
A community for technology geeks in Lebanon

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#201 July 19 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

Wow you guys.

I just saw this thread and since I too am an IDM user, felt the need to share my experience.

I am currently on a 2mbps unlimited plan and since the so called 'Upgrade' I haven't seen 2mbps day or night. And past few days it got so bad it reached Dialup speeds. Yep. And Yesterday I bought an iPad Air which I wanted to fill with games n stuff, so naturally I waited until 11pm to start coz FUP usually is less drastic than during the day.

But no, they decided to FUP me over during the night. Now I kinda am a heavy user. But as someone here said, had to limit my usage. Seems now limiting our usage has no effect. Which is very sad indeed. Robbing us blind of our rights. I called them over 75 times during this month to try and get a valid clarification to no avail. No one knows anything. Their support team is full of empty brains.

That said, my current cycle ends on the 22nd so in 3 days. I will be switching back to a limited 2mbps plan since that's all my line can handle. They have all told me that FUP does not affect limited plans. For their sake I hope that's true. Coz if it ain't they gonna have to answer to my lawyer and more.

Now I know that that would cost me money for a negative result but it's worth a try. I do not care if the minister reverses his decisions and sends us back to what we were on coz it was much better then.

I use YouTube for work it's not a laughing matter when I can no longer watch vides even at crappy 240p. That so called minister just undid what Sehnaoui has worked so hard to achieve for past 3 years. Shame on him.

Btw connection is so bad I am currently tethering from my Phone to my iPad to get some kind of Internet.

Anyways just felt like adding my voice to yours with this rant

Last edited by TechXero (July 19 2014)


#202 July 20 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

TechXero wrote:

Wow you guys.

I just saw this thread and since I too am an IDM user, felt the need to share my experience.

I am currently on a 2mbps unlimited plan and since the so called 'Upgrade' I haven't seen 2mbps day or night. And past few days it got so bad it reached Dialup speeds. Yep. And Yesterday I bought an iPad Air which I wanted to fill with games n stuff, so naturally I waited until 11pm to start coz FUP usually is less drastic than during the day.

But no, they decided to FUP me over during the night. Now I kinda am a heavy user. But as someone here said, had to limit my usage. Seems now limiting our usage has no effect. Which is very sad indeed. Robbing us blind of our rights. I called them over 75 times during this month to try and get a valid clarification to no avail. No one knows anything. Their support team is full of empty brains.

That said, my current cycle ends on the 22nd so in 3 days. I will be switching back to a limited 2mbps plan since that's all my line can handle. They have all told me that FUP does not affect limited plans. For their sake I hope that's true. Coz if it ain't they gonna have to answer to my lawyer and more.

Now I know that that would cost me money for a negative result but it's worth a try. I do not care if the minister reverses his decisions and sends us back to what we were on coz it was much better then.

I use YouTube for work it's not a laughing matter when I can no longer watch vides even at crappy 240p. That so called minister just undid what Sehnaoui has worked so hard to achieve for past 3 years. Shame on him.

Btw connection is so bad I am currently tethering from my Phone to my iPad to get some kind of Internet.

Anyways just felt like adding my voice to yours with this rant

I am an IDM 4Mb unlimited plan user and I can confirm that this is true. zablonski won't be the only one getting an earlier plan change. Bitch mode ON (╯°Д°)╯︵/(.□ . \)


#203 July 20 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

What is true? Can you be specific?


#204 July 20 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

Called them multiple times the past days, everything is taking ages to load even though my download quota so far in 20 days is 25gb... This unlimited plan is crap, so after I told the support guy that you're going to loose me as a customer if I don't get a plan upgrade before next month, he went ahead and sent an urgent email to the department responsible for the speed upgrade and he told me that they will contact you on Monday.

Hopefully, they'll upgrade my plan.


#205 July 20 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

m0ei wrote:

Called them multiple times the past days, everything is taking ages to load even though my download quota so far in 20 days is 25gb... This unlimited plan is crap, so after I told the support guy that you're going to loose me as a customer if I don't get a plan upgrade before next month, he went ahead and sent an urgent email to the department responsible for the speed upgrade and he told me that they will contact you on Monday.

Hopefully, they'll upgrade my plan.

My cycle ends in 2 days and I can refill with any of the 2mbps plans be it limited or unlimited which is a huge plus.


#206 July 20 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

I understand you.... today my internet speed was 4kB/s so i assumed that they put FUP for the 3rd ime this month. Note that my total consumption this month is 21gB till now. For the last 3 days i was paying attention to my consumption and ddnt get past 600mB per day. Despite this they applied their bullshit FUP. I called and they told me that i wont get past 512kbps this month since they applied a monthly FUP and a daily one.I have already changed my plan to 4mbps50 but it wont take effect till next month... can they switch my plans sooner? and who shld i talk to...


#207 July 20 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

anthonyf96 wrote:

I understand you.... today my internet speed was 4kB/s so i assumed that they put FUP for the 3rd ime this month. Note that my total consumption this month is 21gB till now. For the last 3 days i was paying attention to my consumption and ddnt get past 600mB per day. Despite this they applied their bullshit FUP. I called and they told me that i wont get past 512kbps this month since they applied a monthly FUP and a daily one.I have already changed my plan to 4mbps50 but it wont take effect till next month... can they switch my plans sooner? and who shld i talk to...

I think you can but it will take some screaming in your part. And since my cycle ends in 2 days I will be switching to limited and it will take effect immediately. I really hope it ain't FUPed...


#208 July 20 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

TechXero wrote:

What is true? Can you be specific?

