The intent of this topic is to provide LebGeeks members with a well formed template to request "Tech" related devices, machinery or related. Please refrain from posting any similar topics or trying to request items in a different topic.

- You should not discuss anything in this topic.
- Buyers post the items they're looking for.
- Sellers contact buyers through private messages.
- Don't share contact or other private information in posts.
- If you found what you're looking for, please update your post and mark them as FOUND/BOUGHT or other.

See first post for an example of how to post.


Thank you for understanding and happy buying!

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- Looking to buy!
Here's an example of a request (which coincidentally is actually something I'm looking for):

Gameboy (Retro) and games


50$ for the device
Offer on a games package
Looking for a good deal on a 256 GB SSD.
Looking for a good deal on a 3rd or 4th Gen Intel CPU.

Please PM me
Looking for an M8 or LG g3 in great condition "original charger and headphones are a must" other accessories are prferable
looking for a Flip Phone for sale Nokia 2720

Looking for i5 4690k But at a second hand price not more expensive than new ;)
Looking for an HTC One M7 for a reasonable price with original charger. Preferably in clean condition.
Budget 180$
4 days later
Looking for LG G3/ HTC M8 s-off/ Z3 in mint condition for a good price (or trade on Note4 white)
Looking for a PSU greater or equal 600 watts and a decent pc case
i have a thermaltake Armor A90 case very good condition with all its fans, look it up on internet.
asking price is 45USD, pm if interested and i'll send you more info and some pics
Looking for a 4th gen intel cpu. I5 or I7 for a good price.
Looking for a cooler for the 1150 socket. I'm not planning on overclocking so im mot looking for anything fancy, just needs to be almost silent compared to stock intel cooler
Im looking to buy a good mechanical/gaming backlit keyboard

the keyboard must be in perfect shape and must not be Razer

location Beirut
Looking to buy any samsung phone $100 or under
A power supply, 500-550W.
In the range of 50-55$.