• Gaming
  • Medal of Honor Warfighter

We still didn't see the final product, but i can't feel they could improve it that much, as the review states that it should be more like a demo not a "beta". But we'll see how it will compete against the shooters of this holiday.
3 months later
Hello fellow Lebanese!
I'm posting on this thread because I'm looking for someone from Lebanon to team up with on playing MOH Warfighter on the Xbox.
so if there's anyone here who's into FPS & mainly BF3, MOH (serious war shooting games) then please feel free to add me on XBL (Phoenician)

P.S: the games is just awesome, I've played the beta and wasn't much impressed due to the amount of bugs & glitches but with the final release, well...the experience is totally different. so yes, I'd recommend it for anyone who likes "matured" type of FPS games.
Hey iWiCkeD glad to know that you liked the game!!
It had very low ratings, all the high ratings were for Blackops2 but i won't be getting this game.. i'm still playing BattleField3

How is it when compared to BF3?

Sadly i'm a PS3 player :)
actually i didn't like the game play mechanics of warfighter they are just imitating COD but with the better frostbite 2 engine which in my opinion doesn't work that well in fast paced FPS games if you like these kind of games u will be better of with Blackops 2 i am playing it right now and it is awesome

@bilanio MOH and Bf3 they are two different games which cannot be compared bf3 is the best game ever in large map vehicle based combat but its really bad when it comes to CQB i really hate the way weapons act in bf3 and bullet drop it just doesn't work in CQB. COD is on the other hand the best game ever if you like fast paced highly competitive FPS, MOH is in the middle it is a merge of both games.

i play BF3 and COD but honestly MOH didn't make it to make games list its very slow and boring.