
A community for technology geeks in Lebanon

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#101 September 5 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

mohammadk97 wrote:

when does ogero update the speed? last september or november or what?

Ogero stated that the changes will be on October 1st.Concerning Private ISP's (IDM,Cyberia...) it varies but for IDM it will be on October 1st too.

P.S : The changes on October 1st will be for all the customers not a part of them.

Last edited by Lonavista (September 5 2011)


#102 September 5 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

jad594 wrote:

Will all ISP ( terranet ) also have this package of 512kb/s to 4mbs included or do I have to switch to OGERO?

Yes they will have those packages (4mb for sure). But if you had the 512 kb package then you will have absolutely 2 mb , not 4mb.


#103 September 6 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

hey all,
yesterday i was playing WoW with ogero connection 512k and the latency was no more than 40ms sometimes 25 ms so it seems they started hooking up to that cable allready though the speeds are the still the same but the connection was much better


#104 September 6 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

emperor21k wrote:

hey all,
yesterday i was playing WoW with ogero connection 512k and the latency was no more than 40ms sometimes 25 ms so it seems they started hooking up to that cable allready though the speeds are the still the same but the connection was much better

Do you mean to tell me that you got a latency of 25 to 40ms ? really ? R.E.A.L.L.Y ?
a screenshot would do wonders you know cause i don't like to get hyped up over nothing ^.^


#105 September 6 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

Chup wrote:
emperor21k wrote:

hey all,
yesterday i was playing WoW with ogero connection 512k and the latency was no more than 40ms sometimes 25 ms so it seems they started hooking up to that cable allready though the speeds are the still the same but the connection was much better

Do you mean to tell me that you got a latency of 25 to 40ms ? really ? R.E.A.L.L.Y ?
a screenshot would do wonders you know cause i don't like to get hyped up over nothing ^.^

0.o no way ! for how long did you have this latency ?


#106 September 6 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

I don't really want to preach but, latency and ping are similar yet different things. Latency is tied to rendering time as well. You could have seen 25ms but it's virtually impossible because our internal infrastructure simply does not allow it. Your game could most probably have been buggy at that point in time not refreshing the latency part.

Haven't you noticed how when you log in, your latency says 0ms for well over 15 seconds?

It used to stay well over a minute for me.


#107 September 6 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

well the thing is that i've been playing this game for more than 2 years, and latency was always arround 200 ms maybe in its best case arround 130..but not 40 and 30 ms all evening from 5 pm till 2 am maybe..but anyway i'll try and take a screenshot tonight if its still arround these numbers.


#108 September 6 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

@emperor21k: Please do a tracert and ping to bbc.co.uk for us.


#109 September 6 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

will do


#110 September 6 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

Dear everyone with latency lower than 40ms whatsover..,

For the last time, ya khayeh your latency can NOT be lower than 60ms at least over DSL in Lebanon to DSLAM...

Our ADSL is operating in Interleaving mode and not FastPath.... Interleaving is an error correction protocol that is implemented for your line at the DSLAM....

ADSL modems with typical Interleaving defaults can be 20-50ms behind in latency over equivalent speed SDSL modems... this means latency to any point for some ADSL modems can be at best 50ms-60ms

Only in Fastpath mode, your latency will drop like 30ms, but only the ISP can switch you to Fastpath and they will Never do it because it is less reliable e( and I even doubt they know how to do it )...

So please no more " My ping reply to Australia is 3ms and my iphone is showing a 0ms lag to Newyork..."

I honestly doubt we'll witness major improvement in latency ( 20ms+ ) soon.


#111 September 6 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

do you think it'll be in the 60ms range ?


#112 September 6 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

azife wrote:

do you think it'll be in the 60ms range ?

Unlikely, if 60ms is at best what you'll need to reach your ISP, then you still need to factor in the hops to the destination server.


#113 September 6 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

well I myself was confused about these numbers because in this game world of warcraft we have 2 latency ( not sure which one refers to the correct ping or latency, if some1 can clarify this) , there's Latency called Home which was 40 ms yesterday all evening and never happened before , and another one called World it was always around 110.. usually the average is 200 ms so both ways I say it's an improvement but tonight I'll try to do a tracert and link it to you guys.


