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  • local social media stars/ influencers

hey there,

I was trying to identify local social media stars and influencers but failed to find a proper source.
So I'm suggesting to form a list in here, and those of you who know such notable accounts can share it here with brief description on the specialty of the account use; might be a power fall photshopp artist, successful programmer, marketer etc.

I doubt there's a list of them, but it most likely works as the following:
You go to the star's webpage and email them about something they are interested in, you may or may not get a reply. Note that if a certain celebrity's number has gone open to the public it is almost certain that this celebrity will change his number.

If you're looking for facebook accounts, it gets even harder with their privacy settings on.

Is there any necessity of such a research?
Someone wrote an article about that earlier this year.
@johnaudi I am not looking for celebrity phone numbers, I am looking for social media accounts initiated by your regular Joe or second degree celebrity that use their social media to expand on a certain topic. for reference check the link provided by Ra8.
@Ra8 thanks, very helpful link.

if others have additional accounts to mention please do.