You need to contact support and the person you are paying money to, and explain that you did all the tests and noticed latency issues on this hop. Also try to ping (thats DNS server).
Be sure to run ping to your router IP at the same time (2 visually visible windows on screenshot), and you should visually show that the ping to your router is OK and stable, but not to and Try to run ping different sizes, default and then 1000 bytes packets.
Unfortunately i am not sure whats next, (this applies not only to THGV), now because of the lira exchange rate, the per user operator's profit and the salaries of telecom employees have fallen so low, that i cannot even ask anybody to work on reliability issues. I have a feeling that if the salary situation does not change, soon there will be no one to support the internet in Lebanon.
If the problem is not fundamentally difficult and you are polite enough, i think you can be convince someone in THGV to solve it. Just keep asking.
Unfortunately I don't have access and information about the end-user / access network to help. But when you have screenshot and all results, send me in PM with username, i will send to our internal chat.
Be sure to run ping to your router IP at the same time (2 visually visible windows on screenshot), and you should visually show that the ping to your router is OK and stable, but not to and Try to run ping different sizes, default and then 1000 bytes packets.
Unfortunately i am not sure whats next, (this applies not only to THGV), now because of the lira exchange rate, the per user operator's profit and the salaries of telecom employees have fallen so low, that i cannot even ask anybody to work on reliability issues. I have a feeling that if the salary situation does not change, soon there will be no one to support the internet in Lebanon.
If the problem is not fundamentally difficult and you are polite enough, i think you can be convince someone in THGV to solve it. Just keep asking.
Unfortunately I don't have access and information about the end-user / access network to help. But when you have screenshot and all results, send me in PM with username, i will send to our internal chat.