I have an Ogero Open Speed line where I usually play games, the line syncs at ~17mbps, I was usually getting around 65ms latency when pinging Google DNS and in PUBG the least latency I saw was around 75ms, I called and asked them to move me to the Fast Path, now I get ~41ms to and ~60ms to PUBG closest server and the speed is still the same ~17mbps
anayman_k7 wroteI have an Ogero Open Speed line where I usually play games, the line syncs at ~17mbps, I was usually getting around 65ms latency when pinging Google DNS and in PUBG the least latency I saw was around 75ms, I called and asked them to move me to the Fast Path, now I get ~41ms to and ~60ms to PUBG closest server and the speed is still the same ~17mbps
Is fast path same as disabling interleaving or is that something completely different?
If it is something different how did you ask them to put you on fast path?
ahk40a wroteQuite interesting readings.

It seems that you are connected using G.dmt standard, have you tried forcing ADSL2/+? This might give you a better speed.

Regarding the noise that you are getting from the Elevator, try using SFTP Cable, and connect the Sheild and Foil to a lug and terminate it into the rebar found in Ogero's box, this will drain out the EMI.

Also, avoid routing the cable parallel to the electrical cables and Ishtirak cables for 1meter. if there is an overlap or corissing, make sure that the cables are perpendicular to each other to minimize interference.

Regarding my topic, I have posted some tweets and a temporary solution that could at least solve my problem if Ogero is willing to implement it.
Actually, I have the 2mb unlimited plan, so G.DMT works for me for now. I tried forcing it into other ones, but I think I have to call Ogero to do that as it refuses to do that now. It used to, so I am thinking that Ogero did something from their end.

As for my cable, it is a Cat 6 (UTP) cable which runs outside the building---the issue is that the origination point is still in the electrical room where there is all kinds of interference there especially the elevator and pump for the well---I know when either of those are on by my line stats. I talked to an electrician who seemed to know what he was talking about and said that when Ogero gets the fiber in the area, the interference should go down as they will use different frequencies than now (I was asking him about moving to telephone stuff to the outside of the electrical room--he also told me that had to be done with Ogero's permission only).
anayman_k7 wroteI have an Ogero Open Speed line where I usually play games, the line syncs at ~17mbps, I was usually getting around 65ms latency when pinging Google DNS and in PUBG the least latency I saw was around 75ms, I called and asked them to move me to the Fast Path, now I get ~41ms to and ~60ms to PUBG closest server and the speed is still the same ~17mbps

This is exactly what I did, am getting great ping values and 41-43 ms to (btw it is Interleaving Off - but the support called it fast -something)

But if I move to 4 MB unlimited plan (am now OS - 150 GB , and I need more quota for big games/movies/etc) will the ping values remain the same, or they will get worse due to unlimited plan !!
I'm pretty sure they'll remain the same.

But if it does increase, it could be that when switching your plan, the interleaving turned on again automatically (happened with me) so do remind them to turn it off again.
I guess Fast Path means that Interleaving is off because the operator talked about possibility of losing some bandwidth because of it
10 days later
I requested a switch from open speed to 4mb unlimited, they told me it needs the first week , by this duration if i download something will it be accounted for the open speed consumption or the unlimited one.
Ahmad Toutounji wroteI requested a switch from open speed to 4mb unlimited, they told me it needs the first week , by this duration if i download something will it be accounted for the open speed consumption or the unlimited one.
Yeah----you will have to wait until it is officially done on Ogero's side. Nothing new or unusual about it except that in many countries you can switch almost immediately while over here it still needs a process for some reason. Also billing cycle is mid month and cycle for consumption, internet plans etc is monthly---I haven't figured that part out.
xazbrat wrote
Ahmad Toutounji wroteI requested a switch from open speed to 4mb unlimited, they told me it needs the first week , by this duration if i download something will it be accounted for the open speed consumption or the unlimited one.
Yeah----you will have to wait until it is officially done on Ogero's side. Nothing new or unusual about it except that in many countries you can switch almost immediately while over here it still needs a process for some reason. Also billing cycle is mid month and cycle for consumption, internet plans etc is monthly---I haven't figured that part out.
With all do respect, the change only happens on the next billing cycle. The case with Ogero is the 1st of each month. The billing is also delayed 15 days, which is normal.
For instance, taking DU as an example, the billing cycle is the 1st of each month and the bills are issued on the 15th. That is for the Land Lines.

