It is now around 3% after 10 pm. But it was a disaster all day.
And yes, it is because of the congestion but they will never admit it.
6 days later
I have been experiencing some issues while downloading ps4 games recently. I’m getting an error such as “disconnected from server” or “DNS error”. Any idea how I can fix this, or what I can ask IDM to do?

I have an open speed connection with real IP, and was always able to download games at night during the unlimited quota period without any issues up until these last few days.
Probably due to congestion and increase packet loss. Try pinging a server or and see the results.
wollyka wroteIt is not only VDSL
It is started happening after the online learning and the lockdown.
Check if you have any packets losses try pinging -t
Now while lying in bed and heard my brother complain about lag while he is playing fortnite, I pinged google dns from my iphone to see whats happening and thats the result

44 bytes from : icmp_seq=0 ttl=113 time=65 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=1 ttl=113 time=56 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=2 ttl=113 time=56 ms
Request timeout for icmp_seq 3
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=3 ttl=113 time=507 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=4 ttl=113 time=659 ms
Request timeout for icmp_seq 5
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=6 ttl=113 time=1106 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=7 ttl=113 time=50 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=8 ttl=113 time=72 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=9 ttl=113 time=756 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=10 ttl=113 time=174 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=11 ttl=113 time=57 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=12 ttl=113 time=57 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=13 ttl=113 time=54 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=14 ttl=113 time=59 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=15 ttl=113 time=69 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=16 ttl=113 time=61 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=17 ttl=113 time=57 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=18 ttl=113 time=257 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=19 ttl=113 time=48 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=20 ttl=113 time=55 ms
Request timeout for icmp_seq 21
Request timeout for icmp_seq 22
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=23 ttl=113 time=166 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=24 ttl=113 time=52 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=25 ttl=113 time=57 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=26 ttl=113 time=78 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=27 ttl=113 time=153 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=28 ttl=113 time=103 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=29 ttl=113 time=890 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=30 ttl=113 time=69 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=31 ttl=113 time=56 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=32 ttl=113 time=56 ms
Request timeout for icmp_seq 33
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=34 ttl=113 time=80 ms
Request timeout for icmp_seq 35
Request timeout for icmp_seq 36
Request timeout for icmp_seq 37
Request timeout for icmp_seq 38
Request timeout for icmp_seq 39
Request timeout for icmp_seq 40
Request timeout for icmp_seq 41
104 bytes from : icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=1346 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=43 ttl=113 time=54 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=44 ttl=113 time=59 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=45 ttl=113 time=73 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=46 ttl=113 time=55 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=47 ttl=113 time=1113 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=48 ttl=113 time=70 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=49 ttl=113 time=672 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=50 ttl=113 time=72 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=51 ttl=113 time=83 ms
Request timeout for icmp_seq 52
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=53 ttl=113 time=72 ms
Request timeout for icmp_seq 54
Request timeout for icmp_seq 55
Request timeout for icmp_seq 56
Request timeout for icmp_seq 57
Request timeout for icmp_seq 58
Request timeout for icmp_seq 59
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=60 ttl=113 time=1326 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=61 ttl=113 time=55 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=62 ttl=113 time=66 ms
Request timeout for icmp_seq 63
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=63 ttl=113 time=120 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=64 ttl=113 time=578 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=65 ttl=113 time=1133 ms
Request timeout for icmp_seq 66
Request timeout for icmp_seq 67
Request timeout for icmp_seq 68
Request timeout for icmp_seq 69
Request timeout for icmp_seq 70
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=71 ttl=113 time=58 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=72 ttl=113 time=1278 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=73 ttl=113 time=55 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=74 ttl=113 time=270 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=75 ttl=113 time=55 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=76 ttl=113 time=694 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=77 ttl=113 time=62 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=78 ttl=113 time=1431 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=79 ttl=113 time=55 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=80 ttl=113 time=419 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=81 ttl=113 time=182 ms
Request timeout for icmp_seq 82
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=83 ttl=113 time=1290 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=84 ttl=113 time=54 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=85 ttl=113 time=478 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=86 ttl=113 time=54 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=87 ttl=113 time=1238 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=88 ttl=113 time=56 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=89 ttl=113 time=52 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=90 ttl=113 time=55 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=91 ttl=113 time=54 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=92 ttl=113 time=54 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=93 ttl=113 time=55 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=94 ttl=113 time=955 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=95 ttl=113 time=370 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=96 ttl=113 time=71 ms
Request timeout for icmp_seq 97
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=98 ttl=113 time=1068 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=99 ttl=113 time=55 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=100 ttl=113 time=56 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=101 ttl=113 time=55 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=102 ttl=113 time=61 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=103 ttl=113 time=1762 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=104 ttl=113 time=56 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=105 ttl=113 time=56 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=106 ttl=113 time=57 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=107 ttl=113 time=55 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=108 ttl=113 time=64 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=109 ttl=113 time=48 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=110 ttl=113 time=55 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=111 ttl=113 time=54 ms
44 bytes from : icmp_seq=112 ttl=113 time=54 ms
Shix wrote
wollyka wroteIt is not only VDSL
It is started happening after the online learning and the lockdown.
Check if you have any packets losses try pinging -t
Now while lying in bed and heard my brother complain about lag while he is playing fortnite, I pinged google dns from my iphone to see whats happening and thats the result
From a former IDM user I have no doubt that their ping is awful and not stable, but to really isolate the issue you need to disconnect all the devices from the modem and only have 1 device (the device which he is gaming with) connected to the modem via Ethernet and test if it will happen.

