
A community for technology geeks in Lebanon

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#176 July 13 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

is anyone had this SNR decreasing since yesterday? it is also fluctuating a lot


#177 July 13 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

Been on the phone with IDM three times in the past week regarding FUP. My plan is 4Mbps Unlimited. Last week my speed got reduced because I had high activity (about 3GB) that day and 2GB/day for the previous 3 or 4 days. I called and they said it would be back to normal at 11 PM. I limited my activity since then (except during night hours), and everything went smoothly until last night (after 11 PM), when my speed got cut again. It seems that this might have been due to night-time usage (I downloaded about 1GB last night before the FUP took effect). VERY bad news if this is the case!

I spoke to 3 guys at IDM tech support today. The first said FUP was not in effect. I said I'd try rebooting the modem. It didn't work. I called again and got someone else who had no idea what he was talking about, so I asked to speak to his manager. The manager said that FUP actually WAS in effect on my account, but could not give me a straight answer as to why, especially since my usage is below 1GB/day. Note that the unlimited plan costs more than double what the 50GB limited plan costs, but due to the threat of being throttled, I have to limit my usage to between 30GB and 45GB/month. I asked to change my plan to 50GB limited and was told it would take effect at the beginning of next month. I asked for it to be done NOW. I don't want to spend the next 2 weeks paranoid about my family's internet usage. The guy said he'd send an email to the relevant department requesting an immediate change.

Other relevant points in the conversation:

1. Any time I asked for details about how FUP works, nobody could give a straight answer. I asked what the average user consumption was. No idea. I asked for general info about how the FUP algorithm works (time periods used in calculations, etc.). No clue. If we don’t know the rules, how can we follow them?

2. Bringing up the idiocy of the FUP policy (i.e., making us pay more than double for an unlimited plan, then limiting us to a quota lower than the limited plan) resulted in meaningless argument. Either none of them see it, or they're trying to hide the fact that the FUP in its current implementation is ridiculous.

3. I told the manager that I'm sure I'm not the first person who has complained about this, he replied that I was correct, that there have been many others.

We need to keep calling and keep complaining (all users from all ISPs). We all know that the FUP policy is ridiculous. If we don’t let them know how we feel, how long will it take before they start implementing FUP during free hours (assuming they haven’t already) for everyone, including those on limited plans?

Last edited by zablonski (July 17 2014)


#178 July 13 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

IDM told me today that they closed the 2 mbps ports and are waiting for a signal from the MoT to re-open them. That's why my download speed isn't exceeding 120kb/s.


#179 July 13 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

@zablonski, my friend's 4mbps unlimited is also FUP'ed to 30K/s (256kbps). That's a 16X reduction in speed.
He's done less than 2GB in the past 3 days combined. But a few days earlier he did over 15GB in 1 day, which IDM screwed him over for.

Their FUP policy is completely unreasonable and idiotic. What if you happen to use the Internet heavily for 1 day? You spend the rest of the month screwed?!?!

And as you said their customer support is pretty much useless. They just talk back to you and do nothing to actually take care of the problem.

Last edited by trent (July 13 2014)


#180 July 13 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

IDM support is actually TSI from ITG ..the same people who take care of Wise and Mobi ...first line support are not very helpful especially after 6pm


#181 July 14 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

Thanks for the feedback guys, I'm glad I canceled my IDM application before I even filled it. The main reason was due to the way they talked to me on the phone, and that was after calling 3 different phone numbers. Like we say in Lebanon "kell 1 sar yzetta 3al tene". I'm not even their customer yet, and they treat me this way. Well thanks, but no thanks. I simply called aramex and told them not to come.

Last edited by PC_47 (July 14 2014)


#182 July 14 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

PC_47 wrote:

Thanks for the feedback guys, I'm glad I canceled my IDM application before I even filled it. The main reason was due to the way they talked to me on the phone, and that was after calling 3 different phone numbers. Like we say in Lebanon "kell 1 sar yzetta 3al tene". I'm not even their customer yet, and they treat me this way. Well thanks, but no thanks. I simply called aramex and told them not to come.

