I am not sure where the line stats are in a Technicolor router. Try all the interface links until you find something that mentions "Line Attenuation", "SNR Margin", "CRC Errors", etc...
Perhaps under "Advanced" or "Broadband"...
shady282 wrote
DG wroteYes it's possible to have one without the other working.

The majority of Technicolor routers have a default username of "admin", a default password of "password" (without the quotes), and the default IP address of 192.168. 0.1
thanks, I got into the router and used username: user, and password: user and it worked. how do i collect stats?
What technicolor model do you have? I have for example the TG589vac v2 and the stats are under Broadband menu
since the start of this month, my line stats on my modem dropped by half. I had 11mbps now i'm at 5mbps max.

Does my line stats from the modem have anything to do from ogero's side? or is this local at my home? (note that i do have some line issues with random CRC but this issue has been for 5 years and it's a big mess to fix)

I just want to know if it's time to finally face my inhouse issues or would it be from ogero's side due to covid?
HzSamer wrote
Kareem wrote
HzSamer wroteFinally switched to VDSL


What was your speed on ADSL ? ( Attenuation, attainable rate etc... )

Here is what I get. The max real speed on ADSL is around 12-13Mbps and on VDSL the download speed is around 21-22Mbps and the upload is consistant 8Mbps

I think Ogero is capping the download speed.

You know what's funny ? I had better stats on ADSL than you. In fact my attenuation was 21dB/11dB and that was my attainable rate.

My connection never ever dropped.

I was moved to VDSL two days ago and my stats below :

Now if you tell me that having a down sync 30x faster than my upload is something normal I'll give up as I'm in the process of changing the external straight copper wire connected from socket to the building box to twisted shielded CAT6 to see if it's going to make a difference.

I understand that upstream is more challenging and needs more power but if you look that the spectrum of the tone information, my upload is almost non existent even at 4 MHz

Indeed I'm using a Draytek 2862 modem which is know to be very aggressive and stable however, I'm not sure how compatible it is with the broadcom DSLAM ( I assume Huawei ) as now I can't sync higher than 16mbps on ADSL while it was touching the 19mbps on the IKANOS before they moved me.

I might borrow a VDSL modem and see if that makes a difference.

@nuclearcat any thoughts?
My DSL connection went down last night at around 1 AM, I went to bed hoping it was just another disconnect or something, woke up this morning with no net still. The last light on my router is off, only got 3/4 on.

I live in the hamra area, anyone having the same? They opened a ticket with a title "DSL - Fault Network Problem - NO VLAN"

Edit: I went to the router settings out of curiosity and it set up as a first time, i reconfigured it and now it works. Very strange.
dio wroteMy DSL connection went down last night at around 1 AM, I went to bed hoping it was just another disconnect or something, woke up this morning with no net still. The last light on my router is off, only got 3/4 on.

I live in the hamra area, anyone having the same? They opened a ticket with a title "DSL - Fault Network Problem - NO VLAN"

Edit: I went to the router settings out of curiosity and it set up as a first time, i reconfigured it and now it works. Very strange.
It has happened to me a few times before--the internet light would turn off and I called in once a few months ago and they said my modem didn't have any signin credentials which I found odd. So, I took my old Technicolor modem and plugged it in and instant internet and went back and reconfigured the modem as you did and it worked. No clue on why that happened.

Not in Hamra though, but similar experience.
Some updates... Because I'm too stubborn and some things don't make sense to me. I connected a Cat6 cable straight to the building box up to my modem. Old wire was around 130 meters ( 2 pair of wires ). I went for a 60m cable as I'm on the 8th floor.

I had a flash a custom firmware and push the modem really to the limit by going as low as 6 dB for the SNRM. I don't have control over the upstream SNRM since Ogero is sticking to 10dB which is ok for lines with very high attenuation but normally in europe, the DSLAM will give you 6dB by default and change it dynamically. I think DLM doesn't exist here.

Long story short, my attenuation went down 3dB. By default I was getting around 24-27 Mbps and here's an update after 8 stable hours.

One last thing to try, I'm going to pick a TP-link VR400 since it has a broadcom chipset and see if there's any compatibility issue.

