This is my question and it has been tormenting me are a couple of minutes now.
Their are all these so called cable providers providing all sorts of unlimited quotas. it is trivial to not deduce that their profit margin is based on the number of clients they have which more or less explains the fluctuations in their QOS (no pun intended).

So for the sake of argument i am cable provider i need a backbone to connect through to the world wide web, were would i go to to allocated the bandwidth?
Does this bandwidth come with a fixed Monthly Quota?
how are these leased lines priced? what sort of connection is offered dsl micerowav ..?
last but not least what kind of paperwork is needed to get such leased lines?

The point being what prevents a bunch of friends , buildings,neighborhoods from setting up their own local unlimited cable. At least then we can make sure we are getting what we are paying for and how to manage it.
Ever since the whole Barook issue, there was no more thing as unlimited quota. You get all sorts of excuses now like peak time and banning.
eurybaric wroteHylas-2 is launching very soon. Brace yourselves >D
it would all come down to the feasibility for the individual user, on the bright side we keep our eyes to the sky.

My topic was more intended towards getting some knowledge on the leased lines that are provided by oger, and the respective resellers to be able to get a margin for how much fixed cost goes into a 1 Mb dedicated connection and if their is a variable cost based on utilization.

As an example you live in a 12 story apartment building that is 24 users give or take the annoying neighbor. considering the average user is pleased with a 512 connection. 512x 24=approx 12 Mb consider half are using the connection at one given time so 6-8MB dedicated per apartment building. In this scenario you bypass the isps bandwidth sharing protocols and you actually establish a reasonably stable low latency connection for the whole building ( the Cable Guy Scenario)
@Bazella my opinion:
if someone is downloading a torrent or a big file, only someone of the 24 appartements, he'll make serious, low speeds, unstable latencies, except if you can control his bandwidth.
Another thing, shared ip is something that i don't really appreciate, it offers nothing except problems, mostly for filehosts:(Your ip is already downloading a file, please wait until it finishes, or try again in 99:99:99).
P.S. After being a cable subscriber for a while, i realised that there's nothing called unlimited...
I got serious problems because i downloaded like 30gb a month, and had to open a new account.
First some math:
As an example you live in a 12 story apartment building that is 24 users give or take the annoying neighbor. considering the average user is pleased with a 512 connection. 512x 24=approx 12 Mb consider half are using the connection at one given time so 6-8MB
12 Mbps / 24 users = 512 Kbps
12 Mbps / 12 users (half) = 1 Mbps

Seconddly, the cable guys don't get download through a local provider AFAIK, they don't used DSL, they use a satellite connection from another country (a Eurpian country AFAIR), they only go through Ogero on upload. This information might be outdated since I haven't checked in a while.