Thanks for your replies guys, i'm looking forward to reading more opinions about this topic.
I just noticed that the first post has some flaws, i didn't have the time to revise it, i was late to family dinner...
What is your overall impression when working with client-side JavaScript framework as opposed to server-side PHP frameworks?
Server side languages and frameworks have been there for ages, they have big communities and endless libraries.
PHP in particular was not a real language until it reached puberty with PHP 5+ and maturity at 5.3+, it missed so many important concepts and features, but not anymore.
Thus, every PHP framework that is not based on the new version is lacking by nature.
Symfony2 is significantly the most advanced PHP framework around and popular CMSes such as Drupal 8, phpBB4 will be using Symfony2 full stack or many of its components such as Doctrine ORM. [We can discuss it further in a separate thread].
On the other hand, JavaScript is the only client-side language in town.
Fortunately, JavaScript is a powerful language and quite fast (Thanks for the V8 engine) but very unusual for being:
Asynchronous, event-driven, and prototype-based language.
JavaScript frameworks started to shine with jQuery & MooTools back in 2005-2006 with the universal adaptation of new technologies such XHR / AJAX, JSON... then HTML5 APIs then REST-based web services started to gain ground [...] making things even more complex.
jQuery is great for DOM manipulation and does not offer a real neat solution nor structure when dealing with data CRUD and the increased client-side complexity. A pattern was needed, be it MVC or else, it was needed, badly!
And this is how BackBone, AngularJS and many JavaScript frameworks came to life recently.
Unlike server-side languages, none of the above libraries is mature enough yet, but they're certainly on the right track trying to solve the same problem. Everyone is waiting eyes open for something to excel like jQuery did in its own department.
Bottom line, when it comes to server side, many frameworks offer stable long term solutions such as Symfony2 with PHP or RoR with Ruby. This is not the case with JavaScript since none of the current available frameworks has reached puberty yet.
This is also why i opened this thread, i am also eager to find the best candidate to adopt for my company (Coddict).
There's no time and no point of creating our own framework since many are already rising.
A good part of functionality which used to be implemented in PHP can and is (and should?) be moved to the client side.
This is true, it's always better to reduce the load from your servers and server-side applications and distribute it to the client's.
such as template rendering, calculations and others especially with various APIs HTML5 offers like offline storage.
However, this depends on the type and size of the application you're creating, in this case you also need to consider a solution for SEO and avoid unnecessarily complexity, you can always use caching mechanisms and tools on the server side to achieve that such as Varnish & Memcached in certain cases.