my cousin had a problem yesterday with the phone, it was working normally until yesterday, it asked for a network unlock code.
i tried many things but didn't work, then i tried to flash it with the stock firmware and here comes the big problem. the phone first had the model: SM-N920F, but in ODIN mode it said SM-N920T so i went with the T firmware which is from the US/T-Mobile and now its not asking for a code, its just saying your device needs to be unlocked. and i tried to change the firmware but didn't work at all. Any help please ?
my cousin had a problem yesterday with the phone, it was working normally until yesterday, it asked for a network unlock code.
i tried many things but didn't work, then i tried to flash it with the stock firmware and here comes the big problem. the phone first had the model: SM-N920F, but in ODIN mode it said SM-N920T so i went with the T firmware which is from the US/T-Mobile and now its not asking for a code, its just saying your device needs to be unlocked. and i tried to change the firmware but didn't work at all. Any help please ?