
A community for technology geeks in Lebanon

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#1 October 28 2019


Lebanese lira to USD exchange

Hello guys,

I'm creating this thread so we can discuss the exchange rate for lira against USD.

Today the price on some foreign exchanges changed, although the banks are closed (it's an estimate to the black market price).

Do you think the lira is going to collapse as the banks re-open and people withdraw money due to the current situation ?

Will the banks do capital control and prevent us from withdrawing our money ?

if anyone has info on the subject please share it.


#2 October 28 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

I would say this is disastrous. It went up from 1USD = 1509LL up to 1777 and will likely cross the 2000LL. Imagine all the lost money.
I remember after the Lebanese war when it reached 3000LL. Tough times ahead for imported items. Local items such as food won't get affected in pricing though.


#3 October 28 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

Where do you get this number 1777.03? I got the same search on and nowhere does it say  1777.03


#4 October 28 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

It was the black market price, Morningstar fixed it and it's no longer 1777.


#5 October 29 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

VincentKeyboard wrote:

Local items such as food won't get affected in pricing though.

Not really...
We import a lot of wheat, potato,etc.. from Egypt for example.

Also production needs fuel, which we import in dollars.
Plus people will inflate price to make up for their losses.

I'm no economics expert, I had to ask about the things I mentioned above. Just thought I'd share.

Even people who get paid in USD aren't safe as banks decided to just not give USD to people.


#6 October 29 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

vlatkozelka wrote:
VincentKeyboard wrote:

Local items such as food won't get affected in pricing though.

Not really...
We import a lot of wheat, potato,etc.. from Egypt for example.

This sadly turned out to be true. The butcher where I buy chicken increased the price by 2000LL today as opposed to yesterday.


#7 October 29 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

Do you have any links for Morningstar readings?

Last edited by VincentKeyboard (October 29 2019)


#8 October 29 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

VincentKeyboard wrote:
vlatkozelka wrote:
VincentKeyboard wrote:

Local items such as food won't get affected in pricing though.

Not really...
We import a lot of wheat, potato,etc.. from Egypt for example.

This sadly turned out to be true. The butcher where I buy chicken increased the price by 2000LL today as opposed to yesterday.

I'm assuming he's just bluffing to make some more cash. All of my local shops are still on the same prices. (Including hawa chicken)


#9 October 29 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

yeah chickens are farmed here in Lebanon


#10 October 30 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

what's the deal with banks now ? any idea when they will open again ? and if they will let us withdraw money


#11 October 30 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

nosense wrote:

what's the deal with banks now ? any idea when they will open again ? and if they will let us withdraw money

Last week, I could withdraw Lebanese Liras only using a debit card (Bank Byblos ATM).
Dollars: no
Access to savings account without a card: no

Nobody knows when they will open again and I am afraid the long-term damage to the credibility of banking in Lebanon is done now.

I heard from many sources that they are processing withdrawals on a case-per-case basis so you can try to call them.

Last edited by rolf (October 30 2019)


#12 October 30 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

@rolf is your account in LBP or USD?

if LBP you can no longer withdraw USD
if USD, can you withdraw both with limit 1k USD per day (at least that's my case).

Banks are trying their best to make USD withdrawals a hassle so that you withdraw LBP instead.


#13 October 30 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

sero wrote:

@rolf is your account in LBP or USD?

if LBP you can no longer withdraw USD
if USD, can you withdraw both with limit 1k USD per day (at least that's my case).

Banks are trying their best to make USD withdrawals a hassle so that you withdraw LBP instead.

limit is 1k per day and 2k per week


#14 October 30 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

This is a very serious and critical issue. I no longer trust the banking system in this country. I have two accounts one in EUR and one in USD.

- I cannot withdraw USD even from my own account
- I can no longer transfer money internally between accounts ( EUR to USD and vice versa )
- I can no longer make an international wire transfer ( purchasing good remotely even with an invoice)
- I can no longer deposit cheques into my account if the value is above $3000 USD ( it has to be corporate account- BLOM)
- Bank informed me that starting from Nov. 1, there will be an additional fee of 1.5% PER TRANSACTION on my EUR card from my EUR account and 4% on the USD card if POS is abroad.
- Bank lowered my CREDIT card limit to 20% of it's limit.
- My monthly housing loan payment in LBP increased by 13% ( Bank Of Beirut )


#15 October 30 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

Thank you for the info Kareem.

