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  • Non-pirate CD's from less than popular bands in Lebanon

I prefer to listen to smaller bands and some older bigger ones that have stood the test of time and collect CD's because I like to have a collection of 'em. So far the only place I can think of is Virgin Megastores, but their prices are blown out of the real value of the CD(I checked Discogs,its basically like eBay but only for music and you do have options other than PayPal depending on the seller). So I wonder if someone knows any place that sells such CD's locally as I don't have a credit card(still 15, soooo...)
I should mention that I want to buy original CD's because I like to have a collection of physical media which is why pirate media is pointless.(Kinda like vinyl records, except you can actually find some that sound comparable to what they sounded like initially in the 90's and 80's)
EDIT: Thanks for the info about prepaid cards, wish I knew about that earlier.
Don't know of any here, but if your parents or older siblings are willing to give you a shot, you can get a mini visa card from blom and you can be responsible for charging it. It is $8 a year and you can personally charge it by going to an ATM (cost $1 to recharge).

As for music, I gravitate towards soundcloud and find a bunch of groups on there which I wouldn't find elsewhere and the search engine allows you to find like groups and you can listen to them for free (mostly) and legally. You can even make a playlist playing nothing but those songs you like. I think there is a download option, but really haven't looked for it or had a need to use it.
I don't really buy or use CDs anymore.
rolf wroteI don't really buy or use CDs anymore.
I've been in the audio "lossless" topic for a month now, collecting information about audio equipement and buying some. To be honest I listened to a couple of flac (lossless files) that claim to have same quality as CD recording, and I didn't even feel a slight difference with mp3. Perhaps my device is not capable I don't know, perhaps I'll invest in a good player in the future, there's a whole market emerging for that.
TLDR: Some people claim CDs have better quality than circulating mp3(formerly considered the pirated format for audio- compressed and portable). It's debatable.

on topic: Get the card, I have one. Took an hour to apply for it. You can get it the next day. Make the merchanr don't charge a lot for shipping though, like amazon. And oh You won't be able to buy from ebay with the card.
It depends on what MP3 bitrate. Highest quality MP3 is not worse than CD quality, I believe, I won't be able to tell the difference anyway..
I listen to streaming services such as soundcloud. It's not CD quality but it's good enough for me.
I like the variety, plus I don't have the problem of managing a buch of CDs.
You probably won't notice the difference for anything above 192kbps on a constant bitrate or V0 on a variable one. Audio nerds call this transparency (the inability to distinguish a compressed version from an uncompressed one). If you think your ears are special (or your equipment is), try doing an ABX test to determine your own cutoff point.
4 days later
Your best shot is a prepaid card and buying them online.
Offtopic though, compact discs are a totally dead format so I suggest you move on ;)