wollyka wrote
Kareem wrote
Did you know that people aren't accepting USD cheques anymore ever since they announced the new rules few days ago?
What new rules in specific? Every day, there are new circulars and regulations.
As far as i know, If you want to pay in USD checks and if the seller accepts it, prices automatically increase by 40% at least for the same item!
Yes that's because banks are no longer giving dollars. Not a cent. If you want your money take them at 2600 LL per dollar. That's already almost 30% lower than the black market.

So what's the use of usd cheques? Literally nothing.

I was about to make a payment for a refrigerator few days before the lockdown 50/50 cash-cheque.

They informed me on Friday that payment by cheque is no longer an option.
Kareem wrote
ivy wrote
Kareem wrote
No you missed the joke. You think you can go to Western Union, give them LBP and they will send it to you internationally in USD ? I mean are you serious or maybe you missed the whole point of the thread... ?
You're really not understanding are you.
They're not sending it as USD, they're forwarding the money to their bank account.
Maybe if you'd focus on actual due diligence it'd benefit everyone.

Is that clear or should rephrase?

Even if it's the case through some magic, it would be totally dumb to exchange LBP outside Lebanon.

And pardon me but maybe you're the only one here betting on them being legit yet you provide false or irrelevant arguments.

Again, I'm not flaming whatsoever but I'm raging. I've running a business in the last few years and have more than $4M USD stuck in my f****ng corporate account. You think I'm alone? You think there's a real way to trade @ 1515 LBP? name me one? Yeah Libazon.

Did you know that people aren't accepting USD cheques anymore ever since they announced the new rules few days ago?

Did you know that Xanax has been out of stock since a week because obviously people aren't sleeping from anxiety?

And then this BS tells you 3 days return policy no question asked... Really? Even on Amazon you can't return everything you want. Mobile phones for example can't be returned once it's open unless DOA.

The only explanation I have right now is that they will take your 3,000,000LBP convert them to USD.... wait a month, tell you that you product couldn't arrive on time, They will exchange the USD @ 3500 because obviously it's skyrocketing, make 20% profit without doing anything.
I understand your frustration but I need to be clear here, I'm not betting they're legit as much as I'm avoiding circlejerking them.
I'm only theorizing how they're taking away their payment and so far I understood that using bankmed's secure pay, is basically using asiapay or paydollar.com as their payment gateway.
What does that mean? If you go onto paydollar.com, you'll find bankmed as their client as well as huge banks such as citibank and Barclays and etc.. and paydollar.com supports over 120+ currencies and the lebanese lira is on there.
I'm not saying that's how they're processing their payments as such and that might explain why they accept these payments.
Kareem wrote
wollyka wrote
Kareem wrote
Did you know that people aren't accepting USD cheques anymore ever since they announced the new rules few days ago?
What new rules in specific? Every day, there are new circulars and regulations.
As far as i know, If you want to pay in USD checks and if the seller accepts it, prices automatically increase by 40% at least for the same item!
Yes that's because banks are no longer giving dollars. Not a cent. If you want your money take them at 2600 LL per dollar. That's already almost 30% lower than the black market.

So what's the use of usd cheques? Literally nothing.

I was about to make a payment for a refrigerator few days before the lockdown 50/50 cash-cheque.

They informed me on Friday that payment by cheque is no longer an option.
What's killing me is that Riad salame gave millions of $ last week to the exchange dudes instead of giving them to the banks and let people breathe a little, this corrupt guy must resign even before politicians
infiniteloop wrote
Kareem wrote
wollyka wrote
What new rules in specific? Every day, there are new circulars and regulations.
As far as i know, If you want to pay in USD checks and if the seller accepts it, prices automatically increase by 40% at least for the same item!
Yes that's because banks are no longer giving dollars. Not a cent. If you want your money take them at 2600 LL per dollar. That's already almost 30% lower than the black market.

So what's the use of usd cheques? Literally nothing.

I was about to make a payment for a refrigerator few days before the lockdown 50/50 cash-cheque.

They informed me on Friday that payment by cheque is no longer an option.
What's killing me is that Riad salame gave millions of $ last week to the exchange dudes instead of giving them to the banks and let people breathe a little, this corrupt guy must resign even before politicians
Bro, I literally don't believe anything anymore in this country. We're dealing with a world-class mafia. They know what they're doing, we know what they're doing yet we can't do shit.

They're are going to release all the thieves from prison as if we really need this just to score some points.

We're drifting offtopic but when T-Gargour won't accept anything lower than 3000LL/USD, trust me no legal business will.
I just spent half an hour speaking in whatsapp call with an employee of Libazon.
She was very nice and was very straight forward with every procedure they take and was very direct to every question that I had for her.

