@ahk40a lol man it is impossible that every single torrent with the highest possible seeders you can find on all trackers reaches a max speed of 5kb/sec! but when connecting to another ISP (tested with Ogero and IDM) or VPN it reaches the full speed given.
I know that when I direct download I get full speed but not with torrents. Google torrent throttling...
ahk40a wroteGuys, the torrent is not a way to know what you have speed! Certain peers or seeds tend to block certain IP address ranges or allow certain ranges. In that way, when you use VPN you might be registered to the allowed bulk of IPs that gives you higher download speed. If you want to download a big file and know your exact speed download any windows file for example directly from microsoft.com

It's not that. They KNOW that there is a "problem" with the torrents. I've been downloading the same series, season by season, from the same torrent, it used to download perfectly fine before until the last couple of weeks.
Hello , if you are using vpn and getting your maximum download speed on torrents which vpn are you using ? thank you !
I'm using hideman, you get 5 hours a week of free service with your macimum speed unlike other vpns
@DANGER Hotspot Shield, but this is not a solution, browsing becomes a bit laggy like when checking Outlook, so I hope WISE will fix this asap.
I just got (almost) full download speed.
Now it got back to slow speed :s
Truepeace wrote@DANGER Hotspot Shield, but this is not a solution, browsing becomes a bit laggy like when checking Outlook, so I hope WISE will fix this asap.
Cool! I just installed the trial and as soon as I turn it on, torrent downloads shoot to full speed. Still nothing from @longbit, though...
Today I checked the dl speed at 4:30 am and it was full speed and yesterday same thing at 3h30 am (still full speed even if I fully close uTorrent and restart it) but now back to max 6kb/sec ....
This is getting ridiculous, I can barely load a 240p video on youtube. And I have the 2MB unlimited package.
Waiting for longbit to reply. Almost giving up on Wise.
I have a good feeling about this :)
m_zeid a good feeling about what? I have been praying for weeks on end to be able to play 360p youtube again without an answer. Please tell me you have some good news.
I'm able to play 360p youtube videos on the WiseBox (wireless) without any problem since last week, even 480p most of the time.. It's weird it seems that the Wise wireless connections are now better than dsl...
I called them today expecting to see some progress or updates but the staff told me that torrents' speed is slowed down when there is high traffic on the network, I wanted to laugh so badly enno seriously? I told him I don't think so because it's like this all day (yes with a v. big number of seeders when he asked) and that when I use my vpn it reaches full speed, and that direct downloads where never or barely affected by what he called high traffic. Then he was confused and said that this is what they think. I don't blame him but the higher team of support because you really want us to believe such a thing "da8et 3al chabakeh" instead of saying that you're working on it...
I'm very disappointed. I was used to a very high quality of support from WISE but now they're letting us down.
Guys, did you try using bitlet.org with the Zenmate Chrome extension? I guess it works and it can give you full speed. (bitlet.org is a way to download torrents directly from a browser)

I have a question as well: Is DNS related in a way to torrents? If yes, you can also try to change your DNS to those of OpenDNS after creating an account (free).
Zenmate is a vpn solution for chrome = useless for torrents
Direct downloading of torrents in fact will give full speed like any direct download, I did not try your website but I doubt it will work without limitations or slow speed (like another website limiting a single download to 1 GB), anyways I don't want a workaround since vpn is also a temporary solution.

I don't think DNS is related to torrents' speed since I know that DNS is only used to resolve a dns name into an IP address, so it can only affect websites' blocking not speed if I'm right.
This is a joke, a complete joke. I am currently getting 25 kb/s on normal downloads via Chrome. I can't believe I'm paying $50 for this service.
Browser downloading is crap, try Internet Download Manager, you get full speed (and you cut off the internet to the rest of the house if you tweak it a little ;) ) unless you're really having a 25kb/sec as full speed.
Truepeace wroteBrowser downloading is crap, try Internet Download Manager, you get full speed (and you cut off the internet to the rest of the house if you tweak it a little ;) ) unless you're really having a 25kb/sec as full speed.

My modem is wired directly to my desktop. And at night, 25kb/s is the speed I get. During the day, it's pretty normal.