Here's what I found on the matter.Beej wroteGuys food for thought, every and i mean every add for any type/model/company of a watch. the clock always point 10 to 10. I researched abit and ppl say because it represents a smile, or a face or watever...
Both the iphone and GSII in their hands is 10:10!!!!!
I want to know what this number represents :P.
Samsung mocks Apple fans
Wasn't the coca-cola vs pepsi ad banned?rahmu wroteNope, no ground for suing them. True the ad showed an iPhone, but it's not illegal. Remeber the coca-cola vs pepsi advertisement with the boy at the vending machine?If anything it should be illegal, now there's no hint whatsoever about "Apple" or "iPhone", but showing the iPhone device AND the OS on that device clearly showing iOS will probably get them sued.
I'm not a lawyer, and thopse things tend to be extremely complicated. But Apple won't have a real case. The ad never says anything negative about Apple or iPhone. It doesn't even claim anything about the iPhone. They're just showing Apple fans being interested in a Samsung.
You can be 100% sure that Samsung is not stupid, and had this ad go through their legal department to make sure it's 100% legal to show.
Either way, I don't get what Samsung is trying to do. I mean aren't they insulting the very same people they're trying to advertise to ? In my mind, all that's doing is reinforcing the "bond" between apple and their fans.
Still it doest justify it being 10:10 since its digital...
Its not a coincidence there is somthing behind 10:10...
Its not a coincidence there is somthing behind 10:10...
xterm wroteI don't get what Samsung is trying to do. I mean aren't they insulting the very same people they're trying to advertise to ? In my mind, all that's doing is reinforcing the "bond" between apple and their fans.
rahmu wrotethe goal of this ad is not to convert existing Apple fans, but rather to attract late smartphones adopters, and to convince early Android adopter to upgrade to a newer cooler SGS2.
Hidden intent where there's no hint of such anywhere in the ad rahmu, i seriously doubt phone users are going to sit down and think that deeply.rahmu wrotethe goal of this ad is not to convert existing Apple fans, but rather to attract late smartphones adopters, and to convince early Android adopter to upgrade to a newer cooler SGS2.
The visible meaning is:
- Don't buy an iphone
- Buy a samsung because it doesn't look the same as its predecessor.
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iphones have good materials but they are BORING! I mean wtf the same design between 2g,3g and 3gs and now 4g and 4s, and about the's the same boring one for years with some ''retouches''
It's good for lazy rich doucheb*gs but for young multimedia fans like us we choose freedom with Android
It's good for lazy rich doucheb*gs but for young multimedia fans like us we choose freedom with Android
What's wrong with keeping what works great and haven't been problematic, albeit improving on it?vegetaleb wroteiphones have good materials but they are BORING! I mean wtf the same design between 2g,3g and 3gs and now 4g and 4s, and about the's the same boring one for years with some ''retouches''
Are people so inherently gullible that a mere "curve" in the design is such a huge step that everyone should be WOWed! with?
OS wise they've been improving on it every release and I'm loving every new feature. I disliked Android's interface simply because it's too over the place, not as smooth as iOS and I'm entitled to my opinion. Does that make Android a bad OS? does that mean that everyone else in the world should have the same opinion as I do?
No! Mobile phone taste is as relative as food taste.
Only simple minded people will be fooled or moved by Ads.
Unfounded. Stereotyped.vegetaleb wroteIt's good for lazy rich doucheb*gs but for young multimedia fans like us we choose freedom with Android
Funny how this turned so quickly into an off-topic trollfest.
This thread is neither about Apple, nor the iPhone, nor Samsung nor the SGS2. We tried to talk about a viral advertisement. Something cool and edgy that the people at Samsung did. It could have come from either side. Guess what, Apple has a marketing department as well!
I'm tired of these impulsive flamewars with baseless accusations, condescending tones and no relevance to the subject whatsoever.
Am I crazy to think that this topic should talk about the ad? Real interesting stuff, like:
- Is it good marketing?
- Is it legal?
- Who's the target audience?
- Have other rival brands done anything similar?
- How's the press reacting to the event?
Instead of having a real conversation, we end up listening to brainless comments about "my phone is better than yours", and "please habibe, let me tell you the Truth (captial T) about phones". For f*ck's sake we're in 2011 and yet we still cannot admit 'both are great and exciting, or else they wouldn't exist today'.
Useless controversies sicken me and trash the topics I find interesting. Thank you all for ruining yet another thread.
* sigh *
This thread is neither about Apple, nor the iPhone, nor Samsung nor the SGS2. We tried to talk about a viral advertisement. Something cool and edgy that the people at Samsung did. It could have come from either side. Guess what, Apple has a marketing department as well!
