I do not think these are real dedicated connection, in other words. If you are being sold 1mbps it is most probably not reserved for you only but shared with others, although the sharing ratio would be better then regular connections.
I cannot be sure of the above. So maybe ask more details?
If what I said is true - if these are not dedicated in the strict technical term, but just marketed as such, then I would just stay away from such people, if I'm paying $100/month I would demand to deal with someone who uses correct and honest terminology, not sloppy marketing.
Your circumstances might vary so maybe it is good for you.
$100 below Ogero prices for ISPs, so with cost of last mile definitely it will be shared.
nuclearcat wrote$100 below Ogero prices for ISPs, so with cost of last mile definitely it will be shared.
I thought the same but was thinking, maybe with satellite, it could be possible?
No, satellite this days more expensive than Ogero. I doubt any ISP in Lebanon still use them.
But now i remembered, they might get such price if they calculate traffic savings by CDN, if they have them, then this can be real, but almost no profit for them.
Hey, Actually I stated that the cost is OVER $100 USD / Meg, not 100 if that makes a difference.

To be clear what I'm being proposed now is 2M Symmetrical with prices ranging from 225 to 260 / month over microwave (initial setup fee is ±300 USD)

They are promising a fully dedicated connection with no quota. the price fluctuates according to the DSP I'll use.

I've heard the following names in term of DSP:
- Pesco
- Cedarcom
- Mada

Do you think it's still not legit offers I'm receiving ?

@ewj Dedicated connections are legit if taken from certain ISPs. In my previous work, we subscribed to a dedicated connection with Cyberia. We had dedicated 4Mb/s line and yes we get all 4Mb/s. But had issues with the DSP GDS. Stay away from them and their shit. Go with Cable1 or Pesco; their service is beautiful.

Microwave is expensive. Can you ask them if you can have dedicated Internet over DSL line? It should be much cheaper and you'd still benefit from the true dedicated link with unlimited bandwidth (and a public IP).

Cost wise I can't tell. We used to pay 1700$ per month for 4Mb/s several years back. Should be much much cheaper now.
Thanks for the answer, It's not the first time I hear that Pesco is a great DSP and I have an offer from Wise with this DSP... I think I'll go with it.

and indeed it is way cheaper now.. plus prices are expected to drop again.

I think the problem of the dedicated line of DSL is that the speed will be kind of limited, they could only guarantee 2Mb/s per line Symetric and could go higher on DL but would cap the UL at 2Mb/s per line. Eventhough we are starting with 2Mb/s now the plan would be to increase the speed if all looks good.

Ogero suggested something called EFM (kind of bonding from the DSLAM directly) but the setup cost is really prohibitive (around 2 to 3 thousands of dollars) and it wasn't dedicated, it was HDSL (limited in quota too).
Sorry for asking. Do you need a symmetrical connection? It is good for serving files, but why, when you can get a VPS with a low-latency 100mbps or 1000mbps link in Europe, for less than $20/month?

Also, If you really want to serve and host web content (or play games) then the latency is important too.

The only use I can see for such a connection is maybe for streaming video, in which case the latency is not that important.
MrClass wrote Cost wise I can't tell. We used to pay 1700$ per month for 4Mb/s several years back..
This is obscenely expensive. It's like a salary.
But hey, I had a friend like 12 years ago (early 2000s) and his father was paying $1000 for a 1mbps symmetric connection, or even maybe 512, I can't remember. This is Lebanon, I know! No shame.
I am subscribed to a 10MB dedicated connection and I can say it's completely legit, sometimes my download speed reaches 1300kb/s which is kind of 11MBs, but as other users have already indicated - the problem is with DSPs. I've been running a 10MB dedicated connection in my online gaming hub for 2 weeks now and Cedarcom are making me go through hell with their shit hardware and slow support, they're asking me questions I'm supposed to ask to them! Just yesterday the place was full house and everyone was matchmaking at very good latency (67~85 ms) when the connection completely dropped dead and before i even knew it more than 20 gamers were leaving out the door dissatisfied.
Is ISP+DSP both cedarcom?
I heard many negative rumours about cedarcom from ISPs, interested to know feedback from users.
nuclearcat wroteIs ISP+DSP both cedarcom?
I heard many negative rumours about cedarcom from ISPs, interested to know feedback from users.
No ISP is a different company but i would rather not mention their name to avoid any misunderstandings, I'm sure at this moment they also would prefer not to have their name tied to Cedarcom. The ISP is good, so is their support!
5 days later
Hey Rolf,