PC_47 don't think that any of the other ISPs are any better. Competition in the ISP sector in Lebanon is a very thinly veiled illusion. It's a monopoly, plain and simple.


#183 July 14 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

my speed is showing 894 / 4.798 instead of the usual 1095/4.369
I confirmed it through download, my max speed was 440 KB/s now it is 490 KB/s!


#184 July 15 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

zablonski wrote:

Been on the phone with IDM three times in the past week regarding FUP. My plan is 4Mbps Unlimited. Last week my speed got reduced because I had high activity (about 3GB) that day and 2GB/day for the previous 3 or 4 days. I called and they said it would be back to normal at 11 PM. I limited my activity since then (except during night hours), and everything went smoothly until last night (after 11 PM), when my speed got cut again. It seems that this might have been due to night-time usage (I downloaded about 1GB last night before the FUP took effect). VERY bad news if this is the case!

I spoke to 3 guys at IDM tech support today. The first said FUP was not in effect. I said I'd try rebooting the modem. It didn't work. I called again and got someone else who had no idea what he was talking about, so I asked to speak to his manager. The manager said that FUP actually WAS in effect on my account, but could not give me a straight answer as to why, especially since my usage is below 1GB/day. Note that the unlimited plan costs more than double what the 50GB limited plan costs, but due to the threat of being throttled, I have to limit my usage to 30GB to 45GB/month. I asked to change my plan to 50GB limited and was told it would take effect at the beginning of next month. I asked for it to be done NOW. I don't want to spend the next 2 weeks paranoid about my family's internet usage. The guy said he'd send an email to the relevant department requesting an immediate change.

Other relevant points in the conversation:

1. Any time I asked for details about how FUP works, nobody could give a straight answer. I asked what the average user consumption was. No idea. I asked for general info about how the FUP algorithm works (time periods used in calculations, etc.). No clue. If we don’t know the rules, how can we follow them?

2. Bringing up the idiocy of the FUP policy (i.e., making us pay more than double for an unlimited plan, then limiting us to a quota lower than the limited plan) resulted in meaningless argument. Either none of them see it, or they're trying to hide the fact that the FUP in its current implementation is ridiculous.

3. I told the manager that I'm sure I'm not the first person who has complained about this, he replied that I was correct, that there have been many others.

We need to keep calling and keep complaining (all users from all ISPs). We all know that the FUP policy is ridiculous. If we don’t let them know how we feel, how long will it take before they start implementing FUP during free hours (assuming they haven’t already) for everyone, including those on limited plans?

I see now why my speed has drastically decreased today. Thanks for your post.
This is totally ridiculous. I'm back from a few weeks trip to the US and I'm already disgusted again by this underdeveloped country.
In Lebanon we're just cows being milked every day without being fed.


#185 July 16 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

Speed barely reaching 10-15 kb/s using internet download manager today...


#186 July 16 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

This is by far my worst month with IDM... this bullshit needs to end.


#187 July 17 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

I should be at 256 KB/s but I got FUP'd for downloading less than a gig today.

Shitty Speeds

Image is self-explanatory.


#188 July 17 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

same here got FUP second time this month with 0.9to1.2GB per day which is totally unreasonable. Either IDM are stealing our money or they are idiots. No other explantion. I AM PAYING 50$ per month for this...... while others pay 19$ for 45gb which is unreachable by unlimited plans since they are applying FUP on us after crossing 1 gB per day. This means that i cant get pas 35gb per month which means that the 50$ that i am paying are not offering me my rights and i m getting robbed. GREAT JOB IDM. YOU CAN'T GET WORSE.
Who shld i call from IDM to explain that their fair policy lacks logic? (hay ser2a 3al makchouf)


