
A community for technology geeks in Lebanon

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#1 November 15 2010


Iphone 3G GPRs Mtc Touch Settings

i recently contacted mtc touch for them to enable my Gprs service after the 15 minutes that it took for them to launch the communication satellite and link me to it. i sat awaiting their savior e-mail that will guide me through the setup processes the e-mail never managed to find its way to either of my 2 mail boxes. nevertheless in the spirit of the all mighty Lebanese support teams that manage to somehow aggravate a seemingly simple situation i found myself trying to strangle the settings of the person that was unlucky enough to have had the pleasure of trying to sell me some more bullshit about god knows what and god only would care. the end of discussion came as the glorious" it is a national holiday routine  " ,all what i wanted was him to send me the settings god forbid you actually know what you are asking for since that renders them more disoriented,  for the following 3 days or 2 and his genius plan of wanting me to go stand in a 30-45 minute que on friday so that some smart ass assistant at a  branch would sit back and follow a step by step tutorial who's only purpose would be to draw some girl to thinking he is the savior and he is the vessel of her salvation if i happen to end up with a girl as the assistant i don think it will end well in only an hour,i always end up with the same vision of a the blond printing a document off excell. nevetheless i would probably end up having nightmares for the following 3-4 days for all the the worthwhile contemplating material work in banks .

so guys what i am asking for is if any one has the settings could you pls post them up and give a poor soul the gift of gprs without having to wager the devil his soul for it

second if anyone happens to know were i could possibly bump into a good looking hostess at an mtc touch branch you would of made my upcoming Friday's agony worth while 

third if any one has anything closse to what i have experienced with any sort of support team and i doubt the moderators would complain post it i would actually take joy in reading others agony

Last edited by Bazella (November 15 2010)


#2 November 15 2010


Re: Iphone 3G GPRs Mtc Touch Settings

Your post made my night, thank you, that was hilarious.

Regarding the topic at hand, I'm sorry i cannot assist you.


#3 November 15 2010


Re: Iphone 3G GPRs Mtc Touch Settings

i doubt the moderators would complain

If it's written like yours, the moderator would definitely not complain. You made me laugh too.

I can't help you either, but what I can do is urge you to write more on our forum. You're funny.


#4 November 15 2010


Re: Iphone 3G GPRs Mtc Touch Settings

don't know how correct these are but i found them while googling

Operator = MTC Touch

GPRS APN Name = gprs.mtctouch.com.lb

username = guest

password =guest

Good luck


#5 November 15 2010


Re: Iphone 3G GPRs Mtc Touch Settings

Actually don't actually put "guest" in the username or password. Leave them blank. Also turn off 3G.


#6 November 16 2010


Re: Iphone 3G GPRs Mtc Touch Settings

Ty for the replies guys i dream t about this moment yesterday that i might wake up to find the settings actually worked.
as is the case for any non-zombie like mind i did first search for the infamous settings through googling them to come upon a couple of  nice organized table listing most of the world communication service provider scrolled down to Lebanon which for some reason is less  important than Lithuania when it comes to communication since some did not even accredit us with having cellular companies how dare they.probably who  ever compiled those lists is not familiar with hashish , moukawame and women cos i doubt any other country can top us when it comes to that order.
so i came upon a list that had lebanon right then that i would die  i can only explain it as they joy of realizing that you first born is taking his first steps soon to find himself trying to figure out which tastes better marble or ceramic . it is amazing how this country manages to even project a vague image to those who deal with facts how you might ask well this is the case . under Lebanon you find the glorified leaders of lebanon's communication back bone liban-cell and cellis, yes you are right they just pulled me back to watching my first born being painfully pushed out of his mothers womb nevertheless the joy was still their as my eyes unwillingly moved across the screen to find out that he is a boy with big ears and blond the apn listed their had mtc-touch and alfa in them and the username and password were guest which to me only meant that i am entering uncharted territory so be ware you will get kicked, since this might be a unisex form and even tho this goes against my 95 percentile rule about lebanese girls interest in a down to earth approach to a topic that to most of them is resolved by the simple words "pappi or hayette ta3a shouf shou 3am bi sir ma3e " and then waiting for a reply of the sort  no you do not look fat with that phone in your hand drop the phone and give me 20 then we will talk about the issue at hand, i will not mention what might get kicked.

off subject at that moment looking down the list i really felt the admiration for the lebanese mind or the distinctive feeling of being the fastest thing on the face of the earth chasing a chiken. yes lebanon is the only country that is environmentaly friendly why waste the valuable space on the hard drive and those 1 and 0 on something that might be more important. of the 9 or so assigned spaces lebanon only used 4 basically it is similar to our government  username password and a guest . i sat their wondering are we so sophisticated or advanced that we are leading the industry or are we so stone aged that we imagine that what ever is to get accomplished will be done through the power of 3 and the rest is extra baggage or might it be that we got so used to the fact of going along with whatever is at hand and sucking the most out of it that we are not at ease unless a challenge is their to push us to boldness at an early age.

