Read more : Stallman, the man who pioneered the GNU Project to create a free Unix-like operating system and created the Free Software Foundation, says that he's glad that Steve Jobs is gone. A Macgasm report quotes Stallman as saying, “As Chicago Mayor Harold Washington said of the corrupt former Mayor Daley, I’m not glad he’s dead, but I’m glad he’s gone. Nobody deserves to have to die – not Jobs, not Mr Bill, not even people guilty of bigger evils than theirs. But we all deserve the end of Jobs’ malign influence on people’s computing.”
Richard Stallman on Steve Jobs: “I’m glad he’s gone”
I'll be shooting fireworks when Stallman dies.
No I'm not kidding.
No I'm not kidding.
I would be using Linux instead of OSX or Windows if it didn't feel so cheap, was stable, and did not require me to spend days reading repelling documentation to make it work, and if there was not so many confusing distributions, if the people were not so misleadingly fanatical... and the list goes on.
I would be a fan of this Stallman guy if he did not look like a crossing of Jesus Christ and a bear that was struck on the head, if had half the charisma of Bill Gates (i'm not even saying Jobs) and if he looked and sounded more like a human being.
Heck I might have been a fan if I knew who he was. But he's not known - obviously for the best.
I would be a fan of this Stallman guy if he did not look like a crossing of Jesus Christ and a bear that was struck on the head, if had half the charisma of Bill Gates (i'm not even saying Jobs) and if he looked and sounded more like a human being.
Heck I might have been a fan if I knew who he was. But he's not known - obviously for the best.
I admire what Stallman has done in the past 20 years:
- Started GNU (which ultimately led to Linux)
- Protested against DRM, patents, and the DMCA.
- Wrote emacs, gcc, gdb and gmake. It doesn't get better than this :)
I think this time he went too far. He's attracting very negative attention to a community of nice people. He probably thinks that "there's no such thing as bad publicity". He may be right, but it is not cool to hear.
Stallman has always been very rude, even to his close collaborators. His ideals of freedom and sharing are great. His extremism and paranoia are becoming repulsive.
I wouldn't be surprised if GNU and the FSF changed leaders after this. Miguel de Icasa (founder of GNOME and Mono), Stefano Zacchiroli (president of the Debian Foundation), have both expressed their discontent with Stallman's last comments.
- Started GNU (which ultimately led to Linux)
- Protested against DRM, patents, and the DMCA.
- Wrote emacs, gcc, gdb and gmake. It doesn't get better than this :)
I think this time he went too far. He's attracting very negative attention to a community of nice people. He probably thinks that "there's no such thing as bad publicity". He may be right, but it is not cool to hear.
Stallman has always been very rude, even to his close collaborators. His ideals of freedom and sharing are great. His extremism and paranoia are becoming repulsive.
I wouldn't be surprised if GNU and the FSF changed leaders after this. Miguel de Icasa (founder of GNOME and Mono), Stefano Zacchiroli (president of the Debian Foundation), have both expressed their discontent with Stallman's last comments.
ill be bringing one of those big onesxterm wroteI'll be shooting fireworks when Stallman dies.
No I'm not kidding.
and NO I'm not kidding either.
- Edited
Steve jobs seems to be a god to apple fans but really his not that great
1) He left his father in syria and didn't reconnect with his family while his sister did
2) He did not accept his roots as a muslim or any religion
3) When he had his first kid he refused to acknowledge her and refused to pay child support
4) He didn't even graduate from college nor was he an engineer
5) The "success of apple" or actually apple is alive right now because of microsoft
6) He would park in handicapped parking spaces, refused to put license plates on his cars, change his mind about decisions he made at work and not tell anyone and then yell and berate the people that worked under him.
Don't trust what the media says.. It just spices up celebs life
so yeah i will just say r.i.p
1) He left his father in syria and didn't reconnect with his family while his sister did
2) He did not accept his roots as a muslim or any religion
3) When he had his first kid he refused to acknowledge her and refused to pay child support
4) He didn't even graduate from college nor was he an engineer
5) The "success of apple" or actually apple is alive right now because of microsoft
6) He would park in handicapped parking spaces, refused to put license plates on his cars, change his mind about decisions he made at work and not tell anyone and then yell and berate the people that worked under him.
Don't trust what the media says.. It just spices up celebs life
so yeah i will just say r.i.p
Seems you haven't wokred on Linux in a while, you should give Ubuntu a try :)rolf wroteI would be using Linux instead of OSX or Windows if it didn't feel so cheap, was stable, and did not require me to spend days reading repelling documentation to make it work, and if there was not so many confusing distributions, if the people were not so misleadingly fanatical... and the list goes on.
Every single Linux flavor is cheap compared to Windows and OS X.arbet wroteSeems you haven't wokred on Linux in a while, you should give Ubuntu a try :)
You need to define "cheap", if it's about the price, then I agree! :)xterm wroteEvery single Linux flavor is cheap compared to Windows and OS X.arbet wroteSeems you haven't wokred on Linux in a while, you should give Ubuntu a try :)
It all depends on your needs. If you're into open-source programming, the best thing out there to use is Linux. Of course, it lacks behind Windows and Mac, not because of its lesser features, but because many commercial applications aren't available for the platform. But with the cloud technology advancing, and open standards being implemented, sooner or later it will not matter which OS one will use.
