You don't lose much speed, but you gain better stability. Just figure out which one is more important to you.
xazbrat wrote Hello,i wanna ask you. did you see any ogero guys working in our area Dawhet Aramoun? Till now i didn't see any of them. Reply as soon as possible please. i'm waiting for the FTTC to take VDSL.
xazbrat wroteYou don't lose much speed, but you gain better stability. Just figure out which one is more important to you.
Hello,i wanna ask you. did you see any ogero guys working in our area Dawhet Aramoun? Till now i didn't see any of them. Reply as soon as possible please. i'm waiting for the FTTC to take VDSL.
Moudimadi wrote
xazbrat wroteYou don't lose much speed, but you gain better stability. Just figure out which one is more important to you.
Hello,i wanna ask you. did you see any ogero guys working in our area Dawhet Aramoun? Till now i didn't see any of them. Reply as soon as possible please. i'm waiting for the FTTC to take VDSL.
I saw them maybe a month ago near kareems bakery on the main road towards the turn to Hassan mosque. I haven't seen anyone since, but have seen a few of their vehicles around---just not doing work that I could see. You are lucky---my max speed here according to Ogero is 3mb---you are lucky to be getting 16 in our area.
xazbrat wrote
Moudimadi wrote
xazbrat wroteYou don't lose much speed, but you gain better stability. Just figure out which one is more important to you.
Hello,i wanna ask you. did you see any ogero guys working in our area Dawhet Aramoun? Till now i didn't see any of them. Reply as soon as possible please. i'm waiting for the FTTC to take VDSL.
I saw them maybe a month ago near kareems bakery on the main road towards the turn to Hassan mosque. I haven't seen anyone since, but have seen a few of their vehicles around---just not doing work that I could see. You are lucky---my max speed here according to Ogero is 3mb---you are lucky to be getting 16 in our area.

Hello again. I hope you'll get faster speeds very soon. Im getting 13 to 14 mbit max on speedtest but inside the router it's sometimes 16 sometimes 17. i dont know why im not getting all the speed. Maybe because it's not a dedicated connection. Anyway i hope we get FTTC as soon as possible because we need it in our area. I live beside doha pharmacy. same building of radwan market i dont know if you know it. The cabinet is very near to the building i live in.
Moudimadi wrote
xazbrat wrote
Moudimadi wrote
Hello,i wanna ask you. did you see any ogero guys working in our area Dawhet Aramoun? Till now i didn't see any of them. Reply as soon as possible please. i'm waiting for the FTTC to take VDSL.
I saw them maybe a month ago near kareems bakery on the main road towards the turn to Hassan mosque. I haven't seen anyone since, but have seen a few of their vehicles around---just not doing work that I could see. You are lucky---my max speed here according to Ogero is 3mb---you are lucky to be getting 16 in our area.

