In the Sony conference, they didn't mention any Final Fantasy related news.
They might mention something during the Square conference.
They might mention something during the Square conference.
Square Enixrtp wroteFinal Fantasy 10 hd news ?
Wasn't it usher?The-MMMs wroteLoved Ubisoft's conference, and the last game they showcased !!! OMG !!!
Except for flo rida and his dance game; girls were a nice edition i suppose.
NAntando has always been that wayRuroken wroteOh dear god. Nintendo's conference is so painful to watch. In my opinion, even Microsoft's sucky conference was better than Nintendo's. What an amazing disappointment.
They are the ones making the actual cash so their formula works for the majority and not the minority core gamersRuroken wroteI understand that there are casual gamers out there in need for casual games. I totally understand that. But when your whole freaking conference is based on casual games and most of them are rubbish and the rest are IPs that they've been milking for so long (Mario) then this conference is a huge failure.
hardcore gaming still exist in new games, yes most games are casual these days because as ZeRaW mentioned they're the ones making the cash, and as for hardcore gaming, it basically exist in almost any game just in a more evolved way or in some games less hardcore then before but adjusting to our current times, since spending times on games these days isn't the same as it used to be where you could put a lot and not being too much. And as well, there's also the diversity in the games, compiling different sorts of mechanics into 1 game when the older ones were just way simpler and in which you had to make the game harder based on simplicity.ZeRaW wroteThey are the ones making the actual cash so their formula works for the majority and not the minority core gamersRuroken wroteI understand that there are casual gamers out there in need for casual games. I totally understand that. But when your whole freaking conference is based on casual games and most of them are rubbish and the rest are IPs that they've been milking for so long (Mario) then this conference is a huge failure.
I've read on IGN that sony has officially revealed a 2013 release date for the ps4 in the E3. I haven't really heard sony talking about the ps4 on E3, but that's what I read on IGN's site.zheavy wroteAnother thing to note, gamespot is making a prediction based on all what they saw in this E3 from conferences, stage plays, interviews, that by the end of next year there will be new console on the market, and by that meaning a new xbox or a ps4 or even both, if that's the base i'd say they will probably be shown next E3 but doubt the release will be next year, it hasn't even been that long since the current versions release.
I'm not sure about "official" announcement, it wasn't even shown in press conference, and like i said gamespot talked about it as "speculations" at the last day of E3. I don't know, that's starting to sound weird but hey i never owned a console besides those 90's nintendo, so i don't care much <.< just felt like sharing it.mohammadk97 wroteI've read on IGN that sony has officially revealed a 2013 release date for the ps4 in the E3. I haven't really heard sony talking about the ps4 on E3, but that's what I read on IGN's site.zheavy wroteAnother thing to note, gamespot is making a prediction based on all what they saw in this E3 from conferences, stage plays, interviews, that by the end of next year there will be new console on the market, and by that meaning a new xbox or a ps4 or even both, if that's the base i'd say they will probably be shown next E3 but doubt the release will be next year, it hasn't even been that long since the current versions release.