Is there any option on MyOgero app to reduce the speed if you exceed your monthly data cap ?
Mylo89 wroteIs there any option on MyOgero app to reduce the speed if you exceed your monthly data cap ?
It is easier and more convenient to got a router that has bandwidth limiter and hook it up to the modem. Maybe next month you want the speed
Well i meant to reduce the speed just till the last day of the month to avoid excess in the data cap exceeded, but anyways thanks for the tip!
bobo619 wrote
Mylo89 wroteIs there any option on MyOgero app to reduce the speed if you exceed your monthly data cap ?
It is easier and more convenient to got a router that has bandwidth limiter and hook it up to the modem. Maybe next month you want the speed
6 days later
No internet connection on Fiber - Ras Beirut Center Anyone?
8 days later
Anyone with Ogero experiencing high ping and/or slow speeds in the past few days ?
5 days later
The ping on Ogero DSL practically doubled tonight. Anyone else experiencing this ?
Not on my end, pretty stable on VDSL in office and ADSL at home
There is problem with Ogero backbone latency, affecting ISPs and probably SOME Ogero customers.
Azachariou yeah as Nuclearcat mentioned... it seems it's only affecting some customers.
Thanks Nuclearcat for the clarification.
the internet became 10x worst since they announced that crappy fiber project which they keep on delaying =)) .

i'm an ogero customer for few years now and never i have seen modem restarting couple of times a day . it's laughable when things should be improving they get worst , lebanon at best :
ManOwaRR wrotethe internet became 10x worst since they announced that crappy fiber project which they keep on delaying =)) .

i'm an ogero customer for few years now and never i have seen modem restarting couple of times a day . it's laughable when things should be improving they get worst , lebanon at best :
That is true, the quality of the internet is degrading in the past couple months. Unfortunately, the exact reason is unknown. As it is planned to have FTTC/VDSL, I am going to invest a bit early in changing the modem.

In your case, and as what I understood from you, when a modem restarts for no good reason this means that the modem is faulty and has to be replaced. One fact to take into consideration, some modems provides access to Ogero's technical team for remote support and adjustments. This could be another reason for such issue, but as they have recently added this feature on new modems, I doubt this is the case for you.
ahk40a wrote
ManOwaRR wrotethe internet became 10x worst since they announced that crappy fiber project which they keep on delaying =)) .

i'm an ogero customer for few years now and never i have seen modem restarting couple of times a day . it's laughable when things should be improving they get worst , lebanon at best :
That is true, the quality of the internet is degrading in the past couple months. Unfortunately, the exact reason is unknown. As it is planned to have FTTC/VDSL, I am going to invest a bit early in changing the modem.

In your case, and as what I understood from you, when a modem restarts for no good reason this means that the modem is faulty and has to be replaced. One fact to take into consideration, some modems provides access to Ogero's technical team for remote support and adjustments. This could be another reason for such issue, but as they have recently added this feature on new modems, I doubt this is the case for you.
well that's what i thought at first , so i went to central and bought ogero modem just for the sake of trying , same result , modem keeps restarting for unknown reason , i called them few times , my line is great blah blah blah no issue so i gave up , it's just a waste of time dealing with them after all it's lebanon we have seen that before nothing new . :
ManOwaRR wrotethe internet became 10x worst since they announced that crappy fiber project which they keep on delaying =)) .

i'm an ogero customer for few years now and never i have seen modem restarting couple of times a day . it's laughable when things should be improving they get worst , lebanon at best :
well,i also noticed that my tp link vr900 is having massive packets error (250 000 per hour) and frequent adsl disconnect.This started to happen the day they started to install fiber optic cable in our street (Aisha Bakar area).called them and they claimed that the errors are because of faulty modem or filter (as usual).
I installed my old thomson modem on the side of dsl and vr900 working as dhcp router.Errors decreased to 120 000 per day.