It's cheap as an operating system. We could brag, jump in joy and praise its underlying kernel all day but there's not a single doubt that in terms of UI, UX, application availability, ease of use, Linux is still way behind the other two. Some are doing a good job (Gnome team and not canonical) but they still need to iron out a bunch of issues.arbet wroteYou need to define "cheap", if it's about the price, then I agree! :)
It all depends on your needs. If you're into open-source programming, the best thing out there to use is Linux. Of course, it lacks behind Windows and Mac, not because of its lesser features, but because many commercial applications aren't available for the platform.
I'll stick to today and tomorrow, when the day comes that a browser can compete with a desktop application, I'll rethink my statement.But with the cloud technology advancing, and open standards being implemented, sooner or later it will not matter which OS one will use.
Browsers are weak, very weak, at the moment.
I've had my share of tinkering with Linux. I think I know it's limitations and strengths rather well.arbet wroteSeems you haven't wokred on Linux in a while, you should give Ubuntu a try :)rolf wroteI would be using Linux instead of OSX or Windows if it didn't feel so cheap, was stable, and did not require me to spend days reading repelling documentation to make it work, and if there was not so many confusing distributions, if the people were not so misleadingly fanatical... and the list goes on.
For a workstation, I'll stick to Windows or OSX. If I need to use a weak computer as a basic machine for surfing the net or doing some other basic stuff, or if I need to set up a web server, I'll use Linux.
Guys a small reminder, this thread is not yet another OS war. Try to stay on topic.
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Before this turns into flaming linux, keep in mind that the linux kernel is not stallman's pet. in fact, he would be more than happy if the public's priority moved to HURD.
I'm a Linux zealot but many times I'd rather use stuff bsdtar instead of gnu tar.
I don't even think stallman and torvalds are big buddies.
linux will always be licensed under gplv2 because torvalds doesn't like gplv3. let's get our information straight before attributing stallman's ideals to linux.
I'm a Linux zealot but many times I'd rather use stuff bsdtar instead of gnu tar.
I don't even think stallman and torvalds are big buddies.
linux will always be licensed under gplv2 because torvalds doesn't like gplv3. let's get our information straight before attributing stallman's ideals to linux.
Im not an apple fanboy but I have read different things.
Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, in the city of San Francisco. His biological mother was either an unwed graduate student named Joanne Simpson, and his biological father was a political science or mathematics professor, a native Syrian named Abdulfattah John Jandali.
Being born out of wedlock in the puritan America of the 1950s, the baby was put up for adoption. Joanne had a college education, and she insisted that the future parents of her boy be just as well educated. Unfortunately, the candidates, Paul and Clara Jobs, did not meet her expectations: they were a lower-middle class couple that had settled in the Bay Area after the war. Paul was a machinist from the Midwest who had not even graduated from high school. In the end, Joanne agreed to have her baby adopted by them, under the firm condition that they later send him to college.
Paul and Clara called their son Steven Paul. While Steve was still a toddler, the couple moved to the Santa Clara county, later to be known as Silicon Valley. They adopted another baby, a girl called Patti, three years later in 1958.
And also he is a Buddhist, since his Biological father never raised him how could he adopt his religion ?
from wroteSteve jobs seems to be a god to apple fans but really his not that great
1) He left his father in syria and didn't reconnect with his family while his sister did
2) He did not accept his roots as a muslim or any religion
Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, in the city of San Francisco. His biological mother was either an unwed graduate student named Joanne Simpson, and his biological father was a political science or mathematics professor, a native Syrian named Abdulfattah John Jandali.
Being born out of wedlock in the puritan America of the 1950s, the baby was put up for adoption. Joanne had a college education, and she insisted that the future parents of her boy be just as well educated. Unfortunately, the candidates, Paul and Clara Jobs, did not meet her expectations: they were a lower-middle class couple that had settled in the Bay Area after the war. Paul was a machinist from the Midwest who had not even graduated from high school. In the end, Joanne agreed to have her baby adopted by them, under the firm condition that they later send him to college.
Paul and Clara called their son Steven Paul. While Steve was still a toddler, the couple moved to the Santa Clara county, later to be known as Silicon Valley. They adopted another baby, a girl called Patti, three years later in 1958.
And also he is a Buddhist, since his Biological father never raised him how could he adopt his religion ?
Most great achievers dropped out of college. Bill Gates Mark Zuckerburg.ibxoful wroteSteve jobs seems to be a god to apple fans but really his not that great
4) He didn't even graduate from college nor was he an engineer
That doesn't me has was under qualified.
ibxoful here is accusing Jobs of practicing his freedoms :-)
It's true though he was not that great of a person... he had his flaws for sure. But it is the good stuff you miss when someone goes.
It's true though he was not that great of a person... he had his flaws for sure. But it is the good stuff you miss when someone goes.
ibxoful, You need to check your sources.
Steve made great things happen.
Wrong. His Syrian biological father left him in the states because he was broke. He left his father in syria and didn't reconnect with his family while his sister did
Is that a bad thing? Please respect other people's beliefs or lack thereof.2) He did not accept his roots as a muslim or any religion
Having a college degree does not make you great. Doing great things make you great.4) He didn't even graduate from college nor was he an engineer
Steve made great things happen.
This wasn't meant to happen when i posted the thread
I wasn't accusing anyone of anything i just reported what was written from al safeer
It's like you took the words right out of my mouth ... thanks for sparing me some typingsamer wroteibxoful, You need to check your sources.Wrong. His Syrian biological father left him in the states because he was broke. He left his father in syria and didn't reconnect with his family while his sister didIs that a bad thing? Please respect other people's beliefs or lack thereof.2) He did not accept his roots as a muslim or any religionHaving a college degree does not make you great. Doing great things make you great.4) He didn't even graduate from college nor was he an engineer
Steve made great things happen.