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  • Computer science at Lebanese unversity.

(i know similar topics existed before and i searched for them,but the info may be outdated and since then many users who can help may have registred,and reviving old topics isn't encouraged so this is why am creating a new topic)

So am a grade 12 student,and i made my major choice,i will study computer science and am willing to attend the Lebanese University (Hadath Campus) so the question is:have anybody studied cs there ? if yes can you please give a general feedback (difficulty,labs quality,professors quality,program of study) and for those who didn't study there your knowledge is welcomed too,i heard that it's crowded (first year at least since lots of people fail/dropout),very difficult,and that it's one of the top universities in lebanon.

and if you're willing to enroll in the CS program at LU (or any other program at the faculty of science) next year,we can get in touch too !
19 days later
I am a grade 11 student and I was thinking about taking this major, but may I ask what is the difference between computer science and Computer engineering? Which one is better to make a good living and better salary, what options of job do they both hold?Do they make a good profit in Lebanon?
in the real world , they both suck
you are stuck with either one of these : systems admin , website building and programming
and whatever you choose , you are nothing without hands on experience and certifications .
trust me , no one in the real IT life convert binary to decimals and stuff ( at least I don't )
11 days later
Hey Sabra
If you got 14+ in Official Exams go there , If-else go to LIU
Simple Equation

I Studied 1 Year There
313 wroteHey Sabra
If you got 14+ in Official Exams go there , If-else go to LIU
Simple Equation

I Studied 1 Year There
i used to get 16+ in our school exams,hopefully i will get the same(or more)in official exams,for some reason i don't like LIU though,lots of people say it's easy and anyone can pass,plus its degree isn't as prestigious as an AUB,LAU or LU degree(i know that landing a job depend on your actual skills not the uni you studied at,but still having a good program of study can help in improving those skills).
6 days later
2 years ago I was going to take CS program at LU , but then i heard that it's VERY crowded , so you need to be in the campus at 6 am to get a seat ... also i heard that first year you will not take anything related to computer , you will have to take math and physics courses ...
That didn't fit me cause am a little lazy and i don't study ,although i got 18/20 in Math and Physics in the official exams "Life Science"
The first year will be hard to fit in to, at the academic level that is. Out of 12 courses the first year, you will only get 1 computer science course. But I will only give you one advice I wish someone has given me back when I was your age, I was French educated and so I registered my first year as French. I came to the conclusion that this was a bad decision only after it was too late to make something about it; "half the country" followed my lead and all of a sudden I no longer considered Bangkok a crowded city. My advise choose the English because it is less people and why the hell would anyone want to speak computer language in French; pointeur langage c souris ... That is gay.
Dex wrote2 years ago I was going to take CS program at LU , but then i heard that it's VERY crowded , so you need to be in the campus at 6 am to get a seat ... also i heard that first year you will not take anything related to computer , you will have to take math and physics courses ...
Yes I know, I went there for a year and it sucked, the only thing I liked about it is the number of new people you meet there. Most of them are lost souls pretty much. Everyday there was like visiting a new city, but I have to give it to LU, it offers you the best opportunities of your youth to date girls there, unlike some private colleges where everyone knows or is related to everyone, or even better, evaluated by the price tag on his car.

Anyway I must ask, does anybody know about the computer science MS degree in LU? Do I need to have a BS in computer science from LU? Is the attendance mandatory?
Thanks for the info.
am willing to study in english for sure although am french educated,and my english isn't bad after all.as for the challenge on the academic level,am up for that,i'd rather have a good and not easy education and getting average grades than having a poor education and getting high grades.
there is 10 courses as far as i know in the first year from which 1 is related to CS (Informatics I) 2 physics and the rest is math but i checked the courses in the second and third year and it's almost pure cs (only 1 math course and 1 statistics course)
Guitaret wrote Anyway I must ask, does anybody know about the computer science MS degree in LU? Do I need to have a BS in computer science from LU? Is the attendance mandatory?
يمكن لكل كلية أو معهد ، وفقا" لأنظمة كل منها ، أن تقبل طلبة ينتقلون إليها من جامعات أخرى شرط تقديم المستندات المطلوبة للتسجيل مصدّقة حسب الأصول ، بالإضافة إلى إفادة صادرة عن الجامعة التي كان الطالب يتابع دراسته فيها تبيّن تاريخ إنتسابه إلى السنة الأولى ونتائج جميع إمتحاناته والمواد التي درسه
this is the general rule,as for the cs program in particular,you have to submit your documents,and the applications are studied on a case by case basis,you may be admitted to the master 1 program directly (M1) or you will have to take some courses before starting the master program,the M1 is open for anybody with a BS in CS from LU.