#114 September 6 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

Guys, always rely on ICMP latency, i think it is more accurate, so don't rely too much on games latency.

Local latency before the fiber optics project is : 25 ~ 70 in normal cases.

Personally i don't expect latency improvements more than - 30 ms in best case. (International Latency)

Last edited by amkahal (September 6 2011)


#115 September 6 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

having a latency less then 200ms is more then enough and will not lag, if the new internet packages give me a latency on counter strike around 150ms I would be very happy...


#116 September 7 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

Chup wrote:
emperor21k wrote:

hey all,
yesterday i was playing WoW with ogero connection 512k and the latency was no more than 40ms sometimes 25 ms so it seems they started hooking up to that cable allready though the speeds are the still the same but the connection was much better

Do you mean to tell me that you got a latency of 25 to 40ms ? really ? R.E.A.L.L.Y ?
a screenshot would do wonders you know cause i don't like to get hyped up over nothing ^.^

ok here's the latency recorded yesterday, 51 home and 112 world ..it was 29 home.



#117 September 7 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

amkahal wrote:

@emperor21k: Please do a tracert and ping to bbc.co.uk for us.

here you go



#118 September 7 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

@emperor21k: That's weird man, can you please post a pingtest.net results to a server in UK or France ?

your case is interesting :)


#119 September 7 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

amkahal wrote:

@emperor21k: That's weird man, can you please post a pingtest.net results to a server in UK or France ?

your case is interesting :)

ok i'll try and do that tonight, yes maybe the infrastructure wiring has been updated by ogero giving a better connection with a 512k speed, but the speed is still the same..hopefully it will stay the same and even better. I really like to know if anyone else noticed this change in latency.


#120 September 7 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

Quite interesting, I'm averaging 84ms ping and route 81ms.

Ogero HDSL


#121 September 7 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

it seems that good new on the way, keep testing guys, we want technical screenshots (tracert,ping,speedtest,pingtest), and please mention your provider, your package, and what was the latency before.


#122 September 7 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

We also need the location as well. (Where you're testing from).


Ogero HDSL
Jal El Dib
Route : 81ms
Ping : 85ms


I'll test from home at night.


#123 September 7 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions


a noticeable decrease in latency for Terranet on 23:10 - 6 Sep from 180 ms to 160 ms.

(ping source: NY ------> ping destination: ssg.terra.net.lb)


#124 September 7 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

Guys, please leave this topic for questions and answers. For discussing changes in latency, use the IMEWE topic: http://www.lebgeeks.com/forums/viewtopi … d=9616&p=7


#125 September 8 2011


Re: Internet in Lebanon - General Questions

emperor21k wrote:
amkahal wrote:

@emperor21k: Please do a tracert and ping to bbc.co.uk for us.

here you go


With all due respect, this is not possible... over ADSL, the 2nd hop latency you got is 10ms, it either means you are at the central office connected through LAN cable, at Ogero or I simply don't know anything about telecom and thinking of changing career.

from your location to BBC location there is ~ 2500mi ( 4000KM )...  and from the 2nd hop to the last one you got it in 18ms.. if you do the math your traveling speed is 2 x 2.3 x10^6 m/s which is more than the speed of light we call c ... ( icmp ping shows the time for a roundtrip, i.e. 2 x the distance )

The speed at which light propagates through transparent materials, such as glass or air, is less than c  because of refractive index (n) and for Optical fibre n = 1.3- 1.5  that means light cannot travel at speed above 1.5x10^ m/s considering all factors..

When light is travelling around the globe in an optical fibre, the actual transit time is longer, in part because the speed of light is slower by about 35% to 50% in an optical fibre, depending on its refractive index...

Furthermore, straight lines rarely occur in global communications situations and delays are created when the signal passes through an electronic switch or signal regenerator

So your case is against physics law..

For more information : http://royal.pingdom.com/2007/06/01/the … t-of-ping/

Last edited by Kareem (September 8 2011)


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