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#76 February 21 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

it is a game that gets pretty addictive


#77 February 22 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

tetris ..


#78 February 22 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

Finished from Bioshock 2. Impressions: Great single player game although the first one was more engrossing and had much more atmosphere. More action packed game with the new formidable enemies. Multiplayer is entertaining although not as robust as MW2 (no host migration in Bioshock 2 so every time the hosts disconnects you are returned to the player lobby).

Started FEAR 2 (single player only since only a handful of people are playing the game online --- actually they're only 3)
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves --- multiplayer (this game was updated several times since the last time I played and apparently more people are playing the game with an average of 70000 people)


#79 February 23 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

Alone in the dark... I'm playing against the game and the programmers. It's full of bugs


#80 February 23 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

lol i have quit playing this game alone time ago.

and im in the middle of bioshock 2 now, nice game but more of a bioshock expansion pack .


#81 February 23 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

GN90 wrote:

lol i have quit playing this game alone time ago.

and im in the middle of bioshock 2 now, nice game but more of a bioshock expansion pack .

"Bioshock expansion pack" ----> That's the word......


#82 February 23 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

Just finished Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, I liked it. Playing dragon age, hating it.


#83 February 23 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

you can't play RPG is you if your not an RPG fan


#84 February 23 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

That is true seriously if i didn't like JRPG i would never have liked .Hack G.U. (its called Dot Hack)


#85 February 24 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

GN90 wrote:

you can't play RPG is you if your not an RPG fan

RPG Style games are my favorite games. My problem with Dragon Age (PS3) is 1) The graphics fail (I know right?) 2) The movement is terrible 3) the game is too slow paced 4) Gameplay is terrible 5) It's just too boring.

The only that kept me going before i removed it from the console is the storyline which i admit is cool, but not cool enough for me to continue it.

I'm a little bit disappointed with the last batch of games i got.

- Darksiders
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
- Uncharted 2
- Batman
- Army of T.W.O
- Dragon Age

Haven't played Batman or Uncharted 2 yet, of the rest however, my favorite was NGS2

Last edited by xterm (February 24 2010)


#86 February 24 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

I've played Batman on my 360 and it was and awesome game, very addictive and fun. You should play ACII and bioshock and bioshock 2 .


#87 February 24 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

@GN90 I'm playing batman BUT I'm stuck , do you remember where you meet a girl (Dr) and like 6 man having guns and you need to defeat them I'm too lazy to search internet if you need more info ill reopen my dusty xbox


#88 February 24 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

Im currently playing inFamous on ps3


#89 February 27 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

Finished from F.E.A.R. 2. Impressions: less than average game. Bad controls. Bland graphics. Mediocre gameplay. Boring story. The first one was much better in terms of gameplay and story.

Moving on:
Bioshock 2 online multiplayer


#90 February 27 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

Flakk wrote:

Im currently playing inFamous on ps3

tell me about infamous i know its great but is it worth 70$ by Lebanese standards.


#91 February 27 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

kareem_nasser wrote:
Flakk wrote:

Im currently playing inFamous on ps3

tell me about infamous i know its great but is it worth 70$ by Lebanese standards.

From what I've played so far, it doesn't deserve 70 USD....


#92 February 28 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

ME2 , its one of the best ever games, addictive story and filled up the gaps of ME1

Last edited by GN90 (February 28 2010)


#93 February 28 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

elchebib wrote:
kareem_nasser wrote:
Flakk wrote:

Im currently playing inFamous on ps3

tell me about infamous i know its great but is it worth 70$ by Lebanese standards.

From what I've played so far, it doesn't deserve 70 USD....

OMG what should i buy then yet i may still buy it because your taste maybe different than mine so i need more info and opinions even though i have seen reviews but not 100% convinced and i wont buy GTA4 i consider it to be really straight forward and i hate linear games.


#94 February 28 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

kareem_nasser wrote:
Flakk wrote:

Im currently playing inFamous on ps3

tell me about infamous i know its great but is it worth 70$ by Lebanese standards.

Not really 70$.. its one of those games that are worth buying on discounts or whatever. I actually borrowed it from a friend. 
So far its a really awesome game and i love it, it starts slow and you might think its boring at first but when you get to unlock powers and wreak havoc in the city thats where the fun starts.


#95 February 28 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

Flakk wrote:
kareem_nasser wrote:
Flakk wrote:

Im currently playing inFamous on ps3

tell me about infamous i know its great but is it worth 70$ by Lebanese standards.

Not really 70$.. its one of those games that are worth buying on discounts or whatever. I actually borrowed it from a friend. 
So far its a really awesome game and i love it, it starts slow and you might think its boring at first but when you get to unlock powers and wreak havoc in the city thats where the fun starts.

when it becomes on the budget range you mean or Platinum in ME and EU.


#96 February 28 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

Anyone interested in playing cod4 on hamachi server?
I think this will solve the lag problems we have in leb.
U can donwload hamachi and join or create a server


#97 March 1 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

kareem_nasser wrote:
Flakk wrote:
kareem_nasser wrote:

tell me about infamous i know its great but is it worth 70$ by Lebanese standards.

Not really 70$.. its one of those games that are worth buying on discounts or whatever. I actually borrowed it from a friend. 
So far its a really awesome game and i love it, it starts slow and you might think its boring at first but when you get to unlock powers and wreak havoc in the city thats where the fun starts.

when it becomes on the budget range you mean or Platinum in ME and EU.

no i meant, its better to buy this game after a few month of its initial release, by that time a discount on the price will be done (if it was 70$ at launch it will be 45$ after a few month)
The game is actually cheap right now about 39$ to 45$ max


#98 March 1 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

Aj_BlaZ wrote:

@GN90 I'm playing batman BUT I'm stuck , do you remember where you meet a girl (Dr) and like 6 man having guns and you need to defeat them I'm too lazy to search internet if you need more info ill reopen my dusty xbox

turn on detective mode and spray the 2 weak walls with explosives and blow them at the same time


#99 March 1 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

xterm wrote:
Aj_BlaZ wrote:

@GN90 I'm playing batman BUT I'm stuck , do you remember where you meet a girl (Dr) and like 6 man having guns and you need to defeat them I'm too lazy to search internet if you need more info ill reopen my dusty xbox

turn on detective mode and spray the 2 weak walls with explosives and blow them at the same time

thank you so much ill try that as soon as i can :)


#100 March 9 2010


Re: What are you playing these days ?

Flakk wrote:
kareem_nasser wrote:
Flakk wrote:

Not really 70$.. its one of those games that are worth buying on discounts or whatever. I actually borrowed it from a friend. 
So far its a really awesome game and i love it, it starts slow and you might think its boring at first but when you get to unlock powers and wreak havoc in the city thats where the fun starts.

when it becomes on the budget range you mean or Platinum in ME and EU.

no i meant, its better to buy this game after a few month of its initial release, by that time a discount on the price will be done (if it was 70$ at launch it will be 45$ after a few month)
The game is actually cheap right now about 39$ to 45$ max

REALLY, in Lebanon, where tell me.....


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