• Hardware
  • Raspberry Pi zero, from a supplier that allows cash on delivery, board

I got an aurduino uno clone from kataranji today at the BIEL book exhibition( only the board), my only wish is that if they had raspberry pi zeros, the spokesman there said that he doesn't know if there are any at their main store and now, checking their website they only have raspberry pi 3 boards/kits and banana/orange pi's, I also checked cnclablb.com and they have pi zero kit from sparkfun but at almost double the price.wtf, I understand we live in lebanon but this is unacceptable for a single board board computer that costs about 10 usd and a mini hdmi to full hdmi for 5$ and usb otg for 3$ and a decent microusb power supply for around 8$ and a 16g microsd card with NOOBS on it for 25$
And up to 50% extra because lebanon
See if you can find it on maplin.co.uk
I'm going there tomorrow and can get you one.
Well I found a pi zero w kit, apparently cheaper than the one on sparkfun and contains some RGB(blinkt led strip), now how are you going to send it to me, I'm going to send the money via omt or whatever you use
I'm coming to Leb.
Let me know the link or exact model, I'm going now!
How is this cheaper? you know this is in UK pounds and not in US$ or Euros.
because it has an rgb led strip, and a nice case to go with it and a micro sdcard that has raspbian as well as the minimum requirements to use it like a normal linux based pc( minus mouse an keyboard, I have a pc anyways )
They don't have pi Zero in the shop I went to, I asked, only Pi 2 kit and Pi 3.
I am back now.
However, on the site, it says they have 1 in stock in Putney, which is close to where I am staying, so I might have the time to go tomorrow before my flight, which is in the afternoon. I can't promise, though!
Can you confirm that you want me to buy that? You can reimburse me when you're in Lebanon! (please don't change your mind after you ask me to buy it!).
The price is equivalent to $46.
Thank you, I want it, but I may not be able to send the money at once , guess it sucks when you want something but you realize that you are a teenager and money can't be available when you want it