You don't know how much you've motivated me.. thank you !tt400 wrote
Firstly, there is nothing intrinsically masculine about computer engineering. Secondly, on the contrary, companies nowadays are specifically looking for women since there are very few of them in the industry. These people who are telling you that nonsense have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. Not only are you doing something you love (which is the most important thing), but you are doing something that has amazing job prospects, especially because you are a girl.
I don't know if i'm good at this but..
Indeed i will !mir wroteWelcome on board!
Growing up (now I am pretty old), I found a lot of my best buddies on this forum. I hope the same happens to you.
The guys/ladies around here are usually the best and the community is pretty decent in terms of ethics and even writing rules... so enjoy the stay!
High five girl !!!Sab23 wroteHello Melissa,
Fellow female geek and computer engineer in here!
Glad you did what you liked.
Wow.. i admire you really, and yes i will go for what i want even tho i will deceive a lot of people close to me.mesa177 wrote
I know exactly what you mean, I had the same reaction from people around me when I told them I planned on becoming a biomedical engineer. But you know what? I went with what I wanted. I've been working in the field for 6 years, and dare I say I can run with the best of them.
Anywho, from one tech-crazy girl geek to another, I welcome you home.
Thank you <3
Well it depends on what you love.. If you're a programming freak go for Computer Science !amine.mallah wroteWelcome to the family Melissa ^_^
well i am thinking about majoring in CCE or CS, a bit too lost between the two.
anyways, what universities are you considering most?
About universities i'm really lost.. I will pass Roumieh's concours for sure.. but i'm very considering Antonine University, what about you ?
i will be applying to LU too, but i am leaning towards LAU and BAU more... Yes... a dilemma it is
First thing that came to my mind: "HTML is not programming!!" :P I always read this kind of posts on the internet.Melissa wroteI'm in love with coding too, it started when we took this first HTML class at school and then i wanted to do more than just creating a web which background is colored containing a simple picture..scorz wrote<sarcasm>The more real question: got code?</sarcasm>MrClass wroteok guys take it easy, we don't want to scare her off
now the real question:
do you game?
So i learned some advanced stuff in HTML then took some online courses about C# and Python.
I solved the riddle with Python by the way, although it's really easy to do it analytically
I actually wrote a unix bash script to solve the riddle and ran it on my android phone in terminal emulator (too lazy to switch on the desktop), which is really close to python (for loop and print etc ...)
This field is growing quickly, and the Lebanese scene is doing fine, iOS and web developers are in need everywhere, .net is doing fine as well, I myself work as a Microsoft Dynamics CRM developer (I'm still studying too) where most of the programming is done in c#
Best of luck out there!
Well I have been in love with computers for 15 years now, since the first day my dad got that new pentium 2 desktop which costed 2k$+ back then
Well my case is different, all of my surroundings were sure i was going to do something related to computer engineering or maybe telecom.
However i ended up doing architecture in Alba. Why i took this decision?! Because i wanted to keep this passion and love for computers as a Hobbie. Everyone loves their hobbie, however when it comes to work, i guess it would not be as fun as i am used to it. Therefore i decided to leave it a fun and not a serious matter.
Anyway welcome to these forums, one thing i learned the hard way is that one does not simply type using the whatsapp way :p
And by whatsapp i do not mean the arabic, modern ish, i mean the abbreviations :p
So never use your phone while browsing this website
Well my case is different, all of my surroundings were sure i was going to do something related to computer engineering or maybe telecom.
However i ended up doing architecture in Alba. Why i took this decision?! Because i wanted to keep this passion and love for computers as a Hobbie. Everyone loves their hobbie, however when it comes to work, i guess it would not be as fun as i am used to it. Therefore i decided to leave it a fun and not a serious matter.
Anyway welcome to these forums, one thing i learned the hard way is that one does not simply type using the whatsapp way :p
And by whatsapp i do not mean the arabic, modern ish, i mean the abbreviations :p
So never use your phone while browsing this website
Yes , true HTML is not programming, i'm aware of that, but it's what made me enter the coding world in a certain way..themike10452 wrote
First thing that came to my mind: "HTML is not programming!!" I always read this kind of posts on the internet !
True, but if you went for architecture , maybe it's because you love to draw, perspective and all this stuff? Maybe drawing is your real passion ?Satfoun wrote
However i ended up doing architecture in Alba. Why i took this decision?! Because i wanted to keep this passion and love for computers as a Hobbie. Everyone loves their hobbie
People argue that it's not a programming language and I get the point - it's a declarative language, there are no logical constructs. It's more like a document format.Melissa wrote Yes , true HTML is not programming, i'm aware of that, but it's what made me enter the coding world in a certain way..
But writing HTML is still programming, in my opinion.
This is a debatable topic and it doesn't make that much difference really. I just liked to pitch in my opinion.
I would agree with rolf, and still say HTML is programming. It is creating the user interface that enables the algorithm.
When you are programming in any other language, you still have to "code" the parts that create components and UI elements... the fact that they are too part of the "program", creating them is "programming"
And I think as we have more "progress" in user experience and UI fields and with the importance they are taking now (even at companies like google) - i think creating the user interface has a certain logic to it and a certain "science" - so HTML is applying this "science", it may not be loops and if statements, but it is still applying a logic and design, which is the core of any program, really.
Can we have a good old fight about HTML in a new post ;p ? I am happy to join that "debate" if anyone starts a new post on it.
When you are programming in any other language, you still have to "code" the parts that create components and UI elements... the fact that they are too part of the "program", creating them is "programming"
And I think as we have more "progress" in user experience and UI fields and with the importance they are taking now (even at companies like google) - i think creating the user interface has a certain logic to it and a certain "science" - so HTML is applying this "science", it may not be loops and if statements, but it is still applying a logic and design, which is the core of any program, really.
Can we have a good old fight about HTML in a new post ;p ? I am happy to join that "debate" if anyone starts a new post on it.