• Gaming
  • E3 LebGeeks Coverage (2012 Edition)

First of all, one of the wishes I pull off at the end of each of the 2 previous yearly E3 thread was for a better ADSL. It has been partly fulfilled, hope for more success by the end of this year.

Now to the main topic, Electronic Entertainment Expo '12.
In about a week the gaming industry will witness the most successful business/entertainment event since 1995.
So every year at around this period of time I create a thread dedicated to that event (2011,2010). But this time around, I will post the Lebanese time stamps for each press conference.

The Schedule:

1- Microsoft's Press Conference: Monday, June 4th @ 8:00:00 PM

2- Electronic Arts Press Conference: Monday, June 4th @ 11:00:00 PM

3- Ubisoft's Press Conference: Tuesday, June 5th @ 1:00:00 AM

4- Sony's Press Conference: Tuesday, June 5th @ 4:00:00 AM

5- Nintendo's Press Conference: Tuesday, June 5th @ 7:00:00 PM

P.S: Please refrain from posting until the event starts. For any suggestions PM me.
8 days later
Plz post the times for Tuesday, Wednsday and Thursday at lebanon time. BTW the Microsoft conference is over, now they's a break, next ea. For now, they have showed: tomb raider, south park, black ops 2, ascend new gods, Matter and a few I forgot it. Oh, and xbox smart glass. And who didn't watched it, you lost the opportunity to watched Ashur dancing :p

I am watching it from IGN.
Up next

the rest of the timings are correct, just follow them !

Summary of Events Microsoft Conference:

New Gears, Splinter cell, Forza, and Halo showcased (game-play for both Splinter Cell and Halo)

A lot of xbox stuff, new technology, IE confirmed on Xbox. New games coming to Kinect and stuff (really didn't pay attention very boring to me)

Tomb Raider and Resident Evil gameplay / Only games i liked

Blackops 2 = meh.

Pretty much it, all the other things are US/orientated (more channels NBA and stuff)

Smart Glass ... Cool, but unneeded.
Yeah it seems the time has been adjusted.
Anyway i wasnt able to watch the conference, i was at work. But now i took a shower and ready to go!

EA Here i come!
Kareem, you REALLY didn't miss anything, im very appalled with Microsoft's conference

I mean they had usher on stage to sing and promote Dance Central 3 ... nuf' said. What a waste of bandwidth seriously -_-

To add to my post above:

I mean a lot of Xbox-related stuff, frankly im in it for the games, and they completely lacked on that aspect

Splinter Cell was nice, to elaborate, it was stealthy, but at the end it sort of went all "rambo"

Tomb Raider - Good stuff all round

RE6 - only appreciate it if your a fan of the series.

Pretty much it.
Expectation for EA ?

Crysis 3, Dead Space 3, MOH; should be quite epic !!! :D :D

Will edit after i finish watching it with thoughts.
Everything released in june 6
yalle darab darab w yalle harab harab
-Black ops 2 footage
-gears of war: judgement trailers and stuff
-Splinter Cell: Black list
-CS:GO to consoles
-WiiU new details and copy-cat controller
-Halo 4 , Tomb Raider , forza horizon , Sleeping Dogs details & trailers
-and a lot more

check some of them here: scc-tds.net/blog/
Dead Space doesn't feel Dead Space-ish / action game ? What happened to the thriller part ?
EA's Conference:

1- Dead Space's demo looks like Gears of War.
2- Interesting games Crysis 3 and Need For Speed Most Wanted., to some extent SimCity.
Ubisoft's Conference in 50 minutes. Time to take a break and eat something.

Dead Space 3 only thing i liked, along with Sim City - Im worried that dead space will loose its thriller characteristics and become a generic shooter -_-
Ubisoft's Media Briefing starts with FarCry 3 gameplay
Troll: At last using a DualShock 3 controller.
Loved Ubisoft's conference, and the last game they showcased !!! OMG !!!

Except for flo rida and his dance game; girls were a nice edition i suppose.
Ubisoft's Press Conference, was awesome.
1- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist, a splinter cell game.
3- That new IP called Watch_Dogs, looks really, really promising.
4- WiiU's tablet controller has great potential after what i have seen from Rayman.
5- Far Cry 3 is still a great open world game, it seems the story is going to be a lot more interesting this time around.
Ubisoft didnt fail us, hope Sony does the same in about 1.5 hour.
Sony clearly surpassed Microsfot in terms of the quality presented during their respective conferences. Sony started their conference strong by introducing "Beyond", the new IP that comes from the developers of Heavy Rain, and ended also strong by showing a gameplay of "The Last of us".

As for the game that captured the day, in my opinion it was Ubisoft's "Watch Dogs" which really reminded me a bit of GTA but with a heavy twist.

Now the ball is in Nintendo's court, but i think similar to previous year, Nintendo will focus on the casual gamers and disappoints the hardcore ones.
Final Fantasy 10 hd news ?