I am afraid it looks like the same old trend of making middle class and poorer people pay for the government deficit.

The points about not being able to deposit checks above $3000 and blocking international transfers are odd.

Last edited by rolf (October 30 2019)


#16 October 30 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

rolf wrote:

Thank you for the info nuclearcat.

I am afraid it looks like the same old trend of making middle class and poorer people pay for the government deficit.

I'm not aware of any nuclearcat around ^_^


#17 October 30 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

Kareem wrote:
rolf wrote:

Thank you for the info nuclearcat.

I am afraid it looks like the same old trend of making middle class and poorer people pay for the government deficit.

I'm not aware of any nuclearcat around ^_^

Thanks I will correct it. Not sure how this happened.
There is a nuclearcat around here but not in this thread.


#18 October 30 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

Kareem wrote:

This is a very serious and critical issue. I no longer trust the banking system in this country. I have two accounts one in EUR and one in USD.

- I cannot withdraw USD even from my own account
- I can no longer transfer money internally between accounts ( EUR to USD and vice versa )
- I can no longer make an international wire transfer ( purchasing good remotely even with an invoice)
- I can no longer deposit cheques into my account if the value is above $3000 USD ( it has to be corporate account- BLOM)
- Bank informed me that starting from Nov. 1, there will be an additional fee of 1.5% PER TRANSACTION on my EUR card from my EUR account and 4% on the USD card if POS is abroad.
- Bank lowered my CREDIT card limit to 20% of it's limit.
- My monthly housing loan payment in LBP increased by 13% ( Bank Of Beirut )

WTH this is fucked up!
Why did they increase the housing payment by 13%! what kind of loan did you take? isn't it "مدعوم من مصرف لبنان" or iskan one? is it an LBP loan or USD one?


#19 October 30 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

You think this is disastrous and you are on the withdrawing end, what do you think the ones in desperate need of loans are going through right now!


#20 October 30 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

sero wrote:
Kareem wrote:

This is a very serious and critical issue. I no longer trust the banking system in this country. I have two accounts one in EUR and one in USD.

- I cannot withdraw USD even from my own account
- I can no longer transfer money internally between accounts ( EUR to USD and vice versa )
- I can no longer make an international wire transfer ( purchasing good remotely even with an invoice)
- I can no longer deposit cheques into my account if the value is above $3000 USD ( it has to be corporate account- BLOM)
- Bank informed me that starting from Nov. 1, there will be an additional fee of 1.5% PER TRANSACTION on my EUR card from my EUR account and 4% on the USD card if POS is abroad.
- Bank lowered my CREDIT card limit to 20% of it's limit.
- My monthly housing loan payment in LBP increased by 13% ( Bank Of Beirut )

WTH this is fucked up!
Why did they increase the housing payment by 13%! what kind of loan did you take? isn't it "مدعوم من مصرف لبنان" or iskan one? is it an LBP loan or USD one?

I have the one مدعوم من مصرف لبنان and it's in LBP.

They said they did " إعادة جدولة " and the interest rate on LBP increased.

What's even worse is that they're withdrawing money from my USD account @ 1502 LBP / 1 USD.

This is stealing in broad daylight....


#21 October 30 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

my experience in BOB:

My account is in USD:
- i can withdraw up to 600$ per day from ATM (if there's $ available, which is very unlikely)
-limit of 3300$ per week from ATM
-they are taking 3$ commission per 1000$ if you withdraw from Bank teller(lets see when they open if they will adjust the commission and limits)
-no transfer available between internal usd and lbp account
-you cannot withdraw LBP from ATM if your account is only in USD
-USD credit card not working outside lebanon (my colleague experience)


#22 October 30 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

MAS wrote:

my experience in BOB:

My account is in USD:
- i can withdraw up to 600$ per day from ATM (if there's $ available, which is very unlikely)
-limit of 3300$ per week from ATM
-they are taking 3$ commission per 1000$ if you withdraw from Bank teller(lets see when they open if they will adjust the commission and limits)
-no transfer available between internal usd and lbp account
-you cannot withdraw LBP from ATM if your account is only in USD
-USD credit card not working outside lebanon (my colleague experience)

Well yeah can you imagine ? I have money in USD that I can't withdraw because the ATM doesn't provide USD and it wont give LBP instead. I cannot transfer money between accounts and I'm borrowing cash from my family.