For Etisalat, the same for the billing cycle and the bill is normally issued immediately for the SIM cards. The same what you see with Touch and Alfa.
Guys, any new updates regarding unlimited night traffic/ new prices / new plans !! :(
Mr Kraydeyeh said (since 2 months) it was forwarded to the Minister in order to show it to the government !
Abou7meed wroteGuys, any new updates regarding unlimited night traffic/ new prices / new plans !! :(
Mr Kraydeyeh said (since 2 months) it was forwarded to the Minister in order to show it to the government !
Didn't the new plans and prices come out all of a sudden last year? I don't know. Just wait lol
Did anyone noticing a high snr fluctuations during the day? Mine is going from 8 to 2 db? and thus the modem is re-syncing at a much lower speed. Then after a few hours, it's back to normal Mazraa Centrale
wollyka wroteDid anyone noticing a high snr fluctuations during the day? Mine is going from 8 to 2 db? and thus the modem is re-syncing at a much lower speed. Then after a few hours, it's back to normal Mazraa Centrale
yea me too mazraa central.
potato wrote
wollyka wroteDid anyone noticing a high snr fluctuations during the day? Mine is going from 8 to 2 db? and thus the modem is re-syncing at a much lower speed. Then after a few hours, it's back to normal Mazraa Centrale
yea me too mazraa central.
I have been facing the same thing as well in Khalde CO. No updates from Ogero and they are not even planing to resolve this issue.
Cage wrote
Abou7meed wroteGuys, any new updates regarding unlimited night traffic/ new prices / new plans !! :(
Mr Kraydeyeh said (since 2 months) it was forwarded to the Minister in order to show it to the government !
Didn't the new plans and prices come out all of a sudden last year? I don't know. Just wait lol
Lol--I am still waiting for speeds better that the 2 mbps that I am currently getting ( 3 mbps max according to the speedtest). Another quarter, another notch in the failures of the proces as it was supposed to be done 3 quarter last year and then 3rd quarter this year before being yanked from the list.
xazbrat wrote
Cage wrote
Abou7meed wroteGuys, any new updates regarding unlimited night traffic/ new prices / new plans !! :(
Mr Kraydeyeh said (since 2 months) it was forwarded to the Minister in order to show it to the government !
Didn't the new plans and prices come out all of a sudden last year? I don't know. Just wait lol
Lol--I am still waiting for speeds better that the 2 mbps that I am currently getting ( 3 mbps max according to the speedtest). Another quarter, another notch in the failures of the proces as it was supposed to be done 3 quarter last year and then 3rd quarter this year before being yanked from the list.
Yea welp. I actually told them to change my plan from 2 mbps to open speed this month but i still have to wait for like 2 3 more days they said yesterday. I wanted to change because ping would skyrocket if a device like a PlayStation or another computer connects to the network.
9 days later
Anyone experiencing weird timeout issues tonight? Whenever I'm downloading anything it just fails after a few seconds, and trying to join any online game of any type leads to a disconnect also after a few seconds.
Raficoo wroteAnyone experiencing weird timeout issues tonight? Whenever I'm downloading anything it just fails after a few seconds, and trying to join any online game of any type leads to a disconnect also after a few seconds.
Same here,

psn goes online just for seconds
Same issue here, all connections killed automatically after few seconds.
ahk40a wroteI just came back from Lebanon, where I have changed my parents Modem Router due to a high number of disconnects. The situation remained the same. But I have noticed something very disturbing:
We live in Doha Aramoun and we are connected to Khaldeh Central Office.
During Blackouts in the area, the connection is quite stable and faster than the time where we have utility electricity.
Once the electricity is back, the DSL disconnects due to electric noise it seems.
I have even tried to connect directly the Ogero's Box, to avoid in-building electrical noise. The findings are not enough to enough to define if there is an issue in the internal wiring.
I recall that in my previous visit to Lebanon, there was new Electrical Cabling being done by EDL with 11KV cables in the area. Once those were connected we started facing this disturbance in the DSL connectivity. Once we loose the electricity, the DSL service is back to normal. What a situation, we started to wait for the blackout to have a stable but slow internet connection.

Does anyone lives in the area and have the same case?
I am in the same spot since last year, when I discovered that the elevator is causing the SNR to drop everytime it moves.

I did all the troubleshooting you imagine without luck.

Today I closed a call with Ogero centrale Khalde Mr Mcharfieh, I told him about the problem and he said you need to find a professional electrician to solve the problem as Ogero has nothing to do with power cables inside the Electric room in the building, more over he said that ogero refuses and cannot install an airborne telephone line from the ogero exchange box on the curb across the street to my house or move the ogero box outside the electric room in the building.
Ogero DSL team best option to wait for fiber deployment.
I need to find a good electo-engineer who knows about EMF/interference and stuff like that...