• Gaming
  • [IDM]Problems connecting to Sony Entertainment Network version 2.0

Had same issue with world of warcraft i wasnt able to log for 3 days i called today and they fixed it, i guess ports were blocked or something the guy didnt tell me the problem but asked me if it happens agsin to ask for him his name is Elie call and ask for him. hope that will help you
It depends on whom you talk with, the first guy was kind of nervous when i explained the problem to him, it's like he didn't understand anything from what i was saying, then he hung up the phone. The second one seems to know what he was talking about, his name is Jean Pierre, he told me to switch the modem on and he will call me after a while. He didn't call but surprisingly i am getting NAT 2 again after four days in a row, i was able to sign in and play with a friend without any disconnections. I am not sure if it will stay like this but i hope so.
This is beyond ridiculous, it used to be not stable, sometimes you can sign in, sometimes you can't, but today i couldn't sign in at all. I sent them an e-mail describing the problem and stating that it is happening to all IDM subscribers with all the ports of SEN. I got a reply from them asking me to try now, nothing happened. I can't see any other users complaining but me and Kareem_Nasser, are we the only ones having this issue?
Nope. I've been having the issue since 4 days ago. It takes me about 10 times of trying to sign in. And even if I sign in, it only connects half the time for co-op play in Borderlands 2. Before that I did not have any issues. Today I tried pingtest.net and none of the packets went through although I did get decent ping with a server in France. Of note, previously all packets would go through and come back 100% of the time with no issues whatsoever. I called them today and they told me that they are having issues with their internet access and I should not be having internet access at all. The tech support who answered actually was surprised that I had access. Anyways, in addition to the whole SEN timing out thing, my browsing has been acting weird lately. I used to have immediate access to all of the sites. Now, I need to click on a link several times before it goes through and when it starts it takes more than the usual to load. Curiously, some sites are much faster at loading than others although in the past all sites would equally load. This is happening in different devices. I know its not the most objective test but something is off with IDM these days, especially after the presumed upgrade/maintenance they had a while back.
Hmm so we can assume it is a problem at their side 100%. I tried logging in today and it did after 2 tries but then disconnection after about 15 minutes.
If i try anything else like using CMD for pinging and checking for updates on PS3 even web browsing works normally.
Yes. That's exactly the problem. Everything else works relatively well on the PS3. Game updates and web browsing are fine. But when it comes to signing in, the connection starts timing out. I'll try it out after I get back home and give them a call. Will update.
Same here, no issues with the PS3's browser, downloading...etc, you can tell if you're going to be able to sign in or not, if it gives you NAT 2, you're good to go, if it gives you NAT failed, you'll probably have to try many times and maybe you won't be able to sign in at all.

Usually ISPs do maintenance to improve, fix and upgrade, seems the other way with IDM here, a six hours maintenance that occurred in 17/9/2012 and we're still having problems.
Just signed in normally but take not that my modem was turned off all day and i turned it on now. Lets see how long will it hold.
It will hold as long as you're signed in, but you may not be able to play and connect with some friends that you used to. It is completely random. I am still getting replies from IDM, they told me that all those ports are opened from their end and they need to know when the problem is occurring, i told them that it is happening at anytime randomly. Waiting for their reply.
Update: The connection dropped after an hour and i am unable to connect again.
Some of IDM users are facing few problems on gaming issues, so kindly if you
have any connection problems, call us on our 24/7 support on 1282 ext.1 in
order to troubleshoot with you, and successfully work on your case.

Thanks and Regards,

Technical Support Team
Tel: 1282 ext 1

IDM's response to my email
Still having with the error "Connection with SEN timed out". I'll definitely give them a call today or tomorrow at the max.
My PS3 signed in automatically, lets see how long it lasts like yesterday.
I came home to find that an electrical outage occurred (surprise!), but after my PS3 system did the system restore it logged on normally like earlier last day.
I still can't manage to sign in on PSN. I emailed them,
First time they replied with :
Dear Sirs,

We has assigned you to a real ip, kindly check it and advise back.


Second Time after I still couldn't sign in :
Dear Mr. Palamoudian,

We tried to assign you a real IP, but it seems the problem persists. We will work on your case and get back to you ASAP.

And that was 2 days ago.
I called them today and they reported that when the problem occurs I should call back to check for any possible port errors. Its signing normally so far. I will see how it fares along the day.
I wasnt able to connect now. This is rubbish what is wrong with IDM??
The problem still persists and it is random, IDM has no clue what to do.

This is new, i am getting [upload test error] on speedtest.net most of the times.
H.S wroteThe problem still persists and it is random, IDM has no clue what to do.
Exactly, it happens randomly with most of the time timeouts. Even while signed in, syncing trophies gets timeouts randomly.