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  • Share Your Scariest Real Life Experience

tt400 wrote
AVOlio wrote @Die_Kapitan
Hmmm, I don't get it. :/
It sounds like you were "walking your girlfriend" like someone walks their dog.

AVOlio wrote Anyway, none of you guys have a clue or can help me what do now in order to get me to see the footage of the public cameras that are on the stoplight square, or the camera from the patisserie?
I really think you should just give up. If you find some footage, what are you going to do with it? The police will not look for the guys.
Well I didn't mean it like that, she was late and she had to go,so i just walked her to the road to take a cab, walked with her, escorted her? (it sounds worse now...) lol

Anyway about the video, if the police will not do anything about it, i'll upload the footage and screenshots to every media outlet i can find!
At least that way, it will be more effective, and who knows if it will get viral, it will cause more damage in the country.
There have been many incidents like this happening all across the country, and you're telling me none of them were caught on tape?
Everywhere you put your eyes nowadays in the streets,you will see cctv cameras, if we wont take out the footage,and look, what are their use!?
AVOlio wroteFor sure @TheStunMan you're totally right about banning those god damn motorcycles, with their noise especially and their free gift of "Feeling like a za3im" that comes with it.
But lets face it, the day when they will actually ban motorcycles, will be the day when teleporting will be discovered.

Hmmm, I don't get it. :/

Anyway, none of you guys have a clue or can help me what do now in order to get me to see the footage of the public cameras that are on the stoplight square, or the camera from the patisserie?
Motorcycles are actually banned in my area (Saida), so it's not that far to ban it in all the country.
tt400 wrote
AVOlio wrote @Die_Kapitan
Hmmm, I don't get it. :/
It sounds like you were "walking your girlfriend" like someone walks their dog.
Exactly, he sounded too BDSM-ish.
AVOlio wrote Anyway about the video, if the police will not do anything about it, i'll upload the footage and screenshots to every media outlet i can find!
At least that way, it will be more effective, and who knows if it will get viral, it will cause more damage in the country.
There have been many incidents like this happening all across the country, and you're telling me none of them were caught on tape?
Everywhere you put your eyes nowadays in the streets,you will see cctv cameras, if we wont take out the footage,and look, what are their use!?

I don't think that's very realistic, man. You said it yourself that this happens all the time and that it's an everyday occurrence. Of course a lot of these robberies have been caught on camera but how many of them led to anything? The police aren't going to waste their resources looking for each and every person that has robbed a phone. The police force is very weak and I don't think they have the resources to bother with petty crimes. You can try your luck and give the footage to the police, but I think they will just thank you and tell you they will "try their best."

Didn't you also get your money stolen in that area a while back?
Jesus bro. Carry a taser or something.
Brownies wrote@AVOlio

Didn't you also get your money stolen in that area a while back?
Jesus bro. Carry a taser or something.
Yea i did, so you read my posts from that time also i presume.
You see my luck of right place at the right time!?
Also, this same area,both areas, is MY area, i live here!!
AVOlio wrote
Brownies wrote@AVOlio

Didn't you also get your money stolen in that area a while back?
Jesus bro. Carry a taser or something.
Yea i did, so you read my posts from that time also i presume.
You see my luck of right place at the right time!?
Also, this same area,both areas, is MY area, i live here!!
I always hated that area especially when i pass it at night (its empty), i don't know why but that area is not checked by the police day/night, the only time one cop comes in is everyday at 5 pm to organize the huge traffic (near old waseet building). and then bam no more "security".

My work place is actually at that area so it might also be the reason why i hate it.
so where are the scary stories again ? you guys must have very mellow lives
my scariest experience is taking place right now as I am outside the manager office for my last interview to know if I get hired or not :s
AVOlio, just forget it man, we've all been there in some way and it's hopeless. Next time, don't even try to run after them... your life is more valuable than something stolen even if it's a car. You never know who you're dealing with or what he might be carrying. Or he can keep driving and lure you to an ambush. It's not worth it. Move on.
Brownies wroteTitle says it all; Share your scariest real life experience. No troll posts like "I woke up one day and my Laptop wouldn't start #SoScary".
I'll go first:

So my girlfriend and I like to have our private time, just like any other couples, to sit down and talk and maybe even share a few kisses.
Since we're both university students, we live with our parents and so going home isn't always an option. We often take the car out and I park somewhere secluded with a view where we can be alone.

One night, while in the car in our secluded area, we were just doing the usual flirting and whatever and she starts telling me she's hearing noises. Thinking that this could be turning into a cheesy horror movie, I told her to relax and it was probably nothing. Suddenly I began to hear some noises in the tress/bushes near the car; like something was moving around but I ignored it. She became increasingly worried and so did I as the noises became more frequent. We've been in this spot many times before and nothing like this has ever occurred.
I decided we should probably leave so I turned on the car, backed out and left.
While I was backing out, my girlfriend was on the phone so she didn't see what I saw as we were leaving; The car light were on so as I was driving back, the lights revealed a man, crouched in the bushes (very visible) holding something that shined. We made eye contact and I didn't react other than backing up a little quicker and driving off.

