• Gaming
  • Lines that prove you played/play World of Warcraft

- Time is money, friend.
- DPS slowly.. when I say slow, I mean F**KING SLOW ...okay, more dots.
Walk with the earth mother
The Naaru have not forgotten us
Welcommme Friend!
Stay away from thevoodoo
The winds guide you
May the light embrace you
Remember the Sunwell
We will have justice!
Everything has a price.
What's on your mind?
What do you ask of death?

Mirrors can't talk, luckily for you, they cant laugh either.

Players quotes
Rogues do it from behind!
Dear blizzard please nerf paper, Scissors are fine!

I'll remember and post more later!
Friend: "what does the scouter say about his power?"

I then link on chat the "It's Over Nine Thousand!" Achievement.
You break it you buy it
Looking for 2 healers and a tank for ICC
jadz wroteYou break it you buy it
More like "You spank it, you tank it" :P
"I like my women like I like my beer, stout and bitter."
The best line in all of WoW is simply: "YOU ARE NOT PREPARED"
Rogue on trade chat: "Free chest exams, I slide my rod into your box and the treasure comes out ! Get your mind out of the gutter... I am talking about lockpicking !"
25 days later
25 days later
Anal Dirge :P

Zul'Gurub Boss Quote:

Rogues Do It From Behind :P


Get Gabbin' Or Get Goin'
I'm Forsaken
I Have One Of A Kind Items

Though my account is active now but I'm not playing, due to the impressive 400+ ms each day.... just being sarcastic :P
Cleaned up off topic posts.

Please stick to the topic at hand.