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#1 February 20 2017


Horizon : Zero Dawn

I'm sure I'm not the only one who jumped recklessly into the hype train of that game, and for once, it looks like the train didn't brutally crash. Reviews for the game are out, and they average around a 9/10 ! I simply can't wait for release, which is February 28th.
What do you guys think ?


#2 February 20 2017


Re: Horizon : Zero Dawn

I can't really judge the game fully since it did not come out yet.

But, the concept for thr game alone is very intrigiung. The concept of post-post apocalypse has been rarely visited by games and that is very refreshing in Horizon. Graphics and gameplay seem fantastic and the positive reviews add to the anticipation of the game. I will for sure play this game eventually.

Its another Sony exclusive that I am looking forward to.

Last edited by elchebib (February 20 2017)


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