I'm still not sure what the hell that guy was holding, who he was, or what he was doing in the forest next to our car.
We never went back and I never told her.

Can't wait to hear your stories!
tl;dr : Some weirdo was stalking our parked car with something shiney in his hand. Spoiler: Wasn't Sméagol.
Hey man, i don't mean to freak you out but I know about two sociopaths who were caught and hospitalized during the past 2 years - their specialty was to follow couples to isolated areas and murder them. Each one of them has a minimum of 5 couples on their record, i know for sure that one of them is at Deir El Salib. Please, just do it at home!
Nemesis-301 wrote yeah, I wanna conquer my phobia, but I should do it gradually
Didnt you already conquer it?
serouj wroteHey man, i don't mean to freak you out but I know about two sociopaths who were caught and hospitalized during the past 2 years - their specialty was to follow couples to isolated areas and murder them. Each one of them has a minimum of 5 couples on their record, i know for sure that one of them is at Deir El Salib. Please, just do it at home!
Well then. That's... Reassuring...
rolf wrote
Nemesis-301 wrote yeah, I wanna conquer my phobia, but I should do it gradually
Didnt you already conquer it?
No? What do you mean?
Stygmata wroteso where are the scary stories again ? you guys must have very mellow lives
Shut the forums down. We've got a badass over here.
5 days later
I was fixing an infant incubator in the ICN (Intensive Care Unit for Neonates a.k.a Newborns). The head nurse went to HR to deal with employee schedules (i.e. assigning shifts), another nurse went to the hospital pharmacy to get the new order for medication, and I was left in the company of 2 nurses.

Everything was mellow until the baby girl in the incubator next to me stopped breathing. Her heart rate went down and her oxygen saturation decreased to 80%. I knew what this meant: she needed to be intubated at once (placed on a ventilator to help with the breathing). Normally I just step aside and assist the nurses with getting the ambo bag off the crash cart, handing over the laryngoscope blades, switching on the ventilator and installing the patient circuit.

To my utter dismay, the 2 nurses in the department FREAKED OUT!! I was completely unaware that they were in fact TRAINEES and have not encountered a similar situation yet. I don't know what came over me, I just dropped the screwdriver and the cover of the heater I was working on from my hands, scrubbed Sterilium anti-bacterial on my hands, wore gloves, and opened the ambo bag on the crash cart. I started to give the breaths at the same frequency I've seen on a CPR poster (plastered in a hospital where I work occasionally at) and told one of the nurses to contact either the head nurse or the nearest nurse in the ICU, OR, or ER (generally nurses there have vast experience with MI codes and situations that require intubations). I told the other nurse to bring me a ventilator and a patient circuit so we can get it ready by the time someone comes to perform the intubation. She brought the ventialtor but didn't know what the patient circuit looked like. I began to describe it bit by bit so she could know exactly what to get (which fortunately she did).

At this moment, an anesthesiologist had arrived from the OR and asked for the laryngoscope blade set so he can start the intubation... the one thing that slipped my mind in all this chaos. The nurses didn't know where it was or even what the blade looked like. He began to yell, so naturally I keep one hand on the ambo bag and reach for the set on the crash cart with the other. I tell the nurse to open it, and reached out for the Miller 0 blade. I hand over the ambo bag to the anesthesiologist (who was a bit startled by that... maybe because I practically shoved it into his hands), hook the blade onto the handle, reach for a chest tube in the drawer of the crash cart, put them aside, and grab the ambo bag right back again. The anesthesiologist grabbed the laryngoscope and chest tube and performed the intubation as I moved the ambo bag aside. He hooks the tube back to the ambo bag, and I switch on the ventilator and start connecting the patient circuit while asking the anesthesiologist what parameters I should set. When I was done, he removed the ambo bag as I handed him the end of the patient circuit and I started the ventilation.

All I know is by the end of this, the baby girl was safely connected to a ventilator and I stood there for a couple of minutes staring at her. I've been put in much more dire situations than this, I mean I fixed a laparoscope bipolar forceps once in the middle of an on going operation with sterile blades and sterile tape strips to make it work while the spare forceps was chilling in Cydex for 10 minutes because one of the staff knocked it over by mistake to the ground. But this was something else. This was out of my turf, and although I've seen it happen more often than I would like, never did I imagine myself being forced into a position to take similar action.

I got a pat on the back by the anesthesiologist, and I took off my gloves to continue working on the incubator. I don't know how, but I finished and left. When I reached home, I just walked to my room, closed the door, and wept. For 15minutes, I was responsible for the fate of someone else's life. I may be tougher than some people, and thankfully I don't tend to panic, but I hardly see myself do that again. That day I gained a new kind of respect to nurses and doctors alike.
Once my wife checked my internet history !!!
I probably would not have the time to be scared.
Stygmata wroteOnce my wife checked my internet history !!!
Let me guess, she asked you to sit down and asked you that question we all get asked when someone checks our internet history: "what are dank memes?"
I have been through a couple of near death experiences (plane on fire, drowning once, and one damn accident) but there is no more frightening experience more than being attacked by a flying cockroach in-front of your mother and your girlfriend and shouting with them like a 4 year old girl :S shit changed after that ...