• Gaming
  • Buying an MMORPG locally

Hey guys,im looking for a MMORPG game on my pc to play, and i need some advice for decent game stores with a large library of pc and PS3 games, in the area of keserwen. I need to know what is the best MMORPG to play, and for those who dont know, to play for example world of warcraft online, it requires you to buy a 30 $ gamecard every two months. if anyone knows of a good MMORPG that can be found at local game stores, please inform me of the store and the game including details on any requirements to pay for gamecards etc....also , i would appreciate it if you guys would explain to me how you order stuff from amazon and once youve payed, where it would be delivered and how in lebanon.( i have seen people on the forums talking about it)
Post 2 questions instead of 1, you're asking about amazon and about games at the same time.
the amazon thing was like a side question thing you know , its not that important .
There are some MMORPG that you can buy one time and enjoy as much as wow. Not sure about these but here are a few: Guild wars, Rift, Final Fantasy, Linage 2, EVE, and Entropia universe. If your in to MOBA try League of Legends its like an advanced version of the original DOTA.
Chafic wrotetry League of Legends its like an advanced version of the original DOTA.
Advanced my ass :P
rtp wrote
Chafic wrotetry League of Legends its like an advanced version of the original DOTA.
Advanced my ass :P
Have you seen the damage out put in the first DOTA? That sniper guy can shoot any tower without being hit :p. How is this not advanced?
ok i guess i will give guild wars a try... you get it once and you play online without any gamecards, right?
@Chafic, no denying your own creeps = noobish game, lol is more gank oriented and faster game...
Guild wars is a one time buy, so if you buy the game put in the game key and play without monthly payment.
@rtp own creeps? yes its more gank oriented but for faster game, well that could be more or less false. You could be losing 20-8 and turn it 20-45. Its all about skills (certain champions) and gameplay. You cant just take a face roll champion (xin zaho) or a easy noob champion with just auto attacks to kill them (teemo) and win the game. It requires team work and understanding.
Chafic wrote@rtp own creeps? yes its more gank oriented but for faster game, well that could be more or less false. You could be losing 20-8 and turn it 20-45. Its all about skills (certain champions) and gameplay. You cant just take a face roll champion (xin zaho) or a easy noob champion with just auto attacks to kill them (teemo) and win the game. It requires team work and understanding.
LET THE FLAME WARS BEGIN, LoL doesn't require any teamwork if you compare it to dota besides i always found LoL to be more pay to win than dota.
Please stick to the topic.
Guild Wars 2 is amazing in terms of output content. Although having to constantly update it because of that can get annoying
6 days later
CURRENTLY DOWNLOADING RIFT which turned out to be a really good game. i have guild wars but im on trial since i dont have any access keys( i downloaded it from the internet too).and after some research , i think WoW isnt worth paying 17 $ a month to play. im sticking with rift ( and guild wars if i manage to get my hands on any new access keys)
I heard RIFT is amazing. I would plan on downloading it and buying it later, but it sadness me to see another person not pay 17$ a month worth for WoW. I found it extremely great now with all the change on the horde side. Yeah pandaria and cata sucked, but the lich king and burring crusade made it extremely nice.
There is a promising MMORPG coming out in a couple of months if you can wait and it seems interesting ( Name: Wildstar ) though there is no info just yet about whether its going to be subscription based, free-to-play, buy-to-play, or some form of hybrid.
I'm currently playing world of tanks, it's free to play but you gotta download it and it's about 17GB...
World Of Tanks is Actually 5 GB Dl size . It would be nice to make a Lebanese guild or something in WoT , Cedars platoon or something . My name ingame is the same as in here: sfenjy.

As for the whole MMORPG discussion , I think the whole concept is not relevant anymore as before. The hype is over. With more and more games like dota 2 , battlefield , WoT and others involving guild or squad progression and more in depth teamplay they are becoming MMORPG giants themselves. The Difference between MMORPG s and regular games is minimal, every game is becoming an MMO.

I suggest playing a F2P MMORPG like Rift or Tera before buying anything. In these time I believe that people will find more fun playin more casual games that the same old MMORPGs that come out with rinse and repeat concepts.
i also downloaded TERA but they told me it wasnt available i lebanon..... damn it , its a really awesome game....
anyways, RIFT is super awesome too.
Try black light retribution its one of the best MMO-FPS game. Its free to play, but the makers of the game have a way of telling you if you don't buy this you wont have fun.