• Networking
  • Telecommunication Minister's Twitter Session

It actually ended.
While i was browsing the tweets it seems things are really interesting and Mr. Nicolas is one of the rare politicians in Lebanese history. Anyway things are looking promising for next year, lets hope he accomplishes all what he promised us.

I think the most important tweets are:

By MhammadMarzouk:
@NicolaSehnaoui What's the expected date for you to say there's no worries on the sector & finally it's in a good condition, i.e: late 2012
The Minister Replied:
@MhammadMarzouk After 1/ Change of Ogero management 2/ Completion of Fiber Optic backbone and Fiber To The Home
@MhammadMarzouk 3/ Linking Lebanon to Europe through another international cable 4/ completion of mobile network upagrade and expansion
Hope many of you are excited as i am because till now the minister is proving the he is worth the trust.
I have enough hyporcrits to deal with in my personal life to allocate any time for those champions at the national level - or anything coming out of the government of this godforsaken country, as a matter of fact.
rolf wroteI have enough hyporcrits to deal with in my personal life to allocate any time for those champions at the national level - or anything coming out of the government of this godforsaken country, as a matter of fact.
A bit pessimistic?

Have a little faith. Banter will get us no where.
Sort of agree with Rolf--talk is cheap. Actions are what is needed now. A lot of what he stated before haven't been born into fruition.

And for those who have bad connections now, fiber to the CO's won't help them that much. I would like to hear about the MoT's opinion on introducing wireless technologies like WiMax 2 to help with the "last mile" problems being experienced now while the fiber to the home (probably won't be finished until 2016 or later) gets implemented.
ranibalaa wrote
rolf wroteI have enough hyporcrits to deal with in my personal life to allocate any time for those champions at the national level - or anything coming out of the government of this godforsaken country, as a matter of fact.
A bit pessimistic?

Have a little faith. Banter will get us no where.
I have faith but I'm not wasting time even reflecting or discussing about this issue.
All I know, is despite my central being upgraded over half a month ago, i'm still rocking the 256kb/s cnxn. So I honestly couldn't care less about who's fault is this, but I can't get a straight after asking ogero via phone or in person.

I say less than 50% of the total internet users in lebanon have had their internet upgraded.

All these future plans as a result mean NOTHING to me.
The guy that asked him this question must be a genius !
because he's simply me ! :p

and for those who are saying that talk is cheap, hmm NOOT
I don't think that the minister is just talking ! he's a very motivated person and this plan is a very promising one
It is obvious that a Minister with no technical background is B.S.... he doesn't really know what he's talking about... It's like someone saying we will start building a tower and we should finish next month " APPROVED " HUREY...

This is not how things should work or at least not to get people's attention. If properly planned, they should know more about the implementation phases.

He cannot say that starting from 15oct. new speeds will be available if it WONT.. We're almost 2012 and still no more than 1mbps. I do not care if all lower packages have been upgraded, we have been promised for new speeds..

Planning for 3G without expecting more than 15,000Subscribers while they have now more than 80,000 subscriber is a waste of money and degradation in the network performance.

We got our 3G network but let us not talk about the random disconections and shitty signal reception...

Everything is just " a la libanaise " in this country unfortunately and since there is no proper planning, things will not improve.
Kareem wroteIt is obvious that a Minister with no technical background is B.S.... he doesn't really know what he's talking about... It's like someone saying we will start building a tower and we should finish next month " APPROVED " HUREY...

This is not how things should work or at least not to get people's attention. If properly planned, they should know more about the implementation phases.

He cannot say that starting from 15oct. new speeds will be available if it WONT.. We're almost 2012 and still no more than 1mbps. I do not care if all lower packages have been upgraded, we have been promised for new speeds..

Planning for 3G without expecting more than 15,000Subscribers while they have now more than 80,000 subscriber is a waste of money and degradation in the network performance.

We got our 3G network but let us not talk about the random disconections and shitty signal reception...

Everything is just " a la libanaise " in this country unfortunately and since there is no proper planning, things will not improve.
Regardless of the fact that I'm totally with this minister (Nicolas Sehnaoui), I cannot say that you aren't totally right. The minister has good intentions, he's very motivated and honest in trying to make things better. Unfortunately, he's being excited about announcing "improvements" more than he should be. He's trying his best, but his lack of technical expertise and the crippling from Ogero are not really helping him delivering on time.

I'm personally happy with my internet connection right now (1Mbps / 10GB plan) which is relatively cheap (compared to what we used to have prior to the price reductions). But I'm hoping a new price reduction would come along in Q1 of 2012 so I could upgrade to higher plans that are still somehow expensive. If I can get the 4Mbps plan for around $30 someday soon - that is before the fiber optics network is finalized - I would be more than satisfied.
The 3G network is designed to accommodate 800 000 subscribers not 15 000. The infrastructure isn't complete yes, that's why you are experiencing problems in some places.
No dude, I have been in the implementation onsite and I do know what I am talking about :)

They do not have enough licenses for all subsc. and the MoT is not considering paying for upgrades...
Kareem wroteThey do not have enough licenses for all subsc. and the MoT is not considering paying for upgrades...
Explain please. What do you mean by "licenses for all subsc."?
Kassem wrote
Kareem wroteThey do not have enough licenses for all subsc. and the MoT is not considering paying for upgrades...
Explain please. What do you mean by "licenses for all subsc."?
Can I not elaborate more on this? I mean I shouldn't be discussing work related stuff on the internet.

But small example, when you buy a platform to handle prepaid subscribers, you don't only buy the hardware but the software also. Depending on how much you want to pay you will be able to handle subsc. load.

Meaning if you have 4M subscriber you pay more than if you have 3M subscriber for the same platform and hardware since you are buying for both HW and SW.

Any increase in Subscriber number above given threashold will push the operator to ask for a " change request" and increase the number of subsc. the system can handle.

It's like when you buy corporate window license key to activate the OS on 20 PC, if you want it to work for 40, you pay twice.. etc..