This was my only solution till fiber box in my building is activated by the end of this year.

funny thing ,speed is limited to 50 Mbps over fiber (ogero and private ISPs),so you don't need to install fiber to your home and use fiber modem (of cost 210$ or more ).
as long as fiber is connected to your building,you can still use your old copper cable and activate VDSL to get the same speed (50 Mbps).
Why are Ogero's unlimited plans more expensive than those of other ISPs?
4M unlimited is for 60$ at Ogero while it is for 40$ at Idm/ cyberia/ sodetel
Why to bother, none of them truly unlimited and all have sorts of FUP or restrictions. Government prices for dedicated capacity is several times higher, add also on expenses on last-mile, equipment, licenses, personnel...
Ogero has not yet limited its tariffs in matters of FUP and etc, but rather because it does not know how to do this and they are not concerned about the issue of squandering government money and fair competition, they are not bothered about being profitable in this matter. (therefore unlimited at ogero is semi-dedicated in most of cases)
I advise you to ask for details about FUP before connecting. If you use not much traffic, but just do not want to receive additional bills at the end of the month, then "unlimited" from some ISP is fine for you.
If you expect to buy unlimited and use it 100% 24/7 - Ogero.
I just came back from Lebanon, where I have changed my parents Modem Router due to a high number of disconnects. The situation remained the same. But I have noticed something very disturbing:
We live in Doha Aramoun and we are connected to Khaldeh Central Office.
During Blackouts in the area, the connection is quite stable and faster than the time where we have utility electricity.
Once the electricity is back, the DSL disconnects due to electric noise it seems.
I have even tried to connect directly the Ogero's Box, to avoid in-building electrical noise. The findings are not enough to enough to define if there is an issue in the internal wiring.
I recall that in my previous visit to Lebanon, there was new Electrical Cabling being done by EDL with 11KV cables in the area. Once those were connected we started facing this disturbance in the DSL connectivity. Once we loose the electricity, the DSL service is back to normal. What a situation, we started to wait for the blackout to have a stable but slow internet connection.

Does anyone lives in the area and have the same case?
Thats very possible. One of my friends was fighting with EDL when they was laying such cables, they was refusing to lay them deeper to keep established safety distance. At the end they kept bare minimum.
Perhaps in your case no one controlled this issue.
And this, you know, is the probability of noise, or that several kilovolts will arrive on your phoneline.
Unfortunately, Ogero are very slow in their deployment. Even though that the Khaldeh and its related area was planned in Q4 2018, then Q1 2019, and finally Q3 2019, it was recently removed from the plan.

This would definitely enhance the quality of the signal and boosting things for better speeds.
ahk40a wroteI just came back from Lebanon, where I have changed my parents Modem Router due to a high number of disconnects. The situation remained the same. But I have noticed something very disturbing:
We live in Doha Aramoun and we are connected to Khaldeh Central Office.
During Blackouts in the area, the connection is quite stable and faster than the time where we have utility electricity.
Once the electricity is back, the DSL disconnects due to electric noise it seems.
I have even tried to connect directly the Ogero's Box, to avoid in-building electrical noise. The findings are not enough to enough to define if there is an issue in the internal wiring.
I recall that in my previous visit to Lebanon, there was new Electrical Cabling being done by EDL with 11KV cables in the area. Once those were connected we started facing this disturbance in the DSL connectivity. Once we loose the electricity, the DSL service is back to normal. What a situation, we started to wait for the blackout to have a stable but slow internet connection.

Does anyone lives in the area and have the same case?
I live in Dohat Aramoun too (near Blom) and have noticed the same thing, but it is inconsistent except when the power is completely out and then my SNR margin goes up near 25. Sometimes the connection is 'solid' when there is power and other times on ishtirak, it really sucks. For example, I have power now and stats are pretty decent except when the elevator is running and snr drops to 12/13, despite me having an external line.

Mode: ADSL_G.dmt
Traffic Type: ATM
Status: Up
Link Power State: L0

Downstream Upstream
Line Coding(Trellis): On On
SNR Margin (0.1 dB): 204 280
Attenuation (0.1 dB): 445 270
Output Power (0.1 dBm): 163 121
Attainable Rate (Kbps): 4443 1293

I think it may have something to do with the street lights , but haven't been able to confirm it. They did dig around in my area for the lines, but not between me and the box, so maybe there is an effect. In any case, good luck.
Quite interesting readings.

It seems that you are connected using G.dmt standard, have you tried forcing ADSL2/+? This might give you a better speed.

Regarding the noise that you are getting from the Elevator, try using SFTP Cable, and connect the Sheild and Foil to a lug and terminate it into the rebar found in Ogero's box, this will drain out the EMI.

Also, avoid routing the cable parallel to the electrical cables and Ishtirak cables for 1meter. if there is an overlap or corissing, make sure that the cables are perpendicular to each other to minimize interference.

Regarding my topic, I have posted some tweets and a temporary solution that could at least solve my problem if Ogero is willing to implement it.