• Hardware
  • LebGeeks Extended Electronics Workshop



Session 3 at InnovoLB occured on Saturday 2/2/2013:



Theme for Session 3 was BURN BABY BURN! details below:

- We focus this session on completing the passive components
- We talked about Diodes and their purpose, with a brief mention of Zener Diodes and ofcourse LEDs.
- A bulk of the time was spent on Capacitors.
- We talked about their purpose.
- Jad showed us what happens when you hook a capacitor improperly (BOOM!)
- Jad did a demo charging a 1000uF capacitor with a 12V battery then discharging it through the Multimeter
- We then talked about Inductance, namely coils and where they're used in.
- Jad got screwed while magnetizing a screwdriver (check pictures and look at his fingers)
- Effectively we ended up doing a water heater!
- We talked about Voltage Regulators with an emphasis on 7805 and the circuit required.
- Took a break form 7:15PM to 7:25PM.
- Jad explained breadboards, wiring and how to properly strip wires.
- Finally, we went over all passive components on the breadboard and finally got our first LED to light up!
- Towards the end Jad started requesting assistance from people but everyone was scared shitless to assist HIM!

See you this saturday!
You just had to post that pic of me hadn't you ? :P
Image 7, Microseconds before catastrophic meltdown!
YOW! We may skip this Saturday. Will let you all know tomorrow night. Sorry guys!
Any official confirmation if the workshop will be cancelled ?
We will not have a session today! Tell your friends guys! See you next Saturday.
6 days later
We are ON tomorrow!
8 days later
SURE! Bring your laptops everyone!
I wont be able to attend today, many reasons behind it, I am counting on xterm's summary this time :P No pressure Xterm :P

Anyway J4D if you give us some homework PM it to me please so I don't miss out.

Good luck guys.
JAD , sorry i'm out for this Summary , i have a Family situation :|
ROll me in for the Next week 100% ( inchallah )
and i will bring my hand made Arduino UNO and some special shields
Best regards
Marwan Naboulsi
Guys im on my way stuck in traffic @ koreitem
Very interesting topic, so sad I missed it.
did you record the full sessions some how?
Its still an undergoing series of sessions. You CAN still attend.. though you should work out what we learned before
I don't know how much this is possible, how many sessions did I miss and how many sessions are there to come.
is there an outline or something to help me catch what I've missed?
The initial topic already has a brief on what happened during the sessions, although there's 2 sessions that I haven't updated yet.
I may be mistaken, but that project requires image processing for it needs a camera and an algorithm to track your hand etc. That cannot be done in our level yet. It is a nice project though, but complicated for a first project.
Dude. I can solder, nothing's hard for me.
Very well then :P I have high expectations from you from now on