But things are different for the master 2 program(M2),for the M2 you have a choice between a variety of professional masters (software engineering,web and mobile development..) and research masters (Bioinformatics,informatics and telecommunication..) and being admitted to one of the masters is a hard process,students who finished the M1 and willing to continue for M2 will have to submit an application that includes all their uni grades and official exams (bac 2) grades,a first jury will eliminate some of the candidates,then a second jury will interview each candidate and chose a very low number of students from them (10 to 13 per master),for the professional master you will have to make a project and work on a project in some company as an internship(there is courses also of course)and for the research master,you will have a full semester internship in a research center(usually outside lebanon,in france or another country) and you will have to write some kind of a research also.

the M1 by itself is a considered a master,and lots of students study the M1 and stop,the M2 is somewhere between a PhD and a master and obtaining it is a hard task (obviously :P) but the pros are that some of M2 grads (specially research) work as universities professors (in LU and other universities) but they mostly teach the practical part of cs or give lab sessions rather than teaching the theoretical part.
m.sabra I appreciate your feedback and I have to admit I am a bit overwhelmed/proud by the M2 program offered by the LU. I never thought LU has such a high standard program in the computer science field. Sadly this is a bit hard to achieve for me because this will require a full dedication and me leaving work, besides it won't add that much eligibility to my CV in the non-academic field because I know the extent of job positions offered by private corporation here in Lebanon. However, I would like to know more about the M1 program: campus, attendance, how many semesters needed but I am afraid their website is old and not much helpful.
well yeah the M2 is so high standard,it's been announced today that the "M2 Computer Science and Telecommunications" will be double degree from Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse, so you will get a degree from LU and a degree from france.

for the M1 the campus as far as i know is Hadath,the program is two semesters but it's loaded,60 credits and about 12 courses,as for the attendance i have no idea if it's mandatory.
m.sabra you are french educated!
there was a group on facebook called Geek Squad , i think you are the same mohamad sabra that was in that group right ?
anyway your english is perfect , better than 95% of english educated students.
am an english educated student and your english is way better than mine.
I think you have a bright future ahead of you.
I do agree that the language is effective.

Not sure if we've gone a bit off-topic here, but English-educated students have a poor English due to them considering it as a 'Home Language' and not applying it as the its rules. Same concept applies to French-educated students (as my self), some do not have a fluent French yet a better English.
13 days later
Man I study at LU..too bad I played football all the time and never attended lectures so next year I will probably still be with the freshmen
3 months later
I was going to make a new thread but I think I can just ask my question here. I'm probably willing to apply to computer science at the Lebanese University since all my plans to study abroad have failed.
Here's my question: Computer science is not engineering, so is it possible to become an engineer if you study computer science ? Like a software engineer for example ?

I would have rather applied to Computer / Software Engineering but it's too late now, but is it possible through computer science ?

Thanks for the future answers.
Adnan wrote Computer science is not engineering, so is it possible to become an engineer if you study computer science ? Like a software engineer for example ?
I think you can but it depends on which university you want to continue engineering in and may make your journey really long , lets say you study 3 years computer science at LU , then you want to continue engineering in another university , it depends how much can they cut your credits , so you may have to study more than 5 years in total to become an engineer.

another note , software engineering is not engineering by law , it's treated as a science major not engineering
You have to ask around the Lebanese University about transfers i believe a lot of courses would be common with these majors so i don't think a transfer would be a problem. You should ask a doctor or something.
Thank you for your answers. So as you're saying it will be along journey, is it worth the hassle ? I like computing, but I also like to have a good job at the end.

Okay Geekevo, so transferring to another university to continue as an engineer shouldn't be a problem since computer science and engineering have a lot in common, I'll make sure to have clarifications about that.
Adnan wroteI was going to make a new thread but I think I can just ask my question here. I'm probably willing to apply to computer science at the Lebanese University since all my plans to study abroad have failed.
Here's my question: Computer science is not engineering, so is it possible to become an engineer if you study computer science ? Like a software engineer for example ?

I would have rather applied to Computer / Software Engineering but it's too late now, but is it possible through computer science ?

Thanks for the future answers.
you can have a title at your work as Software Engineer even if you didn't study computer/ Software engineering.

pros: a computer engineer can join the syndicate (نقابة) and get some benefits from it, and also to stick that logo on your car later on.
currently there's no syndicate for computer science / IT people.

cons: you will study more years than a computer science/IT student and eventually you'll both work the same thing.