The internet in Lebanon will spike its ping on any usage, add to that the low upload speeds is causing more ping spikes, sometimes it is an issue of a wifi device so if disconnecting all the devices is not possible try to have a ping to your gateway and check the result, it should not exceed 4ms in normal cases

Luckily I am not in Lebanon currently, just to brag a little bit :) here is my ping to the same IP


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=119
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=119
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=119
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=119
17 days later
How is it that some IDM users have pings ranging from 60-80 while I always am getting ping that ranges from 90 to 120. What is the solution to this?
RH-ExtremeG wroteHow is it that some IDM users have pings ranging from 60-80 while I always am getting ping that ranges from 90 to 120. What is the solution to this?
If it's consistently higher, then it's probably interleaving.
can you turn interleaving off for IDM? I once asked them and the dude was clueless. I get 80+ as well, usually around 90.
Beta0 wrote
RH-ExtremeG wroteHow is it that some IDM users have pings ranging from 60-80 while I always am getting ping that ranges from 90 to 120. What is the solution to this?
If it's consistently higher, then it's probably interleaving.
You cannot turn off interleaving in IDM. Is it possible that ogero can handle that request despite being an IDM user?
15 days later
Anyone having bad upload speed at night reaching 60kbps? Gaming is unbearable at this time, ping fluctuating between 999,400,300 ms and severe lag spikes. Im really fed up with IDM, I’ve been with them over 8 years. Im starting to think about switching to a cable guy which offers great speed ( download and upload ) with a ping reaching 60 ms. It’s a shame how dsl went so downhill once they started giving offers to everyone.
Did anybody try IDM iplan offers? They claim to be open speed with unlimited quotas. They don't provide the difference between the 3 iplan offers which makes it sound fishy.
agdroubi wroteDid anybody try IDM iplan offers? They claim to be open speed with unlimited quotas. They don't provide the difference between the 3 iplan offers which makes it sound fishy.
I've tried subscribing to the iPlan popular plan for a month and must say it is kind of a scam. The only things that are open speed are caches services such as youtube, netflix, play store, psn... while other stuff is stuck at 2 mbps most of the time, while sometimes being open speed for a couple of hours magically. There doesn't seem to be a FUP of the cached services though. Latency is just the same as regular DSL.
I would not personally subscribe to it again as most of what I do is uncached, but some people might get great service if all they do is socail media and multimedia consumption.
Super Official wrote
agdroubi wroteDid anybody try IDM iplan offers? They claim to be open speed with unlimited quotas. They don't provide the difference between the 3 iplan offers which makes it sound fishy.
I've tried subscribing to the iPlan popular plan for a month and must say it is kind of a scam. The only things that are open speed are caches services such as youtube, netflix, play store, psn... while other stuff is stuck at 2 mbps most of the time, while sometimes being open speed for a couple of hours magically. There doesn't seem to be a FUP of the cached services though. Latency is just the same as regular DSL.
I would not personally subscribe to it again as most of what I do is uncached, but some people might get great service if all they do is socail media and multimedia consumption.
Thank you
13 days later
Hello. Did anyone try the iplan offer? I was thinking of subscribing to it because it sounds really good, but almost too good to be true. if anyone tried it or has any info on it I would really appreciate it. And if you could give me a general review about idm like latency and support and stuff it would be perfect because I'm currently subscribed to sodetel and am aiming for idm. Also I'm in Ashrafieh for like being far from them... I mostly stream on websites like 4anime gogoanime 9anime...(pirated anime streaming websites) and I also download torrents and play online games. If anyone has any experience with the plan do you think it would work for me and do you recommend it? Open speed for me is about 16mb.
ZER0 wroteHello. Did anyone try the iplan offer? I was thinking of subscribing to it because it sounds really good, but almost too good to be true. if anyone tried it or has any info on it I would really appreciate it. And if you could give me a general review about idm like latency and support and stuff it would be perfect because I'm currently subscribed to sodetel and am aiming for idm. Also I'm in Ashrafieh for like being far from them... I mostly stream on websites like 4anime gogoanime 9anime...(pirated anime streaming websites) and I also download torrents and play online games. If anyone has any experience with the plan do you think it would work for me and do you recommend it? Open speed for me is about 16mb.
I tired Unlimited Popular, IT SUCKS, it is basically unlimited with speeds being bad most of the times and ping is highly unstable, before that I was using OpenSpeed 120GB and this was very good to me, luckily I only tried it for 1 month and after 2 days my suffer should end
anayman_k7 wrote
ZER0 wroteHello. Did anyone try the iplan offer? I was thinking of subscribing to it because it sounds really good, but almost too good to be true. if anyone tried it or has any info on it I would really appreciate it. And if you could give me a general review about idm like latency and support and stuff it would be perfect because I'm currently subscribed to sodetel and am aiming for idm. Also I'm in Ashrafieh for like being far from them... I mostly stream on websites like 4anime gogoanime 9anime...(pirated anime streaming websites) and I also download torrents and play online games. If anyone has any experience with the plan do you think it would work for me and do you recommend it? Open speed for me is about 16mb.
I tired Unlimited Popular, IT SUCKS, it is basically unlimited with speeds being bad most of the times and ping is highly unstable, before that I was using OpenSpeed 120GB and this was very good to me, luckily I only tried it for 1 month and after 2 days my suffer should end