We actually need a symetrical with a strong upload because we use to access the local machines through VPN to access some work files (among which some are source files for graphic designers, so quite heavy)

As for the lattency it's mainly for Voice Over IP usage that we need it low.

MrClass I also heard that DSL connection are not full duplex.. don't know how correct this is though...

Cedarcom the DSP is a sister company of Mobi the ISP and honestly, I keep on hearing bad feedback about both (I also had a bad experience with their sales rep.... so this raised a red flag and dropped them out of my list).

Just so that you know, I'm now going with Wise+Pesco... I've heard quite a lot of positive feedbacks about both... I hope we won't be an exception to that.

Thanks everyone, if you want I can post a status update in like a month after they install to let you know how things turn out.
Also check with Terranet and Cable1 (ISP and DSP).

By the way, how many users do you have? One thing Terranet suggested to us is reduce the cost if we add the term "supplied by Terranet" or something like that in our wifi SSIDs. But we still didn't go with them.

Try to negotiate the cost
ewj wrote
Thanks everyone, if you want I can post a status update in like a month after they install to let you know how things turn out.
Updates are always welcome!
Thank you.
a month later
Hey! So we decided to go with Wise + Pesco

Site survey occurred two weeks ago and installation is scheduled for this week (thursday maximum).

If the setup is done by wednesday max. there are chances the connection will be operational before the end of this week, otherwise it'll most probably be up by early next week.

I managed to negotiate the setup cost, I left the monthly as is given it's well aligned with the competition and we'll hopefully have a drop in the costs soon (if Ogero decides so..).

I'll let you know the stats once we are up with the new link. We'll also most probably keep a DSL connection as a backup, anyone knows how to configure an EdgeMax Router to get a connection as a failover ?
23 days later
Hey There,

So here you go with an update. They installed the connection two weeks ago, the DSP was finally Cable1.
On the first day the link was mostly down, it was an issue with the DSP which had a route freezing when some traffic was occuring there. This has been fixed in a couple of hours with Wise's dedicated support who was following up on the matter.

then on the first week we had some weird issues on the local loop (very high pings to the local gateway and random 5-10 seconds cuts of the connection). After a couple of days going back and forth, Cable1 teams came over, changed the ethernet wire going from the Antenna to the router (they initially cut it too short and had to connect it with tape... not ideal for isolating from interference) and they also changed the relay we were using...
After that, the latency on the local loop went to some reasonable levels (in between 1 to 10 ms vs 1 to 200 ms previously) and the random cuts were less frequent.

Now we are still experience some random cuts of 5-10 seconds but they are not as frequent as before. Another issue we noticed (very isolated yet) is that a server is constantly timing out (no ping to ajax.googleapis.com is possible from the Link, works form my home DSL connection and my 4G connection though), their support is investigating the random cuts for now... the ajax.googleapis.com issue is fresh.

Overall, the setup process and debugging is quite time consuming but Wise is handling the cases in a very professional way, after that I hope we'll get an exceptional connection.

We are happy with the overall latency of the connection and the upload speed, yet it seems we can very easily overload the link... which means that when a couple of DLs are running in // the connection becomes very slow compared to a DSL connection which seems to handle some type of QoS... I think this means we have to configure our equipment so it prioritizes Web surfing over DLs (on that side if someone knows how to configure an Edgemax router for that, any help would be greatly appreciated).

If you are interested to know more, let me know. My next step is to fix the cuts we experience + the non responding server, configure our QoS correctly and see what's the new price we'll get given the newly approved internet prices!

Thanks for the update!