• Coding
  • [Exercice]N-th fractional part of an irriational number

Like most of our exercises, this exercises was taken by Project Euler, the famous mind-refreshing, mathematical-computing exercises' website.
The exercise was posted as follows
An irrational decimal fraction is created by concatenating the positive integers:


It can be seen that the 12th digit of the fractional part is 1.

If dn represents the nth digit of the fractional part, find the value of the following expression.

I know this is one of the simplest exercises out there that's why i hope to see some new methodology.
My code in python takes like 4.47 seconds i am sure you guys can beat me, so come on.
I'll be hopefully the second one to post my answer otherwise, this topic will be challenge-less.
Waiting to see some codes,
in PHP runs in 0.2 seconds:
echo $s[1e0]*$s[1e1]*$s[1e2]*$s[1e3]*$s[1e4]*$s[1e5]*$s[1e6];
echo "<br /><br />".(microtime(true)-$t1);
@Ra8 that's astounding but I was hoping to see some of you Cpp mate.
digitlist=list("".join(map(str, xrange(1,999999))))
def d(n):
    return int(digitlist[n-1])
print d(1)*d(10)*d(100)*d(1000)*d(10000)*d(100000)*d(1000000)
Here's my code. It does not build the whole string, instead it returns the value by calculating the number being drawn. As a result the execution of d(i) is quasi-linear.
import operator
import math

def levels(n):
    return 9 * n * 10 ** (n - 1)

def face_value(i):
    def level_filler(i):
        n = 1
        yield 1
        while i > levels(n):
            yield int(levels(n)/n * 1.0)
            i -= levels(n)
            n += 1

        yield int(math.ceil(i / n * 1.0))

    if i == 1: return 1
        return sum(level_filler(i))

def d(i):
    h = str(face_value(i))
    l = len(h)
    k = sum(levels(x) for x in xrange(1, l)) + 1
    j = (i-k)%l
    return int(h[j])

# d(1) * d(10) * d(100) * d(1000) * d(10000) * d(100000) * d(1000000)
print(reduce(operator.mul, (d(10**i) for i in xrange(7))))
The code is messy, I struggled to find something to pass off as names for the functions and the variables. I'm sure it can be expressed a lot better than that.
Like most of our exercises, this exercises was taken by Project Euler, the famous mind-refreshing, mathematical-computing exercises' website.
This is absolutely wrong, the amount of PE exercises on this forum can be counted on one hand. I don't mind getting some exercises from there and work on it together, but please let's not turn this into a PE knock-off.
This will use almost no memory. It doesn't reuse its progress though, which is a bummer, but I don't want to get sucked into this exercise no more.
import math

def d(idx):
	idx -= 1
	n = 1
	ln = len(str(n))
		idx -= ln
		n += 1
		ln = len(str(n))
	s = str(n)
	return int(s[idx])

print d(1) * d(10) * d(100) * d(1000) * d(10000) * d(100000) * d(1000000)
Very cool arithma!

I follow a similar approach, but my code is messy, cryptic and looks too much like the draft paper I used to scribble my thoughts down.

Glad to see you writing Python code :)
rahmu wroteVery cool arithma!

I follow a similar approach, but my code is messy, cryptic and looks too much like the draft paper I used to scribble my thoughts down.

Glad to see you writing Python code :)
I really tried hard to understand your technique, but couldn't barge through it. So I decided to implement something and see if they're similar, in order to understand yours.

At any rate, being the sucker I am, I implemented something that doesn't have to recalculate what has already been calculated:
import math

def d(idx, start, n):
    idx -= start
    ln = len(str(n))
        idx -= ln
        n += 1
        ln = len(str(n))
    s = str(n)
    return (int(s[idx]), idx, n)

prd = 1
idx = 1
state = (idx, 0, 1)
for i in range(7):
	print state
	prd *= state[0]
	state = d(idx*10, idx-state[1], state[2])
	idx *= 10

print prd