#189 July 17 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

anthonyf96 wrote:

same here got FUP second time this month with 0.9to1.2GB per day which is totally unreasonable. Either IDM are stealing our money or they are idiots. No other explantion. I AM PAYING 50$ per month for this...... while others pay 19$ for 45gb which is unreachable by unlimited plans since they are applying FUP on us after crossing 1 gB per day. This means that i cant get pas 35gb per month which means that the 50$ that i am paying are not offering me my rights and i m getting robbed. GREAT JOB IDM. YOU CAN'T GET WORSE.
Who shld i call from IDM to explain that their fair policy lacks logic? (hay ser2a 3al makchouf)

Yeah it seems like whoever put these plans in order has no idea how computers work. I guarantee you they probably use floppies.


#190 July 17 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

Quick update: I got switched to the 50GB 4Mbps plan yesterday. If you bitch enough about it, they'll do it for you before the end of the month.


#191 July 18 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

zablonski wrote:

Quick update: I got switched to the 50GB 4Mbps plan yesterday. If you bitch enough about it, they'll do it for you before the end of the month.

can you post a speed test since you are on 4mb
iam 2mb 40gb user and waiting them to switch my account to 4mb


#192 July 18 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

sailor wrote:

can you post a speed test since you are on 4mb
iam 2mb 40gb user and waiting them to switch my account to 4mb


Divide by .008 to get kilobytes/sec.

Last edited by zablonski (July 18 2014)


#193 July 18 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

zablonski wrote:
sailor wrote:

can you post a speed test since you are on 4mb
iam 2mb 40gb user and waiting them to switch my account to 4mb


This is in kilobytes/sec of course. Multiply by .008 to get Mbps.

thats nice, what about internet download manager how much speed you get there when you download file


#194 July 18 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

This is my speedtest today at 7:50pm


#195 July 18 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

sailor wrote:

thats nice, what about internet download manager how much speed you get there when you download file

Downloading a large youtube video with internet download manager, I get speeds between 490 and 505 Kb/s.


#196 July 18 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

zablonski wrote:
sailor wrote:

thats nice, what about internet download manager how much speed you get there when you download file

Downloading a large youtube video with internet download manager, I get speeds between 490 and 505 Kb/s.

for me my speed is 250-270 Kb/s
yours should be 500 to 540


#197 July 19 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

sailor wrote:
zablonski wrote:
sailor wrote:

thats nice, what about internet download manager how much speed you get there when you download file

Downloading a large youtube video with internet download manager, I get speeds between 490 and 505 Kb/s.

for me my speed is 250-270 Kb/s
yours should be 500 to 540

No it's not possible to get 540 KB/s out of 4M, since 4 is truly 4096 kbps, divide it by 8 you'll get a max of 512 KB/s. Same goes for 2M, max is 256 KB/s


#198 July 19 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

But for my 2mb some times its  270kbs when using internet download manager


#199 July 19 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

I'm supposed to have 2Mbps but my download speed doesn't exceed 200 kb/s.


#200 July 19 2014


Re: Feedback for IDM

gamer4life wrote:

No it's not possible to get 540 KB/s out of 4M, since 4 is truly 4096 kbps, divide it by 8 you'll get a max of 512 KB/s. Same goes for 2M, max is 256 KB/s

sailor wrote:

But for my 2mb some times its  270kbs when using internet download manager

Add on top of what gamer4life said an extra 10%-15% adsl overhead.
Unless you're syncing at significantly above 2048kbps, it's just not possible. The true throughput of 2mbps adsl is around 1.8mbps, or aprox 225K/s.
You can run a network meter (Networx, DU meter ...) to get a more accurate reading.

For extra reading on adsl overhead: http://pflog.net/dsl_overhead/

So worst case, throughput is (1500-225)/1500 = 85.00 % efficient
and best case, throughput is (1500-193)/1500 = 87.13 % efficient

Last edited by trent (July 19 2014)


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