I'm getting FUPed every single day it's not funny. My quota so far is around 50GB from the 2nd July and I'll be sending them a rage e-mail soon. I don't pay $77 to see a 4-25Kb/s download speed!


#209 July 20 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

I'm getting FUPed every single day it's not funny. My quota so far is around 50GB from the 2nd July and I'll be sending them a rage e-mail soon. I don't pay $77 to see a 4-25Kb/s download speed!

You got Unlimited I suggest you stay away from that. Stick to limited plans. Seems they got no FUP on them.


#210 July 20 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

I suspected so at first, and my suspicions were confirmed when I read this thread. I should never have had high expectations from a Lebanese company run with the backward Lebanese mentality. I'll be switching to limited and focus on moving to a more civilized country that actually has some bloody standards for once!


#211 July 20 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

Aveline wrote:

I suspected so at first, and my suspicions were confirmed when I read this thread. I should never have had high expectations from a Lebanese company run with the backward Lebanese mentality. I'll be switching to limited and focus on moving to a more civilized country that actually has some bloody standards for once!

It's wrong to blame company alone. The company is great. I have been with them since 2003 and they never failed me once. It's all political. They were forced to upgrade plans with Bandwidth they don't have. Ogero did not give them the E1s on time so that was expected.

I always use this example but it's like you having 5L of water having to share it with a million people. Think about it. But ultimately you are right this country has no standards, no active laws, its people have no voice to be heard. It's being run by tyrants with an insatiable thirst for power and $$$$.

Some might argue that everywhere it's the same, that's true to some extent. But at least they got Laws, good Internet and all one might need in today's life. Unlike here where even essentials don't work like water, electricity and Internet.

My dream isn't that far fetched, just want to move to Dubai. But with $0 how can I?

Sorry about the slight Off-Topic...

End Of Rant


#212 July 20 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

You're right, and I didn't mean to blame the company alone, for I also found their service before this internet plan change better than satisfactory. Something like this happening is obviously from the lack of professional standards somewhere up top, and it probably isn't IDM's fault. By the way, even with the reduced prices our internet is still more expensive than almost all developed and most developing countries.

Anyway, what are E1s?


#213 July 20 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

Aveline wrote:

You're right, and I didn't mean to blame the company alone, for I also found their service before this internet plan change better than satisfactory. Something like this happening is obviously from the lack of professional standards somewhere up top, and it probably isn't IDM's fault. By the way, even with the reduced prices our internet is still more expensive than almost all developed and most developing countries.

Anyway, what are E1s?

E1s is somewhat the Bandwidth. Those are the lines that provide ISPs with required Bandwidth. Something along those lines. Anyway all them E1s have been held prisoner by OGERO for the longest time. Only now are they starting to release a few to the ISPs. Still not enough.

And yes we shall forever remain among the most expensive countries in the known human world x)


#214 July 20 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

Ah, so an E1 is something like a line that holds a capacity of around 20000Mb/s or more and is divided between customers of the ISP. I've heard of that before, I didn't know it was called an E1 though.


#215 July 20 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

Aveline wrote:

Ah, so an E1 is something like a line that holds a capacity of around 20000Mb/s or more and is divided between customers of the ISP. I've heard of that before, I didn't know it was called an E1 though.

We'll the more you know eh? So yeah we will be stuck for a long time with the so called unfair FUP. They got no choice else we, users might cause the little they got to crumble.


#216 July 21 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

They don't have to add more subscribers if they don't have enough E1s. DSL in Lebanon is shared, that's true, however, speed shouldn't drop below 50 % of the advertised maximum. That would indicate serious congestion.. meaning you aren't getting what you are paying for!


#217 July 21 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

andrew55 wrote:

They don't have to add more subscribers if they don't have enough E1s. DSL in Lebanon is shared, that's true, however, speed shouldn't drop below 50 % of the advertised maximum. That would indicate serious congestion.. meaning you aren't getting what you are paying for!

Question, when did we get what paid for In this God forsaken Hell Hole?

That said, will post here in coming days since tonight midnight I will be going to 2mbps 45gb. I will be using it and abusing as if it were unlimited. Got 9 days to spend all 45gb. That's 5gb a day. Not to forget FNQ.

I am doing that to make sure there is no FUP on limited plans.

Keep an eye out...

Last edited by TechXero (July 21 2014)


#218 July 21 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

Well most Ogero subscribers get the full although you have a good point. I've used more than 50 GB up till now (28 day and 22 at night-free)... no FUP till now.. but the speed isn't consistent throughout the day..


#219 July 21 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

andrew55 wrote:

Well most Ogero subscribers get the full although you have a good point. I've used more than 50 GB up till now (28 day and 22 at night-free)... no FUP till now.. but the speed isn't consistent throughout the day..

It's ok if it's not consistent as long as it doesn't go below 1.5mbps for my 2mbps package. Else there will be Hell to pay for


#220 July 21 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM


downloading via internet downlaod manager is very variable.. speeds between 200-550 KB/s.. and that's the speed test i get!


#221 July 21 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

andrew55 wrote:


downloading via internet downlaod manager is very variable.. speeds between 200-550 KB/s.. and that's the speed test i get!

Are you on limited or unlimited ? I will know more tomorrow as I spend the day on YouTube and downloading on my iPad


Last edited by TechXero (July 21 2014)


#222 July 21 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

limited 50 GB (4 M)


#223 July 21 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

andrew55 wrote:

limited 50 GB (4 M)

Damn that's a weird seed test... If no FUP


#224 July 21 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

yea..very weird..


#225 July 21 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

andrew55 wrote:

yea..very weird..

On IDM you get 200-550? Did you try setting it to 4 threads? Options - Connection. Try n see if it gets better.


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