Hey LebGeeks,

So I finally got some phone line issues fixed, and I'm ready to switch to DSL. And by doing some research, and eliminating some ISP's, It's boiling down to whether I would subscribe with IDM or Sodetel.

I'd appreciate the feedback of the users of these ISP's regarding : 1- Consistency / outages 2- The pings/latencies for online gaming.

Thanks !
Sodetel has 2Mb for 30$/month IDM has better pings and stability.
I would say cable, if you are a download geek, else go for idm my friend is subscribed to their service, he tells me they offer awesome support, and the connection is pretty stable.
But I won't lie when we used to play CS online he used to timeout a lot, I was subscribed to ogero, i had like 130ms ping and his ping was like 160~220.
On cable my ping to bbc.co.uk 82ms max pretty good isn't it.
to google: 133ms max not bad
whirlpool.net.au(australian server, far enough ) to record 369ms max not good.
I'm good.
Hope those tests help you make a good choice.
I'm with IDM, 2Mb package and download speed is fine 220-250 kB/s, I play online allot too and ping is usually between 90 and 150, I had some problems before but everything is fine now and I'm very satisfied with my connection.
I'm a sodetel subscriber and the connection is horrible, I recommend IDM it's way better because my friend is subscribed to them, good luck