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#1 January 23 2016


Internet in Beit el Chaar/Awkar - Mount Lebanon


So I have an ADSL connection from IDM for years now and since more than a year ago I started having a lot of problems with them and this keeps getting worse.

Every single time i call them I get the same kind of replies:
- We have a problem
- The problem is from the Central of your area, nothing to do with us
- We're trying to resolve the issue, should be fixed soon

My problem went from slow internet from 8pm to 1am and a bit of lag to completely unusable internet more than 20hours per day. The only time i get a decent connection is from 3am to 7am if I'm lucky.

And by slow internet i mean the early ADSL days, 128/256Kbps speeds and less.

I also kind of gave up on online gaming, still try League of Legends from time to time but with a 130+- ping I have game freezes every 3 sec and insane lag which I should experience with a 500+ ping.

So I want to know, anyone in the area having the same issues or anything?
Is it really a problem from the central and no matter what ISP i choose I'll have the same results?
I read that Ogero seems a much better alternative, but if I'll have the same problems why would I bother switching...

If anyone in my area can give me some feedback it would be great.



#2 January 23 2016


Re: Internet in Beit el Chaar/Awkar - Mount Lebanon

iChris wrote:


So I have an ADSL connection from IDM for years now and since more than a year ago I started having a lot of problems with them and this keeps getting worse.

Every single time i call them I get the same kind of replies:
- We have a problem
- The problem is from the Central of your area, nothing to do with us
- We're trying to resolve the issue, should be fixed soon

My problem went from slow internet from 8pm to 1am and a bit of lag to completely unusable internet more than 20hours per day. The only time i get a decent connection is from 3am to 7am if I'm lucky.

And by slow internet i mean the early ADSL days, 128/256Kbps speeds and less.

I also kind of gave up on online gaming, still try League of Legends from time to time but with a 130+- ping I have game freezes every 3 sec and insane lag which I should experience with a 500+ ping.

So I want to know, anyone in the area having the same issues or anything?
Is it really a problem from the central and no matter what ISP i choose I'll have the same results?
I read that Ogero seems a much better alternative, but if I'll have the same problems why would I bother switching...

If anyone in my area can give me some feedback it would be great.


OFFTOPIC but a small tip: this country is hopeless when it comes to internet, only few areas in beirut have " average " internet and ping, other than that the further you go the worse it gets, dont bother and spend money looking for ping, they all SUCK.

Last edited by Elie335 (January 23 2016)


#3 January 24 2016


Re: Internet in Beit el Chaar/Awkar - Mount Lebanon

Elie335 wrote:

OFFTOPIC but a small tip: this country is hopeless when it comes to internet, only few areas in beirut have " average " internet and ping, other than that the further you go the worse it gets, dont bother and spend money looking for ping, they all SUCK.

Soo.. you're telling me that only a few ppl have decent internet in this country and only those select few can play online games while the rest must live with a 256Kbps internet speed and impossible game lag?

I'm not asking for super high speed download speeds or perfect ping, I already gave up on that more than a year ago. But at least something acceptable.

Though if switching to another ISP ain't gonna fix it for me then I gotta figure another solution, if there is any.


#4 February 3 2016


Re: Internet in Beit el Chaar/Awkar - Mount Lebanon

Try Ogero DSL. It is your only hope.

I have a village house in the ends of the earth where I can only get 512kbps internet from dsl. And yet despite this, the ping is acceptable, 100ms stable to europe.(I think it was more like 120 with some interrupts) But my house is really in no man's land. I think ogero dsl will be fine for you.

Our neighbors had IDM connection instead of ogero they were given 256 kbps instead of 512, despite that 512 was possible...

Last edited by user (February 3 2016)


#5 March 26 2016


Re: Internet in Beit el Chaar/Awkar - Mount Lebanon

I live in the same area as well, i used to have dsl from terranet, my phone line can only accommodate 128kb speed, their reasoning was that i live far away from the central in antelias, man Internet in lebanon is a joke, don't even bother... we are not ranked just one spot before the last country in the world in Internet services for nothing.

PS: this exact topic was why i registered in this forum years ago, heck it's the reason why I named myself fakedsl ;)

Last edited by FakeDsl (March 26 2016)


#6 March 26 2016


Re: Internet in Beit el Chaar/Awkar - Mount Lebanon

try wireless connections.


#7 May 4 2023


Re: Internet in Beit el Chaar/Awkar - Mount Lebanon

I recently moved to a new apartment next to the US embassy in awkar and dsl speed here is a joke, it maximum reaches 70kb/s download speed, plus we barely have signal for LTE here. I would appreciate it if anybody found a solution for a good internet in that area. thanks!

Last edited by gamingindex (May 4 2023)


#8 May 14 2023


Re: Internet in Beit el Chaar/Awkar - Mount Lebanon

gamingindex wrote:

I recently moved to a new apartment next to the US embassy in awkar and dsl speed here is a joke, it maximum reaches 70kb/s download speed, plus we barely have signal for LTE here. I would appreciate it if anybody found a solution for a good internet in that area. thanks!

If you do find any solution for this please tell me. Im soon moving to my apartment in harret el bellane, so we are almost in the same area.

Last edited by Duath (May 14 2023)


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