Guitaret wrote
I do wonder what are your thoughts on the below (this is addressed to all people here):
- Do you think there is a good private insurance company operating in Lebanon that can provide services in the long term? Not just when you are young, but a company worth investing in for the next 20-30 years (Sickness, disability, retirement). If so, I think this can replace the "safety" promises of the west.
- Aren't you worried the chaos in the Lebanese people's lifestyle and ethics will get on your nerves and take away your peace of mind?
Ex: I heard yesterday that a stray puppy that we take care of in my house in Lebanon was poisoned by the neighbors. People in Lebanon are shitty no matter how much you sugarcoat it (I mean the 95% ). They need at least 2-3 generations to have civil citizens. This act will never happen in the west.
- Aren't you worried the misery in your entourage will affect your chance to be happy in Lebanon? I mean how can you enjoy life if you have an unemployed sibling or a relative sick but cannot afford to get treatment? If you are staying in Lebanon, you will be too close to be able not to get directly affected.
- Aren't you worried they will start soon taking high-income tax in Lebanon without providing any service? Are you OK with that?
- How will you deal with the very greedy/evil Lebanese banks?
Thank you
1) for me OEA (nekabet l mohandeseen) + savings handles my retirement. Though I'm 99.9% leaving to another country (thinking mainly Japan or Germany, but not yet sure) in 2-3 years regardless for multiple other reasons that I won't get into here (you can probably guess a few).
2) I don't really interact with many people aside from family and friends, not much of an issue tbh. Believe me or not, this act will still happen outside. Look into PETA as a prime example of animal cruelty (stealing pets from owners, killing them in their shelters, etc). People are shitty everywhere, maybe varying degrees, but still shitty.
I'm more concerned about political breakouts like X vs Y skirmishes and stuff like that. Lebanon is horrible on the safety front unless you live in the middle of nowhere in small towns (in which you sacrifice going out, transportation, fun, etc).
3) unless that treatment costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, most people (around me) can afford treatment by selling car/land/whatever. If someone isn't really close or they are dumb with money, not my problem. (Yes, I know people who earn like 4 million LBP and nag about the economic situation every chance they get yet spend every weekend eating at relatively expensive restaurants or going to parties).
If someone dropped 10,000$ on a new car then nag a week later about not being able to afford a 500$ non-emergency treatment, not my problem.
The only exceptions would be life-threatening treatments for relatives and close friends.
4) my company handles all my taxes. My salary in the contract is higher than what I actually earn. We negotiated based on the Net salary. Whatever happens in taxes or fees isn't my problem, I expect X$ in my account every month.
5) Lebanese banks are trash but that's what we get. To me, I don't do much bank operations aside from withdrawing salary or buying online (under the limit). So, I don't really have much trouble there aside from the inconvenience.