Terranet's pings seems to be really shitty and pretty unstable , it may get to a 100ms sometimes. I REPEAT SOMETIMES. Most of the time its a shitty latency. Its great as far as it is for surfing the internet and unlimited night traffic but not much for online gaming.

Pinged google at about noon today , look what i got -_-
C:\Users\Christelle Y>ping www.google.com

Pinging www.google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=361ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=417ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=442ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=396ms TTL=47

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 361ms, Maximum = 442ms, Average = 404ms
Mh, i never seen to have any increased latency lately, been gaming almost 24hours a day with "almost" no problems, my ping stays below 100ms most of the time. My problem is at 11pm at night, and always have been like this since 6years now with terranet, for some god damn reason, at exactly 11pm the connection crashes sometimes, and last few days i've been getting a LOT of packet losses at that time and can't play anything, and if it's not a packet loss problem then ping is perfectly fine but the speeds go down to hell and not even youtube would open. That's the problem i've been suffering for years now with terranet and i'd rather not swap to anything else for different reasons, mainly, i'm afraid of getting something worse, and second of all, the time between switching providers considering i have to cancel with terranet and present it to another provider might set me back 2 month without connection on a worst case scenario.
maulader wroteMh, i never seen to have any increased latency lately, been gaming almost 24hours a day with "almost" no problems, my ping stays below 100ms most of the time. My problem is at 11pm at night, and always have been like this since 6years now with terranet, for some god damn reason, at exactly 11pm the connection crashes sometimes, and last few days i've been getting a LOT of packet losses at that time and can't play anything, and if it's not a packet loss problem then ping is perfectly fine but the speeds go down to hell and not even youtube would open. That's the problem i've been suffering for years now with terranet and i'd rather not swap to anything else for different reasons, mainly, i'm afraid of getting something worse, and second of all, the time between switching providers considering i have to cancel with terranet and present it to another provider might set me back 2 month without connection on a worst case scenario.
What package do you have ?
And are you in the gaming category set by terranet or just a regular dsl subscriber.
I am switching to ogero at the end of this month , mainly because of this unstable latency.
patrickyounes wrote
maulader wroteMh, i never seen to have any increased latency lately, been gaming almost 24hours a day with "almost" no problems, my ping stays below 100ms most of the time. My problem is at 11pm at night, and always have been like this since 6years now with terranet, for some god damn reason, at exactly 11pm the connection crashes sometimes, and last few days i've been getting a LOT of packet losses at that time and can't play anything, and if it's not a packet loss problem then ping is perfectly fine but the speeds go down to hell and not even youtube would open. That's the problem i've been suffering for years now with terranet and i'd rather not swap to anything else for different reasons, mainly, i'm afraid of getting something worse, and second of all, the time between switching providers considering i have to cancel with terranet and present it to another provider might set me back 2 month without connection on a worst case scenario.
What package do you have ?
And are you in the gaming category set by terranet or just a regular dsl subscriber.
I am switching to ogero at the end of this month , mainly because of this unstable latency.
2mb/s package and yes i'm in gaming category, even got a fixed ip, which is why i'm on stable latency. As i said only issue, is using the connection at night in some days.
I have contacted terranet and opened a case.
Told me they will work on it and it should be resolved in the upcoming hours.
I will update you if everything goes well, which I am hoping.
pretty impressed at current pings. stable and below a 100ms.
and it took me just 1 hour.
still subscribed to terrranet and pleased. hope it stays the same
8 days later
So i'm having an issue past few days with my connection, called them today and told them about having high latency and packet loss involved. The response i got is "we did everything we can for you, you have a static IP, you're labeled as online gaming so we route you on short delay lines, and packet loss is normal to have"

This is the 3rd time i get a similar respone from them in the past monthes, but this is the first time this has prolonged for 5days where the connection would be unstable even during the day and not just at peak times.

What i don't understand is how they managed put "online gaming" and "packet loss is normal" in 1 phrase.
@maulader, It's intentional to throttle you to a certain performance level.
The packet gets delayed a certain amout of time before going through.
look up delay pools on google.
ISPs do that in lebanon to simulate network congestion when in fact they have enough bandwidth but want to lower capacity usage.
hussam wrote@maulader, It's intentional to throttle you to a certain performance level.
The packet gets delayed a certain amout of time before going through.
look up delay pools on google.
ISPs do that in lebanon to simulate network congestion when in fact they have enough bandwidth but want to lower capacity usage.
thanks for the reply, that makes sense now. Being the type of person who downloads lots of series, i reach an easy 50GB+ traffic usage every month. I always wondered why the beginning of every month i see a huge improvement on my connection. Now i wonder what my solution would be, can't afford 2 different lines of DSL, let alone thinking about a dedicated. Any suggestions?
thanks for the reply, that makes sense now. Being the type of person who downloads lots of series, i reach an easy 50GB+ traffic usage every month. I always wondered why the beginning of every month i see a huge improvement on my connection. Now i wonder what my solution would be, can't afford 2 different lines of DSL, let alone thinking about a dedicated. Any suggestions?
Go For HDSL you might have to pay alot but still you
Will have a big quota and I dont think the speed will be affected as long as you are still beneath quota limit
My connection seems be fine now, except for the game i am playing though that problem could be coming from their side, i haven't tested any other. But something bugs me out, my ping to google has doubled from ~60-80 to ~110-140 this past week with some packet loss, tried pinging different stuff and everything was stable and below 100. So what gives?
I also am experiencing this problem. Ping to google used to be 70ms now its 124.
Anws its still a good gaming ping.
On Saturday, i was playing online smoothly when suddenly the game begun to lag
I have been a customer of Terranet for a long time and I have never been as disappointed as these last couple of months! I have upgraded to 4mbps ever since they became available, I used to get around 3.7 mbps and a latency of 120ms with Lyon. These past few months, the best speedtest I get is around 2.5 mbps and 330ms with the same server in Lyon. (Similar results to other servers)

My network is extremely secure and my usage quota has not increased and I never even finish the 25 GBs.

Would they be able to do anything about this if I call? Sadly, I'd rather live like this rather than calling them to get the most idiotic f***** up response possible, and later have to deal with the resulting anger due to their lack of professional competence :)
I'd call them. Terranet has great customer service and its 24/7. Call them and tell them your problem.
They ought to fix it.
a month later
I can't seem to be able to open my account page in the website, as i want to check my usage. Anyone else having this problem?
This started this morning.
Yep same here, guessing they are doing maintenance
9 days later
What is the average ping to google at 9 pm? Mine is 1000 ms all day.
5 days later
Romario wroteWhat is the average ping to google at 9 pm? Mine is 1000 ms all day.

78ms all day long.
Sometimes goes to 100ms after 11pm. Sometimes.
I guess something is wrong with my internet.