Would you recommend the limited open speed plans? How is the ping and is it good for streaming on pirated websites? I'm currently subscribed to the 150gbs open speed in sodetel and I'm comfortable with it so if the limited plans are better I will subscribe to them
ZER0 wrote
anayman_k7 wrote
ZER0 wroteHello. Did anyone try the iplan offer? I was thinking of subscribing to it because it sounds really good, but almost too good to be true. if anyone tried it or has any info on it I would really appreciate it. And if you could give me a general review about idm like latency and support and stuff it would be perfect because I'm currently subscribed to sodetel and am aiming for idm. Also I'm in Ashrafieh for like being far from them... I mostly stream on websites like 4anime gogoanime 9anime...(pirated anime streaming websites) and I also download torrents and play online games. If anyone has any experience with the plan do you think it would work for me and do you recommend it? Open speed for me is about 16mb.
I tired Unlimited Popular, IT SUCKS, it is basically unlimited with speeds being bad most of the times and ping is highly unstable, before that I was using OpenSpeed 120GB and this was very good to me, luckily I only tried it for 1 month and after 2 days my suffer should end

Would you recommend the limited open speed plans? How is the ping and is it good for streaming on pirated websites? I'm currently subscribed to the 150gbs open speed in sodetel and I'm comfortable with it so if the limited plans are better I will subscribe to them
I was an IDM user for more than 7-8 years. What I can tell you is that they one of the highest pings compared to other ISPs, between 90-120. Ever since covid happened, their services degraded to the bottom, throttling at random times ( even in the morning), bad upload speeds ( can’t even make a whatsapp call). What I would recommend is you to switch to ogero with interleaving off for low pings. I left IDM 1 month ago and switch to a cable reseller which was the best solution ( ping reaching between 60 and 80), download speed reaching to 52 mbps at midnight and upload reaching between 12 and 30 mbps. Netflix and youtube are cached so no lag what so ever. Believe me, do not switch to IDM ever, bad customer service and bad network sadly.
ZER0 wrote
anayman_k7 wrote
ZER0 wroteHello. Did anyone try the iplan offer? I was thinking of subscribing to it because it sounds really good, but almost too good to be true. if anyone tried it or has any info on it I would really appreciate it. And if you could give me a general review about idm like latency and support and stuff it would be perfect because I'm currently subscribed to sodetel and am aiming for idm. Also I'm in Ashrafieh for like being far from them... I mostly stream on websites like 4anime gogoanime 9anime...(pirated anime streaming websites) and I also download torrents and play online games. If anyone has any experience with the plan do you think it would work for me and do you recommend it? Open speed for me is about 16mb.
I tired Unlimited Popular, IT SUCKS, it is basically unlimited with speeds being bad most of the times and ping is highly unstable, before that I was using OpenSpeed 120GB and this was very good to me, luckily I only tried it for 1 month and after 2 days my suffer should end

Would you recommend the limited open speed plans? How is the ping and is it good for streaming on pirated websites? I'm currently subscribed to the 150gbs open speed in sodetel and I'm comfortable with it so if the limited plans are better I will subscribe to them
For ping and latency Ogero is the best, with interleaving off you can see your ping goes as low as 60ms, but you MUST have a clean phone line connection, usually if you are not into details you can tell if your OpenSpeed can reach 16mbps now, the downside of using Ogero that you will pay more since they don't have any unlimited night plan, also they have more blocked sites. With IDM you will have higher ping, around 100ms, also it might get funky sometimes so it is less stable overall but their LIMITED plans are good enough in my experience, what made me go with them is the ability to subscribe to Unlimited Night service which makes your internet unlimited from 11pm to 7am, and during this period your internet will not suck like when you are using any UNLIMITED plan.
Update for IDM iSuck plans, yesterday luckily the month was over and I am back to the limited plan, and like magic the internet was back to its good form! Good speeds, stable pings even during the unlimited night period! This confirms that these plans are purely SCAM!
Don't ever ever subscribe to an unlimited plan from any ISP. They all suck!