steamID: blackeagle551

add me, have a mic and communicate really well

so sick of the russians, toxic people, children and people who are not willing to communicate whatsoever, the regular stereotypes that you find while soloqueueing..
9 days later
Hey, my steam ID is Ramy_Leb, i'm still unranked right now. I'm still a noob and looking to play with other noobs !

Edit : I changed my steam ID to Ramy_F. I'm a SEM right now.
10 months later
2 months later

GN2, ranking up quickly :)
Add me on steam hassansaleh31
Currently gn2, i have a mic, I play to have fun and enjoy the game so I don't scream and blame players for being bad at the game (I still consider myself a noob though I'm doing really well lately).
Active hours from 9:30 pm till I sleep.
Can invite some really good friends to the lobby (mostly gn and mg).
Lets roll...
username: jibreelt
ranking: GN1

I usually play when my father isn't using the internet. it appears it have a negative effect on the ping.
On good days my ping is 95, bad days 135. on average somewhere in between. i am on ogero unlimited plan.
i dont get it why people are still playing CS while there is a better FPS games like battlefield and call of duty ??!!
The same reason people still play age of empire 2 and red alert, some games are just that good
Brave_Heart wrotei dont get it why people are still playing CS while there is a better FPS games like battlefield and call of duty ??!!
For me it's because my desktop is pretty old and i am sure i can't run newer game at playable fps. i have been wanting to play titanfall 2, battlefield and overwatch, as they seem to be the hype right now.
username: mrclass
ranking: MG2

have a mic and communicate properly. i play mostly utility and support
a month later
Added all of you.

username: Dwaal

I used to play CS 1.6, just installed CS GO a few months ago and got Gold Nova Master in my first 10 wins and still there hope will find nice people to play with!
a month later