I recommended her to create an account here on Lebgeeks and answer any questions of the community.

She said she would create an account right away.

Let's wait for her.
11 days later
Did anyone end up trying their services? I am so tempted to bite the bullet their prices doesn't make sense and very appealing. Like an iphone se 2020 for 1 000 000LL when convert at 4000 it s like 250$.
I still find it very hard for a company that's "scamming people" to daily design and post on Instagram and Facebook and have their company registered as a S.A.R.L company and having a running phone line etc..
ivy wroteI still find it very hard for a company that's "scamming people" to daily design and post on Instagram and Facebook and have their company registered as a S.A.R.L company and having a running phone line etc..
If it s a profitable scam i don t see why not put in the effort.
In a small country as ours, running a scam for 3 years without anyone talking about it is unheard of
ivy wroteI still find it very hard for a company that's "scamming people" to daily design and post on Instagram and Facebook and have their company registered as a S.A.R.L company and having a running phone line etc..

Thats funny

Banks are SAL and they are still a scam. This all country is a scam

The only way to tell is by trying them
I know three of my friends pulled the trigger and ordered from them. The orders are big , one of them is 3 million LBP for three computer cases. Waiting for them to feedback me with their experience and testimony.

After thorough investigation , the company has an Office in Chuf. They are registered with NSSF and the ministry of finance. They do have a collaboration with OMT and Bank Med. OMT and BankMed usually don't collaborate with fraud and suspicious activities. They do have a rigorous system of due diligence they follow before signing a deal of collaboration.

I already communicated with the Company director on LinkedIn. I asked her several questions:

I just made an order for 340 000 LL . I will give you additional details once everything is in order and keep you updated. Wish me luck lol
bobo619 wroteI just made an order for 340 000 LL . I will give you additional details once everything is in order and keep you updated. Wish me luck lol
Tech Guru wroteI know three of my friends pulled the trigger and ordered from them. The orders are big , one of them is 3 million LBP for three computer cases. Waiting for them to feedback me with their experience and testimony.

After thorough investigation , the company has an Office in Chuf. They are registered with NSSF and the ministry of finance. They do have a collaboration with OMT and Bank Med. OMT and BankMed usually don't collaborate with fraud and suspicious activities. They do have a rigorous system of due diligence they follow before signing a deal of collaboration.

I already communicated with the Company director on LinkedIn. I asked her several questions:

Thank you!
Here are feedbacks from some of my friends who ordered from Libazon. One of them crossed investigate with Aramex. More to come , which I will keep you updated. Most certainly from all the investigation I have done and collected feedbacks, I am inclined towards Libazone not being scam or fraud company.

Thank you for your due diligence. I might take the plunge next week.
Tech Guru wroteI know three of my friends pulled the trigger and ordered from them. The orders are big , one of them is 3 million LBP for three computer cases. Waiting for them to feedback me with their experience and testimony.

After thorough investigation , the company has an Office in Chuf. They are registered with NSSF and the ministry of finance. They do have a collaboration with OMT and Bank Med. OMT and BankMed usually don't collaborate with fraud and suspicious activities. They do have a rigorous system of due diligence they follow before signing a deal of collaboration.

I already communicated with the Company director on LinkedIn. I asked her several questions:

dont you think they'll actually ship the order since everyone is watching and waiting now? it was better not to speak to them and see if they come clean.
Dan28 wrote
Tech Guru wroteI know three of my friends pulled the trigger and ordered from them. The orders are big , one of them is 3 million LBP for three computer cases. Waiting for them to feedback me with their experience and testimony.

After thorough investigation , the company has an Office in Chuf. They are registered with NSSF and the ministry of finance. They do have a collaboration with OMT and Bank Med. OMT and BankMed usually don't collaborate with fraud and suspicious activities. They do have a rigorous system of due diligence they follow before signing a deal of collaboration.

I already communicated with the Company director on LinkedIn. I asked her several questions:

dont you think they'll actually ship the order since everyone is watching and waiting now? it was better not to speak to them and see if they come clean.

I put them under pressure and spread a buzz on my facebook group that they are suspicious. In this way , I wanted to know their reaction and how they will defend themselves. Many called me from their behalf and they actually provided me with their legal registration attestations. I do not think a company making frauds transactions disclose their employees names , show legal registration papers , defend themselves etc..

Iam not defending them , but I took a holistic approach in my due diligence against them. I work in AML /Fraud and I am a consultant to BDL. My overall impression was positive towards them.
quick question when you order an item from libazon. The price you will pay is overall everything ? there is no hidden fees when the item arrives to my door step ?