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#1 March 16 2009


ATTN : .NET Developers


I'm currently involved in a personal (me, myself and I) project targeting the .NET platform. An application server implemented strictly for the Microsoft platform with gateways on different layers that provides the ability to deploy logic in a separate context than the front-end and/or the view/controller.

I'm currently issuing a survey to identify how .NET developers deal with their application logic. If you have a few minutes kindly answer the following questions:

1- What .NET framework do you use?
2- What database server(s) does your system support?
3- How many types of clients for your application logic do you have? (Web, Native, CE...)
4- How do you handle separation, what component model do you use ?
5- Where do you usually host your logic ? (Managed Library, Web services, BizTalk, SharePoint...)

The project i'm working on is still fresh, I will host it soon for people to get an idea on how it works. Open source ofcourse.


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