anyways i got the settings punched them in on my iphone caressed my way to whatsapp to c it stuck on connecting right then and their i decided why go for the general go specific do some reading boy delve into the subject i checked out the forums to come acrosse the internet.mtctouch.com.lb as being the update no password or user name required which did not come as surprise.

it came down to the following either i have just witnessed the birth of the new pelle or maradona or my salvation lies in this simple phrase. you guessed it it did not work how ever i woke up today to find a sexy looking e next to my carrier which only ment one thing that the system is retarded or is thinking of playing min soccer.

what i do not understand is what does the system do for 24 hours before they actually implement the service they have my data they have everything they recorded my voice which is really sexy i gave them the okay they said alright, take of your clothe and jump on the fucking bed i am no looking for a relationship i am not looking to have kids i am not looking to create a race of idiocracies "based on the movie" no matter how tempting mouhamad is on the phone no offence to anyone he could of been called joseph and that would not of changed my point. you might say that they are afraid of getting screwed by who by me you robbed me of my fucking dignitiy taking every bit of info you could lay your hands on to simply tell me okay sir we will increase your bill by x each month pls enjoy our less than mediocre service if you have any complaint make sure to visit our main branch just make sure to take the sea side road and pass by the suklen bridge on your way.   

To be honest i find the lebenese as a race yes we are a race we are not arabs we are lebanese a set of minds build specifically for manipulation if we had it our way hitler would of seamed like gandy since in our trade we are unbeatable. consider this of all the ppl who have contacted any support well most supports apart from the phone companies which tbh do not care in the first place , how many time has a female operator answered the phone a cute sexy voice to the guys in our heads we are thinking i am gona hit that to the girls in their head which i am no expert in but i imagine is something like i wonder what she is wearing to sound so informative and look at her girl power we are oppressed tell me anything i will clap. it is a system girls are on the front line guys do all the agonizing work  and the customer finds himself sitting their wondering why am i so gullible this is better than phone sex.
i am not being sexist god forbid i find myself arguing about women's rights and the quota as being an evil sadistical plan to limit women involvement in the  political life you get all the jobs that involved chairs leave some for us to quarrel on. it is simply like the navigation system in cars you don end up with a man's voice asking you to do a u turn cos probably your testosterone would kick in and say no i want to keep on going i know what i am doing

in brief support and sales are equivalent to the candy stands you find near the cash register in supermarkets enjoyable sweet... bass hala2 3am bit2ile 3an al listerine 

anyways gprs setting for mtc touch are:internet.mtctouch.com.lb and no username and password as the guys stated above
for alfa it is :internet.ftml.com.lb same goes for the username and password i guess

and you probably need to get a couple of sticks and start rubbing them to make fire once you accomplish that the service would probably be enabled by then

if anyone cares to comment or explain the intricate webbing behind the 24 hours thingy i am all eyes
and i am all ears for any candy stands out their

on a technical level does the push notification work on the iphone through gprs or that is a whole new bastard as one of my uni professors used to  so endlessly remind us 

N.B. this is the list i mentioned earlier check it out for yourself :http://www.flexispy.com/Mobile%20APN%20Setting%20to%20use%20GPRS.htm


#7 November 16 2010


Re: Iphone 3G GPRs Mtc Touch Settings

Bazella wrote:

it is simply like the navigation system in cars you don end up with a man's voice asking you to do a u turn cos probably your testosterone would kick in and say no i want to keep on going i know what i am doing



#8 November 16 2010


Re: Iphone 3G GPRs Mtc Touch Settings

Hehe, Bazella the thing about waiting to get service is the norm here, you should try and deal with it in your own way,  I suggest one of the 3 things you mentioned or all of the above. Good to hear you had a wonderful night cosing up to the sexy e, i guess Bill gates gets his rocks off this way.

Good luck.


#9 November 17 2010


Re: Iphone 3G GPRs Mtc Touch Settings

Here are the settings

Connection Name: MTC-GPRS (but you can name it whatever you want)
Data Bearer: Packet Data
Access point name: internet.mtctouch.com.lb
Username: None(Blank)
Password: None(Blank)
Authentication: Normal
Homepage: Whatever you want


#10 December 9 2010


Re: Iphone 3G GPRs Mtc Touch Settings

don't waist your time and money... even when it works your phone will be out of service!!! so you either carry a phone or a lousy slow piece of $%##$ internet phone..


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