2 programmers are having a programming showdown, one lives in a beach house while the other lives in the mountains. The beach house programmer finishes coding in 5 minutes while the mountain house programmer finishes in 7 minutes. Who wins?
Who's faster?
Im not sure why i feel i would be terribly wrong if i say what i think is very obvious, but what the heck im gonna go on and say its the one who coded it in 5 min
Both finished at the same time.
depends on who started first : if the mountain programmer started 2mn+ earlier he finished first?
I think it's a trick question ?
Or there's something underlying that we simply don't understand.
Or there's something underlying that we simply don't understand.
The one who got the correct code ?
gravity is less on higher altitudes so time pass slower on the beach :P explains the 2 min difference lool
It depends on what the contest was ... who wins maybe who wrote the right code without errors
At higher altitude oxygen amount decrease, thus brain computational power decrease, so the two programmers may have a similar speed if they were under the same conditions.
What was the contest? It's not clear what the contest is :)
Thing is, no calculation, it ddnt specify who finished first, it just said who is faster = who took him less time to write the code, so the beach house dude wins and is faster, no need to include the time difference since it is still the same
the one who wrote the correct code
Who's faster might mean who's code is faster
Screw the code, it's winter time and the one who's having this wins !

The one at the beach house is drunk ( well since he is in a beach house ), so hs brain function with a speed equal to the celerity of light, so the time will be dilated ( due to the relativity laws of Einstein ), so his time will be: t'=yt, with y=(1)/(√(1-(v²/c²))) and v=900000mph=1440000km/s=400000m/s ( which is the movement of this person around the universe ), so we'll have t'=1.000000889x5mins=5+4.444*10^-6mins, so yeah, the beach house programmer still rocks. 8-)
Can we still talk about Einstein's relativity?
Given current state of affairs, ILIA_93, I cannot accept your reasoning. Until scientists agree on the outcome, we'll have to wait and see :P
Given current state of affairs, ILIA_93, I cannot accept your reasoning. Until scientists agree on the outcome, we'll have to wait and see :P
the beach guy finished first , he's on the beach (swim+girls+drinks+parties...):P he probably wants to finish quickly.....
A true developer won't be distracted by something as silly! He thinks of code, and nothing but code. For he is the Programmer.(swim+girls+drinks+parties...)
A geeky programmer, will not take off clothes to swim, will pass out in the vicinity of a female (even non human) will know that drinking makes you stupid, and without brains he is nothing, and since a beach part contains all of the above, do not think he will be attending...rahmu wroteA true developer won't be distracted by something as silly! He thinks of code, and nothing but code. For he is the Programmer.(swim+girls+drinks+parties...)
Just kidding guys, respect to all geeks everywhere!! (including me :D)
Thank you,
I tried google, found nothing :P
so whats the answer???who wins and why?
so whats the answer???who wins and why?