lucky if you can get a single dollar for 100,000LL.

The correct way to fix this is to find a way to fix the economy to increase the value of the LL to under 1000LL per dollar.
Not going to happen with the mount Olympus politicians we have though.

Actually I was just thinking of something. This exchange office name is Global exchange Istanbul....

So If I actually have dollar, can I buy LBP ? Ironically it's possible.

25,000 TRY is the maximum allowed per transaction. Now 25k TRY is roughly 4300 USD; rate is 2700+

Quite interesting to be honest.