Tripoli. Works great here. A couple disconnections tend to happen but they're mainly for a few seconds. I'm probably at 200GBs of downloads so far. No (un)FUP.
Anyone having an extremely high ping and slow internet connection tonight ? My ping is between 800-1000 ms. i have been with Ogero since 2007 and i always had good internet for online gaming streaming and downloading.
Earthmaster wroteAnyone having an extremely high ping and slow internet connection tonight ? My ping is between 800-1000 ms. i have been with Ogero since 2007 and i always had good internet for online gaming streaming and downloading.
My ping and speed are normal here.
Earthmaster wroteAnyone having an extremely high ping and slow internet connection tonight? My ping is between 800-1000 ms. I have been with Ogero since 2007 and I always had good internet for online gaming streaming and downloading.
Happened to me yesterday and the day before it. Seems alright now.
Dropped terranet and went to Ogero DSL, I took my old TG router so that I would give to them for configuration but the lady said that I must get the dsl modem from Ogero and that there was an amendment last month that imply new DSL Ogero users to buy DSL modem from ogero.
Anyhow I paid and now waiting in queue however hope I could get admin access on the modem.
leblinux wroteDropped terranet and went to Ogero DSL, I took my old TG router so that I would give to them for configuration but the lady said that I must get the dsl modem from Ogero and that there was an amendment last month that imply new DSL Ogero users to buy DSL modem from ogero.
Anyhow I paid and now waiting in queue however hope I could get admin access on the modem.
Will be the best decision you've ever made.
leblinux wroteDropped terranet and went to Ogero DSL, I took my old TG router so that I would give to them for configuration but the lady said that I must get the dsl modem from Ogero and that there was an amendment last month that imply new DSL Ogero users to buy DSL modem from ogero.
Weird. When I applied just about a month ago they asked me if I wanted to use my own router. They're either bullshitting you or that was coincidental timing that I applied before such an amendment.
well, I told her that I called 1515 (DSL) and the guy told me to bring my old modem and they will configure it. However the lady told me that 1515 doesn't know about the amendment and they will be informed. And I can't do anything except buy the modem from ogero (Hope its not TG as the one I have (LOL) BUT i really do hope I get admin access on that router.
I applied less than a month ago. Actually 3 weeks ago then they installed it after 1 week.
I used my own modem/router.
6 days later
They came and installed DSL new router Technicolor TG582n with system version 14.4 scarlet; its a new system interms of GUI and they gave me a normal user access on the router unfortunately I can't access the tools menu to access certain features such as assigning game and apps/ports ... etc...
And I doubt they give me admin access, anyhow will try and call them.
extract the PPPoE configuration... reset the router.. and then you're good to go with what you want :p :D
Extract from exporting config.bin backup?
if you can get to the page of "internet connection"
first : use google chrome
2nde : try to find where to disconnect your internet connection
3rd : find your PPPoE username and copy it to somewhere (notepad..word..)
4th: right click on the PPPoE password shown as stars or dots (***********) and click inspect element
5th: change input type in the inspect element tab by double clicking it from "password" to "text" and your PPPoE password will show up
Thanks for the help but it turns out that I cant even view the internet access page where pppoe is located as normal user, only option is to disable dsl. I think this is new firmware 14.4 not the typical GUI that we all know. Also there is option to disable DSL which I tried and nothing showed up, here is a screenshot of the system.
try to call ogero tomorrow or on saturday on 1515 and ask for IT (because they will understand what you want) and they will help ofcourse..
Does anyone have an idea on how long will it take to switch from IDM to Ogero? I really need unlimited internet and IDM's FUP is just aweful, throttling you even after watching a couple of YouTube videos. And I need at least 150gb a month.
Super Official wroteDoes anyone have an idea on how long will it take to switch from IDM to Ogero? I really need unlimited internet and IDM's FUP is just aweful, throttling you even after watching a couple of YouTube videos. And I need at least 150gb a month.
I have the 4mbps from IDM and i have no FUP (100GB per month) what was your plan ?
I should add that this ma take up to a month (without wasta)
NAM wrote
Super Official wroteDoes anyone have an idea on how long will it take to switch from IDM to Ogero? I really need unlimited internet and IDM's FUP is just aweful, throttling you even after watching a couple of YouTube videos. And I need at least 150gb a month.
I have the 4mbps from IDM and i have no FUP (100GB per month) what was your plan ?
I should add that this ma take up to a month (without wasta)
2M 50, there isn't a FUP on limited plans i know, but i need at least, 150gb.