Anyone experiencing some heavy timeouts ? It's unbearable !! Bekaa region here limited plan.
Salloum wrote
dav wrotecan someone tell me what speed will i get for 6-8 mbps from ogero? and how will the speed vary?

max download rate on router page : 13 300 kbps

max upload rate on router page : 947 kbps
I have the 6-8Mbps from Ogero and the maximum download I get is around 850kb/s. Upload is around 65-70kb/s. It's quite good actually but you have to be careful with the 60GB cap otherwise you'll wind up paying hundreds of dollars in excess traffic. Yes, it happened.

my stats are SNR margin 27-28 db and line attenuation for download 40-41 db and my router says that my max speed can be 13 000 kbps... according to some websites my line can handle around 8700 kbps... will they accept to offer the 6-8mbps to me?
So after calling Ogero several times the past couple of days,they came today and it turned out that the phone socket in my room doesn't work so they have put the router in a different room and it worked despite the fact that I already tried that but it didn't work lol...Anyways after 30 mins the router showed lots of errors and the internet went down.I turned off the kitchen light and internet went back on with 3-2db increase in SNR(tried to switch the lights back on and internet went back down).So I found the cause of the disconnections that I used to have(Hopefully),so what should I do?Change the lamp?the lamp makes static noise when it turns on with low light,and the door bell device is placed in the kitchen also(read somewhere that it may be connected to phone line).So do I need an electrician to check the wires or just change the lamp?
7 days later
sooo... what i expected, happened!
after a "kashf -.-" that took 8 days with ogero stuff I called them and they said sorry sir, your line does not support more than 2mbps! -.-
does someone know why they are not releasing the bandwidth?? i'm going to pay 71 500 LL / month instead of 26400 LL / month and they don't want it??
and the worst was... that to be more confident about my line stats... i switched down from ADSL2+ to G.dmt and i found that the line attenuation went to 25db!! with an SNR margin of 34db!! YESS! even my router is saying now that i can have 9300 kbps on g.dmt!! knowing that g.dmt max speed is 8000 kbps!
then when i can have the 8000 kbps why they didin't accepted to upgrade me to 6-8 mbps?
anyway i tried to contact Mr. boutros harb's hotline... but no one answered.. so i sent a message on facebook and waiting for a reply! :/
4 days later
Anyone has the ping time doubled ? I am usually at around 75ms to google DNS servers and this morning I am getting 160ms.
I am also getting a lot of "request timed out" replies since yesterday evening.
DG wroteAnyone has the ping time doubled ? I am usually at around 75ms to google DNS servers and this morning I am getting 160ms.
I am also getting a lot of "request timed out" replies since yesterday evening.
Yup, im on BF4 and my ping is 150 ms, the fuck is going on OGERO!?

I usually have 70 ms. probably doing maintenance or something?
yea me and my friend having trouble viewing twitch too
I just called them, spoke to someone, he reset it for me from their end, still the same, ping is doubled.

Seems like a routing thing, ive seen this happen before, just have to wait i guess.
Im on BF4 also, and hardline.
I have been resetting the router all day, disabling the connection on every phone in the house,but nothing, i am getting 150-180ms when i used to get 60-70ms.
My brother is with Connect and, at least, they had the decency to send the following SMS: "Dear client, a problem occured on the Lebanese International fiber optics cable. As a result, Ogero and all legal ISPs are affected. Maintenance is being performed".

No estimate as to when the service will be back to normal. That explains it.
And yes it is definitely a routing thing. Coz every time they switch us to the backup link I lose connectivity for about 20 secs and I get disconnected from WoW. As soon as the connection is back I notice ping has doubled (can't expect ping on the backup link to be as good as the main fiber optics cable).
Mine dropped back to 60 MS for about 2 hours and then it went back up to around 120-130.

At least some isp had the decency to tell us what's going on. Ogero didn't even tell me there was an issue at all.
well its all good now everything back to normal.
Mines still messed up as well.

It came back for a bit earlier but went to shit again. Guess they're fixing it. And we wait!
170ms on Runescape's dutch servers
Used to get 87ms ping

Im on cyberia but this issue seems universal

have had 1500ms ping+ for 2 hours tho
BJ-AM wrote170ms on Runescape's dutch servers
Used to get 87ms ping

Im on cyberia but this issue seems universal

have had 1500ms ping+ for 2 hours tho
yeah cyberia has now this issue, yesterday it was fine all day so I guess it's our turn today
my friend with cyberia had yesterday 200ms to CSGO while usually he gets 120-130 ... i am having no problem with IDM
feels bad when you lose stuff in game when you die and get called a noob when its not your fault
ka2enno 2at3et el kahrba mesh kefye