I might also go all in, install a VDSL modem in bridge mode next to the building box and use the CAT6 cable for ethernet but imma see if I can get a UPS line ( old telephone cable probably ). That would reduce the attenuation by another 1.5 dB
So i talked to one of ogero's employee. i told him that i have vdsl. and my speed is reaching the same speed i used to get on adsl. he was like you don't have vdsl . i can see it from here. he was like you're still on adsl. they didn't change you the port to have vdsl. Even though my modem is vdsl configured and it's syncing on vdsl not adsl2plus. I Don't know what to do i swear they know nothing. He told me he'll get the feasibility study of my line on monday and if it supports vdsl he'll change the port on tuesday. I'm waiting for that. But my question is how my modem is syncing to vdsl and im still on adsl? Anyone can explain please. Thank you.
Moudimadi wroteSo i talked to one of ogero's employee. i told him that i have vdsl. and my speed is reaching the same speed i used to get on adsl. he was like you don't have vdsl . i can see it from here. he was like you're still on adsl. they didn't change you the port to have vdsl. Even though my modem is vdsl configured and it's syncing on vdsl not adsl2plus. I Don't know what to do i swear they know nothing. He told me he'll get the feasibility study of my line on monday and if it supports vdsl he'll change the port on tuesday. I'm waiting for that. But my question is how my modem is syncing to vdsl and im still on adsl? Anyone can explain please. Thank you.

Which modem do you have ?
This internet is getting worse and worse everydayy.. Does anyone play Fifa 20 here? For more than a month now its unplayable ..even in the menu it gets stuck on the loading pages like every 2 min and disconnects.. I've talked to them on twitter they told me we will check ane never replied back. And im sure the issue is from ogero as when i use 4g its not like that. Im considering to switch to cyberias gaming plan, does anyone know anything about it?
mher11 wroteThis internet is getting worse and worse everydayy.. Does anyone play Fifa 20 here? For more than a month now its unplayable ..even in the menu it gets stuck on the loading pages like every 2 min and disconnects.. I've talked to them on twitter they told me we will check ane never replied back. And im sure the issue is from ogero as when i use 4g its not like that. Im considering to switch to cyberias gaming plan, does anyone know anything about it?

What makes you think it's Ogero to blame?
I haven't played online for a month now but I used to play Fifa 20 too on PS4. I'm with Sodetel. I had exactly the same problem: on DSL unplayable but on 4G pretty good. I guess it's still the case given your input.
Kareem wrote
Moudimadi wroteSo i talked to one of ogero's employee. i told him that i have vdsl. and my speed is reaching the same speed i used to get on adsl. he was like you don't have vdsl . i can see it from here. he was like you're still on adsl. they didn't change you the port to have vdsl. Even though my modem is vdsl configured and it's syncing on vdsl not adsl2plus. I Don't know what to do i swear they know nothing. He told me he'll get the feasibility study of my line on monday and if it supports vdsl he'll change the port on tuesday. I'm waiting for that. But my question is how my modem is syncing to vdsl and im still on adsl? Anyone can explain please. Thank you.

Which modem do you have ?
Asus DSL-AC55U. Adsl/Vdsl modem
Is the modem showing the modulation type as VDSL in DSL info tab? and what VDSL profile? 17a?
My connection on dialup was probably better than my existing connection today. It randomly stops working for discord/Skype and simple works for YouTube flawlessly. Cached at its finest. Also having some troubles with a Remote Desktop connection every few hours...
Johnaudi wroteMy connection on dialup was probably better than my existing connection today. It randomly stops working for discord/Skype and simple works for YouTube flawlessly. Cached at its finest. Also having some troubles with a Remote Desktop connection every few hours...
You suffering from packet loss ?
Well it seems that DSL connection is only good in Admin Beirut and the areas with Fiber only (or you live in a centrale!). That's why i will miss my connection here when i move to Mansourieh! I think i will have to get an AlfaNet or IDM4G go as as a second connection for those days with shitty connection!
wollyka wroteIs the modem showing the modulation type as VDSL in DSL info tab? and what VDSL profile? 17a?
Yeah it's showing Vdsl. 17a right
Moudimadi wrote
wollyka wroteIs the modem showing the modulation type as VDSL in DSL info tab? and what VDSL profile? 17a?
Yeah it's showing Vdsl. 17a right
Well then stop talking to him because it's getting you nowhere.

If you change your WAN settings to ADSL2+ do you get exactly the same attainable speed?
Kareem wrote
Moudimadi wrote
wollyka wroteIs the modem showing the modulation type as VDSL in DSL info tab? and what VDSL profile? 17a?
Yeah it's showing Vdsl. 17a right
Well then stop talking to him because it's getting you nowhere.

If you change your WAN settings to ADSL2+ do you get exactly the same attainable speed?
If i change my wan settings to ADSL2+ i won't get internet at all. Internet light won't turn on. Just dsl light