Humiliation at its best.

And one last thing I forgot to mention, you can no longer carry as much cash as you want at the airport. They forbid it even if you declare to customs.

Last edited by Kareem (October 30 2019)


#23 October 30 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

Kareem wrote:

And one last thing I forgot to mention, you can no longer carry as much cash as you want at the airport. They forbid it even if you declare to customs.

In the late 80ies, Lebanon experienced a hyperinflation. However the peg helped stabilize it, or so is the mainstream belief of the establishment.

My limited financial understanding tells me that conditions are similar nowadays.

So this time to avoid a hyperinflation they are trying to control it and to stick the peg.

This is in line with what BDL calls "financial engineering". Measures which attempt to manipulate the market, investors, even numbers and statistics.

This is an excerpt from the S&P report:

"The government has directly issued Eurobonds to BdL--including $1.75 billion in November 2017 and $5.5 billion in May 2018--and swapped local currency treasury bills on BdL's accounts for the U.S.-dollar equivalent. We view these transactions as an accounting procedure that does not generate foreign currency until the Eurobonds are issued to investors,"

I am guessing that "investors" did not show up.

I base my understanding on articles such as this one.

Obviously I confess to only understand part of it, however I do understand enough to get an idea of the general picture, and a basic understanding that the Lebanese financial system is very inbred, with bank deposits (yours, mine) financing the government debt, which itself is in a runaway state. Some kind of bubble that is backed with little real production of value. It now seems to be bursting. The negative reports from rating agencies played a role in this, however it was just a matter of time.

The government "reforms" are too little, too late, I am afraid.

If you may allow me to get carried away a little, and kind of go off-topic, I just want to say, that the popular efforts that we see now might may also be too little too late. These are not the right conditions for change anymore. Faced with such uncertainty, the prospect of losing their way of life and even possibly starving, I believe that people will generally go into survival mode and be willing to accept measures such as military regime or begging corrupt politicians for help.

On the other hand, maybe we will all finally manage to take our future into our own hands.

Time will tell.

Regarding what will happen next on the financial level: it seems to be possible now that the government will default on the debt (something that never happened before in the history of the country).

The national debt is 80% internal debt. Therefore, if this happens, Lebanese banks could take a blow (big losses) and to pass part of the losses to the customer.

Something has to give. What, how much, and how it will affect us, we don't know yet.

Last edited by rolf (October 30 2019)


#24 October 30 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

One idea that I have been pondering about for a while but never got the chance to try:
If you have an LBP debit card, can you buy things online, which are listed in USD?
If so, then it would be possible to exchange LBP into USD using the Visa exchange rate which is still set to the official one.

Last edited by rolf (October 30 2019)


#25 October 30 2019


Re: Lebanese lira to USD exchange

rolf wrote:

One idea that I have been pondering about for a while but never got the chance to try:
If you have an LBP debit card, can you buy things online, which are listed in USD?
If so, then it would be possible to exchange LBP into USD using the Visa exchange rate which is still set to the official one.

No, it will not work. My card was used online last week but now it says balance is 0. Although the limit is set to 20K and funds are sufficient, ever since they opened last Friday, they froze everything related to cards.

Some people are even accepting cheques or credit cards because banks are closed.

As far as I understand, many people working for international companies are getting paid in USD. Banks are giving LBP instead so you can imagine how they're forcing people to deal with Lira.

Also banks decided to open on Friday or Monday.... That's exactly on the first of November when all salaries are already transferred. Coincidence ?  They could have opened tomorrow but no...

I'm also pretty sure that BDL in collaboration with banks is selling the USD in blackmarket to exchange offices.


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