I'm tired of these impulsive flamewars with baseless accusations, condescending tones and no relevance to the subject whatsoever.
Am I crazy to think that this topic should talk about the ad? Real interesting stuff, like:
- Is it good marketing?
- Is it legal?
- Who's the target audience?
- Have other rival brands done anything similar?
- How's the press reacting to the event?
Instead of having a real conversation, we end up listening to brainless comments about "my phone is better than yours", and "please habibe, let me tell you the Truth (captial T) about phones". For f*ck's sake we're in 2011 and yet we still cannot admit 'both are great and exciting, or else they wouldn't exist today'.
Useless controversies sicken me and trash the topics I find interesting. Thank you all for ruining yet another thread.
* sigh *
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check this audi commercial :
BB commercial :
a respond to the commercial
BB commercial :
a respond to the commercial
Agreed! Seriously, i have an ipod touch, and an HTC Desire HD, why? so i can enjoy both!!!
Agreed! Seriously, i have an ipod touch, and an HTC Desire HD, why? so i can enjoy both!!!
Now that's a smart ad.
Check the video info, never aired.BB commercial :
well in the US it IS legal to attack other companies by using their real names as long as you have well funded facts or something to defend your accusation with. And you can see it in almost every ad there, whenever an ad plays the second ad will be mocking the first one and such.
In Lebanon (If Im not wrong) the system works differently, and this type of competition is not allowed. It all depends on the country
In Lebanon (If Im not wrong) the system works differently, and this type of competition is not allowed. It all depends on the country
Why are you against the Samsung ad but with these? they both insult the opposition.xterm wroteNow that's a smart ad.
Check the video info, never aired.BB commercial :
@Xterm have you ever watched Get mac ads what do you think of those?
if you watch the ad you will see it targets a lot of things such as screen size, 4G and among the usual like people wait in line for long hours, or that hey think that they cant buy a Samsung because its a Samsung they need something to look stylish because they are creative.
Samsung is not trying to convert iphone owners "since they are creative", this ad is intended to existing android users since they are the only people who will get the humor in these ads and to showcase their phones features in a nice and smart way
if you watch the ad you will see it targets a lot of things such as screen size, 4G and among the usual like people wait in line for long hours, or that hey think that they cant buy a Samsung because its a Samsung they need something to look stylish because they are creative.
Samsung is not trying to convert iphone owners "since they are creative", this ad is intended to existing android users since they are the only people who will get the humor in these ads and to showcase their phones features in a nice and smart way
The chances of winning for Apple are minimal in court because, in the ad the phones that the people are using aren't said to be an apple device.
Even though it's obvious , they still can't sue Samsung because they aren't mentioning the brand of the phone the other people are using in the video.
Even though it's obvious , they still can't sue Samsung because they aren't mentioning the brand of the phone the other people are using in the video.
Concerning suing over the ad it's not going happen, in Lebanon you cannot poke at your competition's name or brand directly, however outside of Lebanon it's commonplace to mention competition even by name
Lots of ads i see on TV for cars tell you that the mileage is better than the other brand (callls it out by name) and it's nothing wrong if the facts are correct. If the facts are wrong then you have a lawsuit.
Samsung could've mention apple specifically and nothing would happen
Lots of ads i see on TV for cars tell you that the mileage is better than the other brand (callls it out by name) and it's nothing wrong if the facts are correct. If the facts are wrong then you have a lawsuit.
Samsung could've mention apple specifically and nothing would happen
I don't have any doubt that plastic is stronger than glassm0ei wroteWell if your looking for the "sexy" look, than iPhone is you choice because of the metal and glass but ifyou're looking for a durable phone then Galaxy S2 is the winner.unforgiven wroteas for the overall feel of the phone i'm a fan of the iphone 4/s' metal and glass as opposed to plastic
Check the drop test available on youtube between these 2 phones, the Galaxy S2 won.
I think it is more a matter of philosophy--in the US, you will notice that they have fine print in their ads so that the claims have some basis. In this country, while there are not the same types of ads, they have claims that they are the best, have the lowest prices, have the fastest internet speeds, etc without any basis and they can get away with it here. Many of the ads here wouldn't be approved in the US because they can't back up their claims--attack ads from the US wouldn't work here because it is a matter of them being accepted by the public.babum wrotewell in the US it IS legal to attack other companies by using their real names as long as you have well funded facts or something to defend your accusation with. And you can see it in almost every ad there, whenever an ad plays the second ad will be mocking the first one and such.
In Lebanon (If Im not wrong) the system works differently, and this type of competition is not allowed. It all depends on the country