- Edited
The intent of this topic is to provide LebGeeks members with a well formed template to sell their "Tech" related devices, machinery or related. Please refrain from posting any similar topics or trying to sell your items in a different topic.
- You can only sell Tech related items and machinery.
- If you are business, you may not sell your items here. This is strictly geek-to-geek.
- You can use this thread to post an ad for your items. However do not share any private info here. If you're interested in an item in this thread, contact the author directly via PM.
- Posts asking if a certain item is still available or simply announcing interest will be removed. Any questions should be asked via PM and not in this topic.
- Do not post contact information, people can contact you via private messages.
- Do not link to elmazad or other hubs that you're already using to sell your items.
- You must adhere to the template provided below.
Template for sellers
[ITEM] : A small label identifying the item and it's price.
[DESCRIPTION] : Description of the item.
[PICTURES]: A set of LINKED images showing the items being sold. DO NOT post images, post links to images.
[DELIVERY OPTIONS] : will deliver, won't deliver, will only deliver in <area>
Thank you for understanding and happy selling!
LebGeeks Community Facilities:
- Sell your stuff!
- LebGeeks Gifts – Give away stuff!
- Looking to buy!
- You can only sell Tech related items and machinery.
- If you are business, you may not sell your items here. This is strictly geek-to-geek.
- You can use this thread to post an ad for your items. However do not share any private info here. If you're interested in an item in this thread, contact the author directly via PM.
- Posts asking if a certain item is still available or simply announcing interest will be removed. Any questions should be asked via PM and not in this topic.
- Do not post contact information, people can contact you via private messages.
- Do not link to elmazad or other hubs that you're already using to sell your items.
- You must adhere to the template provided below.
Template for sellers
[ITEM] : A small label identifying the item and it's price.
[DESCRIPTION] : Description of the item.
[PICTURES]: A set of LINKED images showing the items being sold. DO NOT post images, post links to images.
[DELIVERY OPTIONS] : will deliver, won't deliver, will only deliver in <area>
Thank you for understanding and happy selling!
LebGeeks Community Facilities:
- Sell your stuff!
- LebGeeks Gifts – Give away stuff!
- Looking to buy!