Hey, just registered to the forum, so lately my ping is actually literally stuck on 125, it won't go anywhere below 125, it just won't, it used to go as down as 90 in LOL but now it's 125 and above

Speedtest.net averages 140 ping to every host INSIDE lebanon.. I used to get max 40 ping to any of those servers.

I'm using 2mbps mobi dsl service

Edit: I called mobi customer service:
Me: Bonsoir meshterik ma3kon dsl, l internet bati2a wl ping ktir 3ale
Him: 3a hal ra2em?
Me: eh
Him: 7a a3mellak refresh w a3tik ip jdide (?)
Me: Ok bs shu l mshkle ?
Him: Ma fi mshkle
Me: Ok tayyeb, bas..
Him: *sakkar*
Me: .......

Edit: Now my ping average 150 to hosts INSIDE lebanon, yay

Anyone else?
I'm not a mobi subscriber but did the IP address actually change?
They probably have you in a very low priority pool. If the IP address did not change, call again.