Hello again. I hope you'll get faster speeds very soon. Im getting 13 to 14 mbit max on speedtest but inside the router it's sometimes 16 sometimes 17. i dont know why im not getting all the speed. Maybe because it's not a dedicated connection. Anyway i hope we get FTTC as soon as possible because we need it in our area. I live beside doha pharmacy. same building of radwan market i dont know if you know it. The cabinet is very near to the building i live in.
You live up on the other side of Aramoun---that big cabinet in Aramoun near Sousa seems to have been made for the 'sakanheh' and you seem to be recipient being on the road to it. I live down near Blom and we don't get anywhere near those speeds here. Hopefully that changes soon.
4 days later
Hello, i have a problem. Since 1 week. im having high pings to google servers. i used to have 45 ms stable. Now it's minimum 70. Sometimes reaches 120 ms. On speedtest i get 80 or 90 ms to lebanese servers even though i have the fast only path mode on by ogero's side. If anyone could help me please. Thank you
Moudimadi wroteHello, i have a problem. Since 1 week. im having high pings to google servers. i used to have 45 ms stable. Now it's minimum 70. Sometimes reaches 120 ms. On speedtest i get 80 or 90 ms to lebanese servers even though i have the fast only path mode on by ogero's side. If anyone could help me please. Thank you
Maybe it got deactivated? Give them a call.
Doom wrote
Moudimadi wroteHello, i have a problem. Since 1 week. im having high pings to google servers. i used to have 45 ms stable. Now it's minimum 70. Sometimes reaches 120 ms. On speedtest i get 80 or 90 ms to lebanese servers even though i have the fast only path mode on by ogero's side. If anyone could help me please. Thank you
Maybe it got deactivated? Give them a call.
Hello Doom. I did that they said it's still on fast mode on..
5 days later
Hello guys. Can anyone of you ping to and google servers and tell me how much ms you're getting? I had a problem in my ping it has been minimum 70 to 200 ms. i used to get always 45 ms stable on google servers and 8 to 9 on speedtest lebanese servers. i opened a ticket. and my problem was solved yesterday morning. got 45 ms again. yesterday night it went back 70 to 200 ms. I talked to Ogero and i've open a ticket. Can anyone help me please? Thank you.
Moudimadi wroteHello guys. Can anyone of you ping to and google servers and tell me how much ms you're getting? I had a problem in my ping it has been minimum 70 to 200 ms. i used to get always 45 ms stable on google servers and 8 to 9 on speedtest lebanese servers. i opened a ticket. and my problem was solved yesterday morning. got 45 ms again. yesterday night it went back 70 to 200 ms. I talked to Ogero and i've open a ticket. Can anyone help me please? Thank you.
Hello Moudi, based on your recent comments here, you said you are in Aramoun, near the Statue, are you suffering from downtown and disruption in the network? I believe we both are sharing the same cable from Ogero, as per the layouts that I have seen earlier.
Hello, I'm just suffering of high ping to google servers and lebanese servers on speedtest. Just this problem. I dont live near the statue. I live beside Dohat Aramoun Pharmacy. How much speed are you getting? You're an Ogero subscriber?
ahk40a wrote
Moudimadi wroteHello guys. Can anyone of you ping to and google servers and tell me how much ms you're getting? I had a problem in my ping it has been minimum 70 to 200 ms. i used to get always 45 ms stable on google servers and 8 to 9 on speedtest lebanese servers. i opened a ticket. and my problem was solved yesterday morning. got 45 ms again. yesterday night it went back 70 to 200 ms. I talked to Ogero and i've open a ticket. Can anyone help me please? Thank you.
Hello Moudi, based on your recent comments here, you said you are in Aramoun, near the Statue, are you suffering from downtown and disruption in the network? I believe we both are sharing the same cable from Ogero, as per the layouts that I have seen earlier.
Hello, I'm just suffering of high ping to google servers and lebanese servers on speedtest. Just this problem. I dont live near the statue. I live beside Dohat Aramoun Pharmacy. How much speed are you getting? You're an Ogero subscriber?
Moudimadi wrote
ahk40a wrote
Moudimadi wroteHello guys. Can anyone of you ping to and google servers and tell me how much ms you're getting? I had a problem in my ping it has been minimum 70 to 200 ms. i used to get always 45 ms stable on google servers and 8 to 9 on speedtest lebanese servers. i opened a ticket. and my problem was solved yesterday morning. got 45 ms again. yesterday night it went back 70 to 200 ms. I talked to Ogero and i've open a ticket. Can anyone help me please? Thank you.
Hello Moudi, based on your recent comments here, you said you are in Aramoun, near the Statue, are you suffering from downtown and disruption in the network? I believe we both are sharing the same cable from Ogero, as per the layouts that I have seen earlier.
Hello, I'm just suffering of high ping to google servers and lebanese servers on speedtest. Just this problem. I dont live near the statue. I live beside Dohat Aramoun Pharmacy. How much speed are you getting? You're an Ogero subscriber?
The speed varies between 2 and 2.5 Mbps, depends of several variables such as temperature, humidity, and electricity. Doha Pharmacy, is the one after Villa Harmoush, correct? And yes I am an Ogero subscriber. Honestly, it is the most stable of all of the ISPs especially that the other ISPs do not have their DSPs installed in Khalde CO.

Also, I have the same as what you have described before, our cable takes the longest path to reach the CO and is not connected to the active room in the area.
ahk40a wrote
Moudimadi wrote
ahk40a wrote
Hello Moudi, based on your recent comments here, you said you are in Aramoun, near the Statue, are you suffering from downtown and disruption in the network? I believe we both are sharing the same cable from Ogero, as per the layouts that I have seen earlier.
Hello, I'm just suffering of high ping to google servers and lebanese servers on speedtest. Just this problem. I dont live near the statue. I live beside Dohat Aramoun Pharmacy. How much speed are you getting? You're an Ogero subscriber?
The speed varies between 2 and 2.5 Mbps, depends of several variables such as temperature, humidity, and electricity. Doha Pharmacy, is the one after Villa Harmoush, correct? And yes I am an Ogero subscriber. Honestly, it is the most stable of all of the ISPs especially that the other ISPs do not have their DSPs installed in Khalde CO.

Also, I have the same as what you have described before, our cable takes the longest path to reach the CO and is not connected to the active room in the area.
Right, after villa Harmouch. I hope they install fiber to the cabinet as soon as possible so our issues could be solved.
I asked Mr,imad Kreidieh about when is fttc coming to Aramoun, This was his reply: The whole exchange of khaldeh that serves you is being studied and we will hand out the designs to the contractors by mid august
Moudimadi wroteI asked Mr,imad Kreidieh about when is fttc coming to Aramoun, This was his reply: The whole exchange of khaldeh that serves you is being studied and we will hand out the designs to the contractors by mid august

Great news!

Seriously I'm tired of waiting... It's been 9 months and they keep pushing things to the next quarter.... very annoying the lebanese way....
Well when Mr.Imad did his last Facebook live broadcast, he showed my city and my area getting FTTH at the end of the year, so atleast it didn't get postponed for a 3rd time lol
Kareem wrote

Seriously I'm tired of waiting... It's been 9 months and they keep pushing things to the next quarter.... very annoying the lebanese way....
Likewise---was supposed to be 3rd quarter of last year, then 3rd quarter this year and now, poof, disappeared--nothing. And people wonder why I prefer the private sector to take care of things like telco and electricity......